This page was last updated
23-Jul-2023 04:39

This section is devoted to general covers, package labels, envelopes and miscellaneous postal items used during the Third Reich period.

The first series of covers on this page are all related to the SAAR referendum held on Sunday 13th Jan 1935.(1st Mar 1935)
This cover was posted in SAARBRÜCKEN on 1st Mar 1935 and was addressed to the Stanley Gibbons Stamp Company in LONDON, England. The stamp is one of the SAAR special stamps issued on 16th Jan 1935 and is a Michel 568. The cancellation is a slogan cancel used during the transistion fom Protectorate to being part of Germany.

(11th Mar 1935)
This example has one of the two "End of the Saar Protectorate", 1934 issue Michel 545 stamps. The cancellation is a regular CDS used in WACHTENDONK on 11th Mar 1935. The town is located at the conflunce of the rivers Niers and Nette in North Rhine-Westphalia near the Dutch border.

(10th May 1935)
This cover was sent by a company named Carl Brill of SAARBRÜCKEN to the Saar Construction Industry A.G in the nearby town of SAARLOUIS on 10th May 1935. The cancellation is a slogan cancel used during the transistion fom Protectorate to being part of Germany. The stamp is another from the 1934 Saar Issue Michel 567

(May 1935)
The example below was sent to France and has mixed Saar and Germany franking. It also bears one of the special cancels used in SAARBRÜCKEN.

LOCAL COVER - (4th Jul 1935)
This cover was sent by the Regional Office of Central Franconia of the Reich Chamber of Fine Arts to a local NÜRNBERG address on 4th Jul 1935. The stamp is one of the 1934 Hindenburg Memorial issues Michel 548.

The next cover was sent on 19th Nov 1935 by the District Group of Bavaria r.d.Rh, the specialist sub-group of the furniture industry. The slogan cancellation is the same roller cancel as seen in the example above.

The following cover features the two Michel 586 and Michel 587 special stamps issued to commemorate the 1935 Reichsparteitag. The special cancellation is another one used to commemorate the annual Nazi Party Rally.

(12th/20th Oct 1935)
A series of postcards and covers was published to commemorate the 1935 Hanseatic Postal Stationery Exhibition held in Hamburg from 12th to 20th Oct 1935. The exhibition's 'mascot' was Hans Hummel (real name Johann Wilhelm Bent), who can be seen carrying large buckets of water. In addition a special handstamp was available to frank mail at the exhibition.

LEIPZIG to RIO de JANEIRO - (15th Feb 1935)
This airmail cover was sent from LEIPZIG to the Allemao Transatlantic Bank in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 15th Feb 1935. The stamps are a Michel 535 and a Michel 537 from the 1934 Airmail series.

BERLIN to VIENNA - (1st Aug 1935)
The following Registered Airmail cover was sent from BERLIN to VIENNA on 1st Aug 1935. The four stamps are all from the 1935 100th Anniversary of German Railways issue.

FRANKFURT to CALCUTTA, INDIA - (27th Sep 1935)
Another Airmail cover (cancelled 30th Sep) sent from FRANKFURT MAIN on 27th Sep and arriving in CALCUTTA, India on 3rd Oct.

BERLIN to BUENOS AIRES - (27th Nov 1935)
Posted on 21st Nov 1935 this Airmail cover was sent from BERLIN to BUENOS AIRES, Argentina. The stamps are two 1933 issue Hindenurg Medallions Michel 522 and Michel 525, and a 100Rpf, 1934 Airmail issue Michel 537.

BERLIN to CHILE - (30th Nov 1935)
The cover below was sent from BERLIN-CHARLOTTENBURG to Santiago De Chile in South America on 30th Nov 1935. The stamps total 300Rpf and consist of a wide variety of definitives and commemorative stamps, more than enough to cover the required postage.

FLENSBURG to KIEL - (15th Jul 1934)
The following cash on delivery card was sent from FLENSBURG to KIEL on 15th Jul 1935. The three stamps consist of two Hindenburg Medallions: a 5Rpf Michel 515 and a 6Rpf Michel 516. The third stamp is 12Rpf 1935 issue Michel 581

BRESLAU to BERLIN - (4th Feb 1935)
The following letter was an official cover sent from BRESLAU to BERLIN. The cover is correctly franked at 24Rpf being the required fee for an intercity delivery weighing 20 to 250gm. The stamps are comprised of four 6Rpf, 1933 issue Hindenburg Medallions Michel 516 stamps.

(12th Jun 1935)
This cover was sent from HAMBURG to BERLIN on 12th Jun 1935. The cover has been cancelled with a special cancellation advertising Derby Week.