This page was last updated
15-Apr-2023 05:25

This section is devoted to general covers, package labels, envelopes and miscellaneous postal items used during the Third Reich period.
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Registered Covers, Official Covers, Airmail Covers, Regular Covers, Nachnahme, Package Cards

(2nd Jan 1934)
This registered letter was sent to the Deutsche Credit Bank in CHEMNITZ from an address in GELENAU on 2nd Jan 1934. Four 1933 issue Hindenburg Medallion stamps we used to cover the postage: a single 6Rpf Michel 516, an 8Rpf Michel 517 and a pair of 20Rpf Michel 521.
On the reverse side is a seal commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the GELENAU Bank as well as a receiving cancellation the same day in CHEMNITZ.

STUTTGART to DUSSELDORF - (25th Jan 1934)
This official cover was sent to the Post Office in Dusseldorf from an address in STUTTGART on 25th Jan 1934. The cover has a nice, cleanly struck roller cancellation advising people to use Airmail "BENUTZE | DIE | LUFTPOST"

This official cover was a local delivery from the Wurttemburg forest directorate posted on 3rd Apr 1934. The cover has a nice, cleanly struck special roller cancellation commemorating the 175th Anniversry of the birth of Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller, a renowned German playwright, poet and essayist.

This airmail cover was sent from WITTENBERG (HALLE) to an address in RIO de JANEIRO in BRAZIL in early Apr 1934. The cover was carried by Lufthansa - Condor and features the red, circular "DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST | EUROPA-SÜDAMERIKA" cachet.

LOCAL MUNICH COVER - (16th Jan 1934)
This cover was sent to the district specialist group of municipal officials in Munich on 16th Jan 1934. The stamp is a regular 1933 issue 3Rpf Hindenbug Medallion Michel 513 and there is also a special roller cancel.

HAMBURG to TEHRAN, IRAN - (31st May 1934)
This cover was sent from HAMBURG to the Persian National Bank in TEHERAN (in present day Iran) on 31st May 1934. The stamps are a 15Rpf, 1928 issue, Michel 414 stamp and a 1933 issue 10Rpf Michel 518 Hindenburg Medallion. The postmark is an interesting roller cancel used to advertise the Munich Settlement Exhibition.

Another cover featuring the special slogan cancellation, this time used in MUNICH on 6th Jul 1934.

COVER GOTHA to MERSEBURG - (31st Jul 1934)
This cover was sent from the town of GOTHA in Thüringia, about 20Km west of ERFURT. The destination was MERSEBURG in Saxony-Anhalt on the river Saale, 14Km south of HALLE (SAALE). The stamp is a 1934 issue 12Rpf, Michel 542 stamp from the 'German Explorers' series.

BRESLAU to BERLIN - (1st Aug 1934)
This cover was sent from BRESLAU to the management of the Reich Association of Agricultural Machinery Trade E.V. in BERLIN on 1st Aug 1934. As with the example above it has a 1934 issue 12Rpf, Michel 542 stamp from the 'German Explorers' series.

This cover was sent to the Bavarian mortgages and exchange bank in ASCHAFFENBURG. The stamp is a 1934 issue Michel 545 "End of the Saar Protectorate" commemorative stamp and the slogan cancel is one that was used to convince Germans to protect their jobs by buying only German goods.

STUTTGART to RUHL - (27th Sep 1934)
This rather plain looking cover was sent from STUTTGART to RÜHL on 27th Sep 1934. The stamp is a 1934 issue Michel 545 "End of the Saar Protectorate" commemorative stamp and the slogan cancel is one that was used to highlight the work of the Air Protection League or Luftschutzbund.

ELBING to NÜRNBERG - (23rd Nov 1934)
This cover was sent from ELBING to NÜRNBERG on 23rd Nov 1934. The stamp is a 12Rpf, 1934 issue Michel 555 Schiller commemorative stamp. The postmark is a slogan cancel used to advertise the Danzig Street Post.

NÜRNBERG to CHEMNITZ - (10th Dec 1934)
This cover was sent by the company Walter Teichmann (a Scouring pads, steel wool and steel shavings factory) in NÜRNBERG to a company named "Cirine-Werke, Böhme & Lorenz" in CHEMNITZ.

DRESDEN to PIRNA - (15th Dec 1934)
This plain looking cover was sent from DRESDEN to PIRNA on 15th Dec 1934. The stamp is a 1934 issue Michel 545 "End of the Saar Protectorate" commemorative stamp and the slogan cancel is a very common one that was used to remind people to add the street and the house number to the address of the destination. This version of the special slogan cancel has the 'ss' spelling of Strasse.

GIESSEN to GELNHAUSEN - (13th Nov 1934)
Another plain looking cover featuring the 1934 issue Michel 545 "End of the Saar Protectorate" commemorative stamp. It also has the same slogan cancel as the cover above reminding people to include the house and street number of the destination address. This version of the special slogan cancel has the 'β' spelling of Straβe.

The following cover is a nice example of the special roller cancel used during the 1934 Reichsparteitag held in NÜRNBERG. It was sent from a company named Allfeld & Egloff to a Mr Jörss at a company named Weitz & Gebert G.m.b.H in Hamburg.

SYKE to HEILIGENFELDE - (20th Mar 1934)
This cash on delivery card was sent from SYKE in Lower Saxony, about 20Km south of BREMEN on 20th Mar 1934. The destination was the village of HEILIGENFELDE in Saxony-Anhalt. The cancellation is a 25Rpf company meter cancel inscribed "Schützt Eure Krankenkasse dein sie kostet Euer Geld" - 'Protect your health insurance, it costs you money'.

DIEZ to SINGHOFEN - (1st Aug 1934)
The following Cash on Delivery card was sent locally from the town of DIEZ an der LAHN in the Rhineland Palatinate to SINGHOFEN on 1st Aug 1934. The two stamps used to pay the postage are a 1933 3Rpf Michel 513 and a 20Rpf Michel 521.

RUHLA to BRUSSELS - (19th Jul 1934)
The following package card was sent from a metal working firm named Albert Winkler in RUHLA in Thuringia, to BRUSSELS in Belgium on 19th Jul 1934.

BERLIN to LIMBURG (BELGIUM) - (27th Mar 1934)
The package card below was sent from BERLIN to LIMBURG in Belgium on 27th Mar 1934. The package went via AACHEN and LIEGE before arriving at its destination three days later.