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12-Feb-2025 11:57



This series of postcards appeared as part of an annual calendar produced by Scherl Velag, the same company that printed "Der Adler" - The Eagle, magazine. The calendar appeared in 1941, 1942, 1943 and 1944. I have never seen an example of a calendar from 1940 or 1945 so I suspect only the above mentioned 4 issues were produced.

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The format of the calendar consisted of one page for each week of the year, and beneath each weekly set of dates there was a tear-off postcard, examples of which are shown below.

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The magazine on the other hand ran to 146 issues, printed every other week from 1st Mar 1939 until 12th Sep 1944. Each issue initially had 24 to 36 pages, but as the war dragged on the number of pages was reduced to a mere 12 pages. The magazine was widely available in Germany but was also available in dual languages comprising German and one of the following: English, French, Italian, Romanian or Spanish.

The postcards are unnumbered. The 1941 edition has 53 postcards, the 1942 calendar also has 53 postcards and the 1943 and 1944 calendars do not have tear off postcards. Total number of collectable cards is 106 (excludes the advertising cards). The reverse of each card does have a brief description of the image found on the opposite side. The numbers below are the order in which the cards appear in the calendars.


No. 54 - 1st to 3rd Jan 1942
Sergeant Renz, Knight's Cross

1st to 3rd Jan: "Der mit dem Ritterkreuz ausgezeichnete und inzwischen zum Oberleutnant beförderte Oberfeldwebel Renz startet zu neuem feindflug" - 'Sergeant Renz, who was awarded the Knight's Cross and has since been promoted to first lieutenant, sets off on a new enemy flight'.

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No. 55 - 4th to 10th Jan 1941
View over Guernsey

"Deutsches Kampfflugzeug ubersliegt die ehemalige englische kanalinsel Guernsen" - Aufn BR Hinze-Hoffmann

'German fighter plane overlies the former English Channel Island of Guernsey' - Photo by BR Hinze-Hoffmann

The image is most likely that of a Dornier Do 17 twin engined light bomber.

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No. 56 - 11th to 17th Jan 1942
Surprise Attack

"Uberraschender Angriff deutscher kampfflugzeuge | auf einen britischen Flugplatz. Zeichen R. Hess"

Surprise attack by German fighter planes at a British airfield. Photograph R, Hess

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No. 57 - 18th to 24th Jan 1942
Pilot and Observer

'flugzeugführer und Beobachter einer Junkers Ju88 - Aufn B.K. Stempa BB3'

'Pilot and observer of a Junkers Ju88 - Photograph by BK Stempa BB3'

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No. 58 - 25th to 31st Jan 1942
At the Ready

"Flaksoldat abwehrbereit" - Aufnahme Hanke

'Anti-aircraft soldier ready to defend himself" - photo by Hanke.

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No. 59 - 1st to 7th Feb 1942
Stukas on the Attack

"Stukas Ju 87 beim Angriffsflug gegen feindliche Stüβpunkte" - Aufnahme Dr. Strache

"Stukas Ju 87 during an attack flight against enemy bases" - photo by Dr. Strache

This particular example was posted at Feldpost station 47780 on 7th May 1942.

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No. 60 - 8th to 14th Feb 1942
Milling Work

'Fräsarbeiten an einer Flugzeugturbelweile. Stärkfte konzentration und hingabe an das Werk werden von dem Rüftungsarbeiter verlangt. Aufn. Krüger - TFM'

'Milling work on an aircraft turbo shaft. Strong concentration and dedication to the work are required of the ventilation worker. Photographer Kruger - TFM'

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No. 61 - 15th to 21st Feb 1942
Do-17 Attacks a British Ship

"Überraschender Liesangriff einer Do 17 auf einen britischen geleitzug" - Zeichnung von BK Ellgaard.

'Surprise attack by a Do 17 on a British convoy' - Drawing by BK Ellgaard.'

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No. 62 - 22nd to 28th Feb 1942
Paratroopers in Action

'Fallschirmjäger auf Kreta beim handgranatewurf - Aufnahme BK Grunwald-βB3'

'Paratroopers in Crete throwing hand grenades - photo by BK Grunwald-βB3'

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No. 63 - 1st to 7th Mar 1942
Two Good Friends

"Zwei gute Freunde - Aufnahme Geβler-Scherl"

'Two good friends' - photograph BK Geβler-Scherl.

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No. 64 - 8th to 14th Mar 1942
The long-range bomber Focke Wulf Fw 200

"Der Langstrecken-Bomber Focke Wulf Fw 200. ein gefürchteter Hegner der britischen Schiffahrt auf dem Atlantik - Aufnahme Slathe"

'The long-range bomber Focke Wulf Fw 200. A feared enemy of British shipping on the Atlantic' - photo Slathe.

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No. 65 - 15th to 21st Mar 1942
The Battle of the Mediterranean

'Die Schlacht im Mittelmeer. Deutsche Kampf und Sturzkampfverbande haben das Gros der britischen mittelmeerflotte in einem wahren Reffeltreiben von Bombenangriffen gestellt' - Zeichnung H.v.Medven

'The Battle of the Mediterranean. German combat and dive units have put the bulk of the British Mediterranean fleet in a veritable rush of bombing raids' - Artwork by H.v.Medven

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No. 66 - 22nd to 28th Mar 1942

'Jedes hindernis wird übertwunden. Männer der Luftnachrichentruppe legen ein kabel über eine gefprengte Brücke' - Aufn BR Richter

'Every obstacle is overcome. Men of the signals force lay a cable over a blown bridge' - Photograph BR Richter

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