This page was last updated
04-May-2023 02:34
The study of the various postmarks and cancellations used in 1928 is a difficult one due to the limited information available. Fortunately we have the BOCHMANN catalogue to assist in identifying most of them. Whilst the catalogue covers the vast majority of special cancellations, and is a required source for this area of study, the information provided is limited and does not put the various postmarks and cancellations into context. The Bochmann catalogue forms the basis of this page but I have provided additional information where possible. My apologies now for any errors and the inevitable ommisions.
(Jun - Oct 1928)
There were five special cancels used in 1928 in Munich to commemorate the 1928 "Heim und Technik Ausstellung" - 'Home and Technology Exhibition'
1. REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 14, Page 547, Nr 51: This roller cancel was only used in 1927 prior to the exhibition and is inscribed "IN VORBERTEITUNG | AUSSTELLUNG | HEIM UND TECHNIK | MÜNCHEN | MAI bis Oktober 1928" on five lines of text.
Four variants exist:
Counter * 1 * Type Bd
Counter * 2 * Type Bd
Counter * 8 * Type Bd
Counter * 13 * Type Bd
2. REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 14, Page 547, Nr 52: inscribed "IN VORBERTEITUNG | AUSSTELLUNG | HEIM UND TECHNIK | MÜNCHEN 1928" on four lines of text. This stamp was used in 1927 and 1928.
Two variants exist:
Counter * 6 * Type B
Counter * 23 * Type B
The * 6 * stamp has two variants: Type I and Type II - [Needs more research]
3. REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 14, Page 547, Nr 53: This roller cancel was only used in 1928 and is inscribed "IN VORBERTEITUNG | AUSSTELLUNG | HEIM UND TECHNIK | MÜNCHEN | 1928" on five lines of text. Several variants exist:
Counter * 1 * with bar in front of '1928' Type Bd
Counter * 1 * without bar in front of '1928' Type Bd
Counter * 2 * Type Bd
Counter * 8 * Type Bd
Counter * 13 * Type Bd
4. REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 14, Page 548, Nr 54: This variant was only used in 1928 and is inscribed "HEIM UND | TECHNIK | AUSSTELLUNG 1928 | MÜNCHEN | JUNI BIS OKTOBER" on five lines of text. There is a bar after 'und' and another one before "Juni". Several variants exist:
Counter * 1 * Type Bd
Counter * 6 * Type B - smaller with no bars
Counter * 8 * Type Bd
Counter * 13 * Type Bd
Counter * 23 * Type B - smaller with no bars. Hours numerals are above or below other texts
ABOVE: Counter * 1 * Type Bd
5. REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 14, Page 547, Nr 55: This handstamp was used from 21st May until 7th Oct 1928 and is inscribed "AUSSTELLUNGSPOSTAMT | * HEIM UND TECHNIK * | 1928".
Two variants exist:
Counter "-' Type Hd
Counter "*" Type Hd
(Jul 1928)
The following special handstamp was used in BAD HOMBURG and there are two versions.
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 10, Page 394, Nr 3.
The first version is inscribed "BAD HOMBURG | heilt | Magen- Darm- Stoffwechsel- | u. Herzkrankheiten" - 'Bad Homburg heals Gastrointestinal, Metabolism and heart diseases'.
There are four variants all with 'BAD HOMBERG v.d.HÖHE' * 1 i counters. They are Type 'C', Type 'D', Type 'E' and Type 'F'.
ABOVE: BAD HOMBURG Partial cancel
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 10, Page 394, Nr 4.
Inscribed simply 'BAD HOMBURG | MAGEN | DARM'. There are two versions: 'BAD HOMBERG v.d.HÖHE' counter: * 1 i Type 'A' and 'BAD HOMBERG v.d.HÖHE' counter: 1 i Type 'A'.
(10th Aug 1928)
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 14, Page 508, Nr 3.
The following special roller stamp was used in LUDWIGSBURG and bears the inscription "Ludwigsburg | die Stadt | der Schlösser und Gärten | mit Heilbad | Hoheneck | dem Bad gegen | Gicht-Rheuma-Zucker- | Herz - und Darmrankheiten" - 'Ludwigsburg, the city of Castles and Gardens, with medicinal baths. Hoheneck, the bathroom against Gout, Rheumatism, Sugar, heart and intestinal diseases'
Two examples of this roller cancel exist: According to Bochmann the first, with counter * 1 *, was used from 1928 until 1931 and the second with counter * PA Nr.1 *, was used from 1932 until 1935. However the example below is dated 1928 and it has the later design with counter * PA Nr.1 *
ABOVE: counter * PA Nr.1 * variant dated 10th Aug 1928, four years before Bochmann's date. Could it be that Bochmann has the dates reversed and * PA Nr.1 * was used 1928 to 1931 and * 1 * was used from 1932 to 1935?