This page was last updated
04-May-2023 12:52

The study of the various postmarks and cancellations used in 1927 is a difficult one due to the limited information available. Fortunately we have the BOCHMANN catalogue to assist in identifying most of them. Whilst the catalogue covers the vast majority of special cancellations, and is a required source for this area of study, the information provided is limited and does not put the various postmarks and cancellations into context. The Bochmann catalogue forms the basis of this page but I have provided additional information where possible. My apologies now for any errors and the inevitable ommisions.

(26th Apr 1927)
The following special slogan cancellations promote the Bayerische Craftwork Exhibition held in MUNICH from May to Oct 1927.
1. [BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 14, Page 547, Number: S 46] A circular Handstamp inscribed "Ausstellung | Das Bayerische Handwerk | 1927 | Muenchen" was used in the city from 9th May until 10th Oct 1927.

2. [BOCHMANN: Heft Nr: 25, Page: 806, Number: 56] A roller cancel or Serienstempel inscribed "Ausstellung | München 1927 | Mai - Oktober | Das | bayerische | Handwerk" and featuring a master craftsman with sealed roll used in Augsburg, München and Nürnberg

3. [BOCHMANN: Heft Nr: 25, Page: 807, Number: 61] A roller or Serienstempel and a Type B handstamp inscribed "Ausstellung München 1927 | Mai - | Oktober | Das bayerische Handwerk" and featuring a hand was used from 25th Nov 1926 until 21st Jan 1927 in Augsburg, München and Nürnberg.

(18th May 1927)
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 7, Page 280 and 281, Nr 41, 42, 43 and 44.
This special cancel is inscribed "ÄLTESTE DEUTSCHE MESSE" - 'The oldest German Fair'.
There are four versions of this slogan cancel:
Design 1 - Number 41: This is a circular cancellation inscribed "FRANKFURT(MAIN) | Älteste deutsche Messe". It was used every year from 1926 until 1929 and exists in multiple variations.

Design 2 - Number 42: CDS separate from inscription which reads 'Frankfurt am Main | alteste | deutsche Messe' surrounded by a cloud. Used every year from 1926 until 1929.
There are five versions of this cancellation:
1. '(Main) * 1 a': Type 'A' cancellation.
2. '(Main) a 1 e': Type 'A' cancellation.
3. '(Main) * 1 U': Type 'A' cancellation.
4. '(Main) * 2 II': Type 'A' cancellation.
5. '(Main) 2':

Design 3: Number 43: CDS separate from inscription which reads "ÄLTESTE DEUTSCHE MESSE" on a single line in an oval. Used every year from 1926 until 1930.
There are multiple versions of number 43 as follows:
1. Counter '* (Main) 1'
2. Counter '(Main) 1 *': Type I: (Main) 3.5mm high, Type II (Main) 2.5mm high
3. Counter '* (Main) 1 a'
4. Counter '* (Main) 1 b': Type I: (Main) 2.5mm high, Type II (Main) 3mm high
5. Counter 'a (Main) 1 u'
6. Counter 'a (Main) 2 f': Type I: (Main) 3mm high, Type II (Main) 2.5mm high
7. Counter 'g (Main) 2 g'

ABOVE: Number 43 with '* (Main) 1' counter. Example on cover
Design 4: Number 44: CDS separate from inscription which reads "ÄLTESTE | DEUTSCHE MESSE" now on two lines in an oval. Only used in 1927 and also has multiple counters as follows:
1. Counter 'hn (Main) 1': City name 90 degrees to the right
2. Counter 'm (Main) 2': City name 90 degrees to the left
3. Counter 'r (Main) 2': City name 90 degrees to the left
4. Counter 's (Main) 2': City name 90 degrees to the left
5. Counter 'h (Main) 6': City name 90 degrees to the right
6. Counter 'M '* Nordost 14 c': City name 90 degrees to the right

(21st Jun 1927)
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 11, Page 411, Nr 15.
This roller cancel was applied in KASSEL on 21st Jun 1927 and was used to promote the 'World Famous Painting Gallery' in Kassel. The inscription reads "Kassel | die | Kongress-Stadt | Weltberühmte | Gemälde Galerie" - 'Kassel | die | Kongress-Stadt | Weltberühmte | Gemälde Galerie' and features two intertwined ribbons. The slogan cancel was used in 1926 and again in 1927 and can be found with either 'Kassel' or 'Cassel' spelling.

(21st Jul and 26th Nov 1927)
There are a number of different versions of a widely used special cancel that was used to encourage people to 'Get a Post Check Account'.
1. BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 25, Page 801, Nr 2.
Inscribed "Nimm ein | Postcheck- | konto!". Frame surrounded by dashed lines and text in Antigua font. Used in 13 towns and cities from 8th Feb 1919 to 1928, 1930, 1933, 1935, 1936 and 1937. Exists in type Bd (Ribbon stamp with two text and advertising texts of the same shape) and type K (Two different advertising texts or one advertising text alternating with a line pattern).

ABOVE: Type Bd roller used in HEILBRONN
2. BOCHMANN: Heft Nr: 21, Page: 707, Number: 19.
This roller cancel exists with several different counters in STUTTGART: "P.A.Nr.1", "* P.A.Nr.1 *", "* 1 * b", "* PA Nr.1 a" and "* PA Nr.1 b".

ABOVE: STUTTGART cancel with counter "* PA Nr.1 b"

(30th Jul to 10th Nov 1927)
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 14, Page 525, Nr 3.
The following special handstamp was the only one used to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of Philipps University (1527-1927) in MARBURG (LAHN). A commemorative postcard was also available.