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05-Nov-2022 11:08

This page list te special postmarks that were either used at or are related to the various Reichsparteitag Rallies held in NÜRNBERG from 1933 to 1939 (there was no rally in 1939 due to the German invasion of Poland, but a special cancel was already in use before the invasion).

(30th Aug/3rd Sep 1933)
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 16, Page 591, No.31.
The annual Reichsparteitag (Nazi Party Rally) in 1933 saw the use of the following cancellation. It is inscribed "REICHSPARTEITAG | NSDAP | NÜRNBERG | 30.AUG.-3.SEPT.1933" and was available in several formats with six possible variants to collect:
Type 'A' (Slogan on left, CDS on right) with '***', '*1*', '*2*' or '*5*'
Type 'B' (Slogan on right, CDS on left) with '*1*' or '*2*'
Type 'Bd' Continuous series of alternating CDS and Slogan - Only with '*2*'.

ABOVE LEFT: HANDSTAMP Type 'A' with "***" Example here


(5th/10th Sep 1934)
There were three special slogan cancels related to the 1934 rally.
1. The first example is a rectangular stamp inscribed "Reichsparteitag | der N.S.D.A.P | in Nurnberg | vom 5. mit 10.Sept 1934". The left had side of the rectangle features a Swastika on 13 vertical lines. There are a number of variants of the accompanying CDS as follows:
Type 'A' (slogan on the left, CDS on the right): With "1/u", "2/***", "*2*" (Type I with curved foot, Type II with edged foot) or "5/c"
Type 'Bd' (Continuous series of alternating CDS and Slogan - Only with '*2*')

Click here for an example on cover from my collection.
2. The second variant is a small circular handstamp inscribed " * REICHSPARTEITAG * | N.S.D.A.P | NÜRNBERG" with a single small swastika used from 29.8 to 10.9.1934.

3. The third stamp is another rectangular stamp inscribed "Nürnberg | Die Stadt der | Reichs= | Parteitag" and features a small swastika and a coat of arms with two imperial eagles with outstretched wings. This cancel was also used in 1935, 1936 and 1937. There are multiple versions of this stamp:
Type 'A' (slogan on the left, CDS on the right): With "*1*", "1/u", "2/***", "2/*2*" (two versions with different foot as above), "2/c", "2/u", "2/a/H/DSdR", "2/c/H/DSdR", "2/e/H/DSdR", "2/e/H/DSdR", "5/c".
Type 'Bd' (Continuous series of alternating CDS and Slogan - Only with '*2*')
"H" = Swastika, DSdR = Die Stadt der Reichsparteitag in the CDS.

Click here for an example of a Type 'Bd' on a postcard from my collection.

(10th/16th Sep 1935)
There were two special slogan cancels related to the 1935 rally.
1. The first example is a rectangular stamp inscribed "Reichsparteitag | der N.S.D.A.P | in Nurnberg | vom 10. bis 16.Sept 1935". The left had side of the rectangle features a Swastika on 13 vertical lines. There are a number of variants ot the accompanying CDS as follows:
Type 'A' (slogan on the left, CDS on the right): With "/*1*", "/*2*" or "5/c"
Type 'Bd' (Continuous series of alternating CDS and Slogan - Only with '*2*')

ABOVE: Example on cover (C)
2. The second variant is a small circular handstamp inscribed "REICHSPARTEITAG | N.S.D.A.P | NÜRNBERG" with two small swastikas, one each side of the word REICHSPARTEITAG used from 10.9 to 16.9.1935. There were multiple counters used as follows: a, b, c, d, e, and f. The same cancel with these and other counters was used in 1936.

ABOVE LEFT: Special handstamp counter 'c' on Michel 586 (C)
ABOVE RIGHT: Special handstamp counter 'c' on Michel 587 (C)

(8th/14th Sep 1936)
There were two special slogan cancels related to the 1936 rally.
1. The first variant is a small circular handstamp inscribed "REICHSPARTEITAG | N.S.D.A.P | NÜRNBERG" with two small swastikas, one each side of the word REICHSPARTEITAG (as in 1935), used from 8.9 to 14.9.1936. There were multiple counters used as follows: a -> i, k -> p, qu, r -> y.

