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12-Feb-2025 12:19



This series of postcards appeared as part of an annual calendar produced by Scherl Velag, the same company that printed "Der Adler" - The Eagle, magazine. The calendar appeared in 1941, 1942, 1943 and 1944. I have never seen an example of a calendar from 1940 or 1945 so I suspect only the above mentioned 4 issues were produced.

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The format of the calendar consisted of one page for each week of the year, and beneath each weekly set of dates there was a tear-off postcard, examples of which are shown below.

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The magazine on the other hand ran to 146 issues, printed every other week from 1st Mar 1939 until 12th Sep 1944. Each issue initially had 24 to 36 pages, but as the war dragged on the number of pages was reduced to a mere 12 pages. The magazine was widely available in Germany but was also available in dual languages comprising German and one of the following: English, French, Italian, Romanian or Spanish.

The postcards are unnumbered. The 1941 edition has 53 postcards, the 1942 calendar also has 53 postcards and the 1943 and 1944 calendars do not have tear off postcards. Total number of collectable cards is 106 (excludes the advertising cards). The reverse of each card does have a brief description of the image found on the opposite side. The numbers below are the order in which the cards appear in the calendars.


No. 67 - 29th Mar to 4th Apr 1942
Direct Hit

'Bombenvolltreffer auf einen feindlichen Dampfer an der griechischen Küfte - Aufn Luftwaffe'

'Direct bomb hit on an enemy steamer on the Greek coast - Photograph Luftwaffe' '

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No. 68 - 5th to 11th Apr 1942
Camel Power

'Zwei "fattelfeste" flieger bei einem kleinen Spazierritt in bie Wüfte' - Aufnahme Hindelelbenn

'Two "Steadfast" pilots are on a little ride in the wilderness' - photo by Hindelelbenn

This image appeared in 'Der Adler' magazine 'Issue 9', on Page 269 of the Italian Edition, 6th May 1941, under the heading "Zwisch enfall in Afrika" - 'Incident in Africa'.

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No. 69 - 12th to 18th Apr 1942
Channel Coast

'Start zum Rachtflug an der Kanalküste - Aufn. BK Stempka-Atlantic'

'Start of the flight on the channel coast - Photograph BK Stempka-Atlantic '

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No. 70 - 19th to 25th Apr 1942

1st to 3rd Jan: "Freudige Gesichter rundum - Der führer und Oberste Beschlohaber im kreise seiner soldaten. Aufn. H. Hoffmann" - 'Happy faces all around - the leader and supreme commander surrounded by his soldiers. Photo. H. Hoffmann'.

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No. 71 - 26th Apr to 2nd May 1942
'The Flying Eye'

'Das "Fliegende Auge", der neue Raherkunder Focke-Wulf FW 189. Aufn. Focke-Wulf-Archiv'

'The "flying eye", the new Raherkunder Focke-Wulf FW 189. Photo Focke-Wulf Archives'

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No. 72 - 3rd to 9th May 1942

'Flakartillerist mit kopfhörer und Rchlkopfnikrophon.' - Aufnahme Hanke.

'Flak Artilleryman with two sets of headphones.' - Photograph Hanke.

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No. 73 - 10th to 16th May 1942
Issuing Orders in Sicily

"Befehlsausgabe in Sizilien" - Am BK Krempl-Weltbild.

'Issuing orders in Sicily' - Photo by BK Krempl worldview.'

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No. 74 - 17th to 23rd May 1942
Downed German Fliers Awaiting Rescue

"Deutsche Flieger, die auf das Wasser runter gehen mussten, werden von unseren kampfflugzuegen ausgesunden und spater vom Seenotdienst gerettet," - Zeichnung BR Ellgaard"

German pilots who had to go down on the water are treated by our combat aircraft and later rescued by the maritime rescue service," - drawing BR Ellgaard

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No. 75 - 24th to 30th May 1942
The Reich Marshal has Major Wick report to him

24th to 30th May: "Der Reichsmarschall laβt sich von Major Wick Bericht erstatten. In der mitte der Generalstabachef der deutschen Luftwaffe General der flieger zeschonnek. Aufn Dr. Lange=PBZ" - 'The Reich Marshal has Major Wick report to him. In the middle is the Chief of General Staff of the German Air Force, General der Flieger Zeschonnek. Photo Dr. Long=PBZ'

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Colonel General Hans Jeschonnek, the Chief of the General Staff of the Luftwaffe died of a serious illness on 19th Aug 1943 "His death represents a particulary hard and painful loss for the armed forces of Greater Germany. In him the Luftwaffe has lost an outstanding soldierly personality and the pioneer of great military success in many campaigns.The name of the Chief of the General Staff of the Luftwaffe, who proved himself in difficult times, will never be forgotten" - Der Adler Magazine obituary: Page 225, Heft 19, 14th Sep 1943.


No. 76 - 31st May to 6th Jun 1942
Paratroopers Land in Crete

'Deutsche fallschirmjäger treten auf Kreta zum Angriff an. Aufnahme BK v. Kanfer'

'German paratroopers attack on Crete. Photograph by BK v. Kanfer'

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No. 77 - 7th to 13th Jun 1942
Flak at the Ready

'Leichte Flakartillerie in Bereitschaft - Aufn Dr. Strache'

'Light anti-aircraft artillery on standby - Photograph Dr. Strache'

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No. 78 - 14th to 20th Jun 1942
He-111's on the Attack

"Kampfflugzeuge Heinkel He 111 auf Angriffsflug" - Aufnahme A. Stöcker.

'Fighter aircraft Heinkel He 111 on attack flight' - Photo by A. Stöcker.'

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No. 79 - 21st to 27th Jun 1942
Bombing the British fleet

'Bomben auf die britische flotte. Der flugzeugträger ist schwer getroffen, der Stuka zieht nach oben weg. Zeichnung von h. Zweig'.

'Bombs on the British fleet. The aircraft carrier is badly hit, the Stuka pulls away upwards.' - Drawing H. Zweig.

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No. 80 - 28th Jun to 4th Jul 1942
Machine Gunner

'Bordschütze am MG' - Aufn. BR Stempta.BBZ

'Gunner on an MG' - Photograph BR Stempta.BBZ.

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