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12-Feb-2025 11:38



Due to the fragile nature of this historic document all images were taken by camera rather than scanned, in order to reduce the stress on the calendar. Unfortuantely that means the images are not of the best quality, however they should be good enough to help the collector determine the order in which the cards appeared in the calendar.

There are 53 pages featuring a tear-off postcard, three pages with full page images that are not postcards and finally three postcards that were to be used to order other propaganda items such as year books and periodicals produced by Verlag Scherl, the printer of this calendar as well as the more well-known Der Adler Magazine.

The images below are shown in the same order as they appear in the calendar from front to back.

This series of postcards appeared as part of an annual calendar produced by Scherl Velag, the same company that printed "Der Adler" - The Eagle, magazine. The calendar appeared in 1941, 1942, 1943 and 1944. I have never seen an example of a calendar from 1940 or 1945 so I suspect only the above mentioned 4 issues were produced.

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Jan to Jun 1941 and Jul to Dec 1941


Jan 1st to 4th and 5th to 11th Jan

1st to 4th Jan 1941: This card has the title "In der Vollsichtkanzel des zweimotorigen deutschen kampfflugzeuges He 111. Aufnahme A. Stöcker." - 'In the full-view cockpit of the twin-engine German fighter aircraft He 111. Photo by A. Stöcker.'

5th to 11th Jan: This card has the title "Ein deutscher general beobachtet von Bord des fieseler "Storch" im langfamflug den Vormarisch unserer truppen. Aufnahme Dr. Strache" - 'A German general observes the advance of our troops from the Fieseler "Storch" in a long-haul flight. Photo by Dr. Strache'

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GÖRING and 12th to 18th Jan

Göring: The text on this card reads "Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring. Der Schöpfer und Oberbefehlshaber der deutschen Luftwaffe. Aufnahme R. Röhr" - 'Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring. The creator and commander-in-chief of the German Air Force. Photo by R. Röhr'

12th to 18th Jan: The title on the reverse of this card reads "Flieger über Englands Flotte: Ein Britischer Flugzeugträger ist von einer 500 Kg Bombe getroffen. Zeichnung R. Heβ" - 'Airplanes over England's fleet: A British aircraft carrier is hit by a 500 kg bomb. Drawing by R. Heβ'

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19th to 25th Jan and 1940 Yearbook

19th to 25th Jan: The title on this card reads "Das Gesicht des deutschen fliegers. An Bord eines Fernaufklärers. Aufnahme Weltbild" - 'The face of the German pilot. On board a long-range reconnaissance aircraft. Photo Weltbild'.

1940 Yearbook: This page of the calendar translates as "1940. The year among years, unique in the size and impact of the events of the time. In this year the German Air Force justified the trust of the German people in a way that far exceeded even the highest expectations. The superhuman achievements of our Air Force in this year will go down indelibly in the history of all time. These achievements are recorded in pictures and words in the "1940 ANNUAL VOLUME, the Air Force illustrated magazine Der Adler. In a beautiful cover including packaging and postage RM 9.50. This work will be published at the end of December 1940. It will only be produced in small editions and cannot be reprinted. Secure the volume by pre-ordering in good time using the attached card."

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26th Jan to 1st Feb and 2nd to 8th Feb

26th Jan to 1st Feb: The title of this card is "Schwere flak macht über unserer Rüstungsindustrie. Aufnahme Dr. Strache" - 'Heavy flak is hitting our arms industry. Photo by Dr. Strache'

2nd to 8th Feb: The title of this card reads "Das neue deutsche Messerschmitt kampfflugzeug "Jaguar"" - 'The new German Messerschmitt fighter aircraft "Jaguar"'

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9th to 15th Feb and 16th to 22nd Feb

9th to 15th Feb: The title of this card reads "Der Führer und Hermann Göring lassen sich an der Westfront von der Kämpfen berichten. Aufnahme H. Hoffmann" - 'The Führer and Hermann Göring are informed about the fighting on the Western Front. Photo by H. Hoffmann'

16th to 22nd Feb: The title of this card reads "Deutscher Messerschmitt Jäger schieβt ein britisches Groβ-flugboot "Sunderland" ab. Zeichnung R. Heβ". - 'German Messerschmitt fighter shoots down a British flying boat "Sunderland". Drawing by R. Heß'

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23rd Feb to 1st Mar and 2nd to 8th Mar

23rd Feb to 1st Mar: The title of this card reads "Rekrutenvereidigung - ein groβer Auge Bild im Soldatenleben. Aufnahme Scherl" - 'Recruit swearing-in - a big picture in the life of a soldier. Photo by Scherl'

2nd to 8th Mar: The title of this card reads "Deutscher luftangriff auf einen britischen militärflugplatz. Zeichnung R. Heβ" - 'German air raid on a British military airfield. Drawing by R. Heß'

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9th to 15th Mar and Der Adler Magazine

9th to 15th Mar: The title of this card reads "Deutsche transportflugzeuge über Norwegen. Aufnahme Scherl (Grabler)" - 'German transport aircraft over Norway. Photo by Scherl (Grabler)'

Der Adler Magazine: This postcard is an advertisement and order form for 'Der Adler' magazine. "The great Luftwaffe magazine writes the glorious history of our youngest weapon. Issue after issue, DER ADLER reports in words and pictures on the latest events, on battles and victories, on men and machines, on expansion and progress, on early and happy hours. Anyone who reads the ADLER regularly is in close contact with our pilots. Anyone who collects the ADLER magazines has documents of lasting value. Regardless of whether two or three issues are published a month, DER ADLER costs 48 Pfennigs per month, including delivery charges".

