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03-Jun-2023 01:07
The study of the various postmarks and cancellations used in 1930 is a difficult one due to the limited information available. Fortunately we have the BOCHMANN catalogue to assist in identifying most of them. Whilst the catalogue covers the vast majority of special cancellations, and is a required source for this area of study, the information provided is limited and does not put the various postmarks and cancellations into context. The Bochmann catalogue forms the basis of this page but I have provided additional information where possible. My apologies now for any errors and the inevitable ommisions.
(May / Oct 1929, 1930, 1931)
This special cancel was likely used to promote the DRESDEN HYGIENE EXHIBITION (see below), but since it doesn't reference hygiene explicity I have listed it separately.
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 13, Page 473, Number: S 55
There is only one version of this roller cancel and it is simply inscribed 'DRESDEN | Ausstellung'. The attached CDS is inscribed 'DRESDEN-A | * 1 a'. This cancellation is slightly unusual in that it has the CDS 90 degrees from the usual orientation.
ABOVE: Roller slogan cancelled 12th Oct 1930.
(May / Oct 1930)
There were eight different slogan cancels used to promote the 1930 International Hygiene Exhibition held in Dresden between May and Oct 1930. The first four designs 57, 58, 59 and 60 are very similar in that they feature a large eye and the cancels vary in the design of the eye. These four designs were also used in 1929
FIRST DESIGN: 1929 and 1930
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 5, Page 228, Number: S 57
This slogan is inscribed "INTERNATIONALE | HYGIENE | AUSSTELLUNG | Mai 1930 Okt Dresden". In this variant the iris of the eye is white and the eyelashes have a sequence of one short, thick eyelash, then two long, thin eyelashes, and this repeats continuously.
There are 11 variants of this slogan cancel including Types 'A' (6 types): 'Altstadt | * 1 VII', 'Altst. | * 19 I', 'Altstadt | * 24 I', 'A 24 | * III', 'A | * 24 IV' and 'A | * 24 V'. Type 'B' (5 types): 'Altst | * 1 III', 'Altst | * 19 I', 'Altstadt | * 19 III', 'A 24 | * III' and 'Neust | * 25 *'.
ABOVE LEFT: Bochmann S 57, Type 'A', cancelled 14th Oct 1929 (C)
ABOVE RIGHT: Bochmann S 57, Type 'A', cancelled 23rd Oct 1929 (C)
ABOVE: Bochmann S 57, Type 'B', cancelled 31st Oct 1929 (C)
SECOND DESIGN: 1929 and 1930
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 5, Page 228, Number: S 58
This slogan is inscribed "INTERNATIONALE | HYGIENE | AUSSTELLUNG | Mai 1930 Okt Dresden". In this variant the eye has white iris with two concentric circles. The eyelash hairs are of equal length and alternate one thick and three thin lashes.
There are 3 variants of this slogan cancel including Types 'A' (2 types): 'Altstadt | * 1 VI' and 'Altstadt | 1 VII'. Type 'B' (1 type): 'Altst | * 1 VI*'.
ABOVE: Bochmann S 58, Type 'A', cancellation dated 20th Jun 1930 (C)
THIRD DESIGN: 1929 and 1930
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 5, Page 229, Number: S 59
This slogan is inscribed "INTERNATIONALE | HYGIENE | AUSSTELLUNG | Mai 1930 Okt Dresden". In this variant the eye has a checkered iris, eyelashes of equal length, alternating one thick and two thin lines.
There are 2 variants of this slogan cancel, both type 'A': 'Altstadt | * 1 VI' and 'Altstadt | 1 VIII'.
ABOVE: Bochmann S 59
FOURTH DESIGN: 1929 and 1930
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 5, Page 229, Number: S 60
This slogan is inscribed "INTERNATIONALE | HYGIENE | AUSSTELLUNG | Mai 1930 Okt Dresden". In this variant the iris of the eye is white with two concentric circles. The eyelash hairs are of equal length, alternately one thick and two thin strands.
There are 10 variants of this slogan cancel, both type 'A' and type 'B' variants. Type 'A': (7 variants): 'A 1 | * I', 'Altst, | * 1 II', 'Altst. | * 1 III', 'Altstadt | * 1 VIII', N | * 23 I', 'A | * 24 IV', and 'A | * 24 V'. Type 'B': 'A 1 | * I', 'Altst. | * 1 III'and 'Neust. | * 25 *'
ABOVE: Bochmann S 60
ABOVE RIGHT: Bochmann S 60, Type 'B', cancelled 3rd Mar 1930 (C)
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 5, Page 229, Number: S 61
This slogan is inscribed "INTERN. | HYGIENE-AUSSTELLUNG 1930 | DRESDEN | AUSSTELLUNGSPOSTAMT". This version features and eye and there is only one variant and it was used from 17th May until 12th Oct 1930
ABOVE: Bochmann S 61 cancelled on 12th Oct 1930, the last day of use (P).
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 5, Page 229, Number: S 62
This slogan is inscribed "INTERN. | HYGIENE-AUSSTELLUNG | DRESDEN 1930". There is only one variant and it has an 'a' counter. It was used from 17th May until 12th Oct 1930
ABOVE: Bochmann S 62 cancelled on 12th Oct 1930, the last day of use (P).
REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 5, Page 229, Number: S 63
This slogan is inscribed "INTERNATIONALE HYGIENE | AUSSTELLUNG | DRESDEN 1930 | HYGIENE | MUSEUMS- | AUSSTELLUNG". There is only one variant, a Type 'A' and it was used from 17th May until 12th Oct 1930
ABOVE: Bochmann S 63 cancelled on 12th Oct 1930, the last day of use (P).
(31st May / 30th Sep 1930)
There were two similar slogan cancels used to promote the 1930 International Fur and Hunting Exhibition held in LEIPZIG between May and Sep 1930.
This slogan is inscribed "LEIPZIG 1930 | iPA | INTERNAT. PELZFACH- | AUSSTELLUNG | INTERNAT. | JAGD- | AUSSTELLUNG | Mai - September" - 'LEIPZIG 1930 | iPA | INTERNATIONAL FUR COMPARTMENT | EXHIBITION | INTERNATIONAL | HUNTING | EXHIBITION | May - September'. There are at least 16 variants of this slogan cancel including Types 'A', 'B' and 'Bd' from LEIPZIG C1 and C2, S3, C5, O8, N22 and W31.
ABOVE: Type Bd slogan cancel used in LEIPZIG C1 *, counter 'aa'. For an example on cover see here.
This cancel is inscribed "LEIPZIG 1930 | iPA | INTERNAT. | PELZFACH- | AUSSTELLUNG | INTERNAT. | JAGD | AUSSTELLUNG | 31. Mai bis 30. SEP." - 'LEIPZIG 1930 | INTERNATIONAL FUR EXHIBITION | INTERNATIONAL HUNTING EXHIBITION | MAY 31 TO SEPT 30'. The image depicts a fox head, frame, 'LEIPZIG' text larger than the slogan. This slogan cancel has at least 10 variants including types 'A" and 'Bd' from LEIPZIG C1 and C2, LEIPZIG S3, LEIPZIG O8, LEIPZIG N22 and LEIPZIG W31.
ABOVE: Type A slogan cancel used in LEIPZIG C1, counter 'h' For an example on cover see here.
ABOVE: Type Bd slogan cancel used in LEIPZIG C2 *, counter 'aa' For an example on cover see here.
ABOVE: Type Bd slogan cancel used in LEIPZIG C1 *, counter 'g' For an example on cover see here.
ABOVE: Type A slogan cancel used in LEIPZIG C5. For an example on cover see here.