This page was last updated
10-May-2023 07:43
The study of the various postmarks and cancellations used in 1929 is a difficult one due to the limited information available. Fortunately we have the BOCHMANN catalogue to assist in identifying most of them. Whilst the catalogue covers the vast majority of special cancellations, and is a required source for this area of study, the information provided is limited and does not put the various postmarks and cancellations into context. The Bochmann catalogue forms the basis of this page but I have provided additional information where possible. My apologies now for any errors and the inevitable ommisions.
(May / Oct 1929, 1930, 1931)
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 13, Page 473, Number: S 55
This special cancel was likely used to promote the DRESDEN HYGIENE EXHIBITION, but since it doesn't reference hygiene explicity I have listed it separately. It was used in 1929, 1930 and 1931, see see here for more details.
There is only one version of this roller cancel and it is simply inscribed 'DRESDEN | Ausstellung'. The attached CDS is inscribed 'DRESDEN-A | * 1 a'. This cancellation is slightly unusual in that it has the CDS 90 degrees from the usual orientation.
(16th Oct 1929)
To commemorate the upcoming LEIPZIG Fur and Hunting Exhibition to be held in LEIPZIG in 1930 this special slogan cancellation was used. For more details see here
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 13, Page 474, Nr 85
ABOVE: Type 'Bd' Special roller cancel C1.
ABOVE: Type 'A' Special cancel N22.
This slogan cancel was used from 2.12.1929 and every year afterwards until 1942 when it was last used. After 1942 this cancel was no longer used, as due to increasing Allied air raids, the phone system was critical to the Luftschutz in order to respond to the outbreaks of fires so the public was advised not to use the phone. The cancel is inscribed "FERNSPRECHER | SPART | ZEIT und GELD", - 'TELEPHONE | SAVES | TIME and MONEY' and was used in 156 towns and cities. The cancels was available in multipple formats:
Type A: Slogan on the left and CDS on the right (see below)
Type B: CDS on the left and slogan on the right
Type C: with slogan on the left, CDS in the middle and 6 wavy lines on the right
Type D: with slogan on the right, CDS in the centre and 6 wavy lines on the left.
Type F: with CDS in the middle and different slogans either side.
Type G: as Type F but different slogans
Type Ro: with a hand roller stamp with alternating CDS and slogans joined by lines.
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 25, Page 811, No. S102.
ABOVE: 'S102' Type 'A'
There were four different designs used to commmemorate the 1929 and 1930 Dresden Hygiene Exhibition. Inscribed "INTERNATIONALE | HYGIENE | AUSSTELLUNG | Mai 1930 Okt | DRESDEN". The four earlier designs vary depending on the design of the eye. See 1930 Dresden Hygiene Exhibition for more details
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 5, Page 228/229, No. S57, S58, S59 and S60.
(12th Nov 1929)
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 8, Page 352, Nr 46
This cancel was applied in HAMBURG on 12th Nov 1929 and the inscription reads "HAMBURG | DEUTSCHLANDS GRÖßTER HAFEN" - 'HAMBURG | GERMANY'S BIGGEST PORT'. There are six variations of this slogan, the first three are type A with counters '*', 'a' and 'b'. There are also three Type Bd with 'a', 'b' and 'f' counters. In addition, there are two versions of the Type Bd with a '* 1 a' counter: Type I with a large upright star on the stern and Type II with a small oblique star on the stern.