2. The second stamp is another rectangular stamp inscribed "Nürnberg | Die Stadt der | Reichs= | Parteitag" and features a small swastika and a coat of arms with two imperial eagles with outstretched wings (almost identical to the 1934 version). This cancel was also used in 1935, 1936 and 1937. There are multiple versions of this stamp:
The cancel exists as a Type 'B', CDS on the left and rectangle on the right with: "2/b/(H)/DSdR" and as Type 'Bd'.

(6th/13th Sep 1937)
There were several special slogan cancels used related to the 1937 rally.
1. The first stamp is another rectangular stamp inscribed "Nürnberg | Die Stadt der | Reichs= | Parteitag" and features a small swastika and a coat of arms with two imperial eagles with outstretched wings (almost identical to the 1936 version). This cancel was also used in 1934, 1935 and 1936. There are multiple versions of this stamp:
The cancel exists as a Type 'B', CDS on the left and rectangle on the right with: "2/b/(H)/DSdR" and as Type 'Bd'.

A second rectangular cancel used in 1937, 1938, 1939 qnd 1940 was also available inscribed "STADT DER | REICHSPARTEITAG | Nürnberg" which features one of the giant eagle statues in the Luitpold Arena and a panoramic outline of the city. This stamp existed in several formats:
Type 'A': "/2/a/(H)/DSdR", "/2/c/(H)/DSdR","/2/d/(H)/DSdR","/2/e/(H)/DSdR","/2/h/(H)/DSdR" and "/2/i/(H)/DSdR"
Type 'Bd': "/2/b/(H)/DSdR" and "/2/h/(H)/DSdR",

The third cancel is a circular cancel inscribed "NÜRNBERG | Reichsparteitag der NSDAP" and featuring an imperial eagle with a large swastika symbol on its chest. This cancel was used from 6th to 13th Sep 1937 and has multiple possible counters as follows: no counter, a -> i, k -> p, qu, r -> ak, al -> an.

A fourth cancel is also a circular cancel very similar to the one above but now inscribed "NÜRNBERG | REICHSPARTEITAG | NSKK Zeltlager Mogeldorf" and featuring an imperial eagle with a large swastika symbol on its chest. This cancel was used from 6th to 13th Sep 1937 and has multiple possible counters as follows: no counter, a, b, c, and d. The counter 'a' exists in two different types: Type I - 'a' next to 'N' of NSKK. Type II - 'a' next to the first 'K'.

(5th/12th Sep 1938)
There were several special slogan cancels used related to the 1937 rally.
The first 1938 cancel is a circular cancel inscribed "NÜRNBERG | Reichsparteitag der NSDAP" and featuring an imperial eagle with a large swastika symbol on its chest (as in 1937). This cancel was used from 5th to 13th Sep 1937 and has multiple possible counters as follows: no counter, a -> i, k -> p, qu, r -> ak, al -> an.

A second cancel is also a circular cancel very similar to the one above but now inscribed "NÜRNBERG | REICHSPARTEITAG | NSKK Zeltlager Mogeldorf" and featuring an imperial eagle with a large swastika symbol on its chest (as in 1937). This cancel was used from 5th to 13th Sep 1937 and has multiple possible counters as follows: no counter, a, b, c, and d. The counter 'a' exists in two different types: Type I - 'a' next to 'N' of NSKK. Type II - 'a' next to the first 'K'.

A third cancel used in 1937, 1938, 1939 qnd 1940 was also available inscribed "STADT DER | REICHSPARTEITAG | Nürnberg" which features one of the giant eagle statues in the Luitpold Arena and a panoramic outline of the city. This stamp existed in several formats:
Type 'A': "/2/a/(H)/DSdR", "/2/c/(H)/DSdR","/2/d/(H)/DSdR","/2/e/(H)/DSdR","/2/h/(H)/DSdR" and "/2/i/(H)/DSdR"
Type 'Bd': "/2/b/(H)/DSdR" and "/2/h/(H)/DSdR",

The fourth and final special Reichsparteitag cancel is another rectangle cancel featuring two Nazi flags and a panoramic view of the city along with the inscription "Parteitag | Grossdeutschlands".

(2nd/11th Sep 1939)