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14-Feb-2023 08:06

MICHEL 410 to 422

ABOVE LEFT: Michel 410 3Rpf - black ochre
ABOVE CENTRE LEFT: Michel 411 5Rpf - dark green
ABOVE CENTRE RIGHT: Michel 412 8Rpf - black opal green
ABOVE RIGHT: Michel 413 10Rpf - cinnabar red

ABOVE LEFT: Michel 414 15Rpf - lilac red
ABOVE CENTRE LEFT: Michel 415 20Rpf - black green blue
ABOVE CENTRE RIGHT: Michel 416 25Rpf - blue
ABOVE RIGHT: Michel 417 30Rpf - black olive

ABOVE LEFT: Michel 418 40Rpf - dark violet purple
ABOVE CENTRE LEFT: Michel 419 45Rpf - bright reddish orange
ABOVE CENTRE RIGHT: Michel 420 50Rpf - dark orange brown
ABOVE RIGHT: Michel 421 60Rpf - darkish brown red

ABOVE LEFT: Michel 422 80Rpf - black red brown

MICHEL 455, 423 and 424
This series of three stamps features an image of The Graf Zeppelin, L.Z. 127 flying around the world. The 2 Mark and 4 Mark were issued in 1928 with the 1 Mark issued in 1931.
This was the first of four Zeppelin issues to feature this design, the differences being in the overprint. This issue has no overprint, the second issue in 1930 was the South America issue Michel 438 and 439, the third issue in 1931 was the Polar Flight issue Michel 456 to 458 and the final issue in 1933 was to commemorate the Chicago World's Fair Michel 496 to 498.

ABOVE LEFT: Michel 455 1 MARK - red
ABOVE CENTRE LEFT: Michel 423 2 MARK - bright lilac ultramarine
ABOVE RIGHT: Michel 424 4 MARK - black brown

MICHEL 425 to 429
On 15th Nov 1928 the third and penultimate set of semi-postal Coat of Arms stamps was issued to raise funds for German charities. The first set of three stamps Michel 375 to 377 was issued in 1925. A second set was issued in 1926 Michel 398 to 401 and a final set Michel 430 to 434 in 1929.

ABOVE LEFT: Michel 425 5Rpf + 5Rpf - multicoloured
ABOVE CENTRE LEFT: Michel 426 8Rpf + 7Rpf - multicoloured
ABOVE CENTRE RIGHT: Michel 427 15Rpf + 15Rpf - multicoloured
ABOVE RIGHT: Michel 428 25Rpf + 25Rpf - multicoloured

ABOVE LEFT: Michel 429 50Rpf + 50Rpf - multicoloured