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16th to 22nd Mar and 23rd to 29th Mar

16th to 22nd Mar: The title of this card is "Der Führer mit den Oberbefehlshabern der Wehrmachtteile am heldengebenktag vor dem Reichsehrenmal. Aufnahme Scherl" - 'The Führer with the commanders-in-chief of the Wehrmacht units on the day of the Heroes' Day in front of the Reichsdenkmal. Photo by Scherl'

23rd to 29th Mar: The title of this card is "Augenblick Schaffter Konzentration: Der NS-Schutze deckt das flugzeug gegen einen uberraschenden Angriff. Aufnahme Scherl" - 'Moment of concentration: The Nazi guard covers the plane against a surprise attack. Photo Scherl'

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30th Mar to 5th Apr and 6th to 12th Apr

30th Mar to 5th Apr: The title of the next card is "Deutsche Kampfflugzeuge vom baumuster Do.17 in Flandern über dem fliehenden feind. Aufnahme Scherl" - 'German fighter planes of the Do.17 model in Flanders over the fleeing enemy. Photo by Scherl'

6th to 12th Apr: The title of the following card is "Während ständig neue Truppentransporte im hafen von Oslo eintreffen, steht unsere flugabwehr auf der Wacht. Aufnahme Scherl" - 'While new troop transports are constantly arriving in the port of Oslo, our air defense is on guard. Photo Scherl'

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13th to 19th Apr and Hitler / Goering

13th to 19th Apr: The title of this card is "Ein Deutsches Kampfflugzeug greift im Tiefflug polnische Stellungen an. Zeichnung R. Heβ" - 'A German fighter plane attacks Polish positions in low flight. Drawing by R. Heβ'.

Hitler / Goering: The text below this picture of Hitler and Göring reads "Der Führer Beobachtet mit Reichsmarschall Göring die operationen der Luftwaffe. Dem heft Nr. 5 der Luftwaffen-illustrierten "Der Adler" Jahrgang 1939 entnommen" - 'The Führer observes the operations of the Luftwaffe with Reichsmarschall Göring. Taken from issue no. 5 of the Luftwaffe illustrated magazine "Der Adler", year 1939'

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20th to 26th Apr and 27th Apr to 3rd May

20th to 26th Apr: The title of the next card reads "Der Sprung in die Tiefe - gleich öffnet sich der fallschirm. Aufnahme Scherl" - 'The jump into the depths - the parachute opens immediately. Photo by Scherl'

27th Apr to 3rd May: The following card has the title "Generalfeldmarschall Milch an der front in Norwegen - auf dem flugplatz von Drontheim. Aufnahme Scherl (Grabler)" - 'Field Marshal Milch at the front in Norway - at the Drontheim airfield. Photo by Scherl (Grabler)'

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4th to 10th May and 11th to 17th May

4th to 10th May: The title of the next card is "Deutsche Kampfflugzeuge gehen in wildem flakfeuer zum angriff über" - 'German fighter planes attack in wild anti-aircraft fire'

11th to 17th May: The title of the card below-right is "Beobachter und flugzeugführer, eine festgefügte kampfgemeinschaft, auf angriffsflug gegen England. Aufnahme Dr. Strache" - 'Observers and pilots, a close-knit fighting community, on an attack flight against England. Photo by Dr. Strache'

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Der Adler Katalog and 18th to 24th May

Der Adler Katalog: This card is an order form for the Adler Bookshop where people could get the catalogue or buy such titles as "Schlag auf Schlag", 'Blow after blow', "Schwert am Himmel" - 'sword in the sky' and "Luftsieg uber Polen" - 'Aerial victory over Poland'

18th to 24th May: The title of this card is "Jäger greifen an. Aufnahme A. Stocker" - 'Hunters attack. Photo by A. Stocker'

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25th to 31st May and 1st to 7th Jun

25th to 31st May: The title of the card below-left is "Britischer "Wellington" bomber im vernichten den feuer deutscher jäger. Zeichnung R. Heβ", - 'British "Wellington" bomber destroyed by the fire of German fighters. Drawing by R. Heß'

1st to 7th Jun: The title of the card below-right is "Rahaufklarer Hs 126 beim Tiefflug über einem Wald, in der feindliche Widerstandsnester vermutet werden. Aufnahme Schaller" - 'Hs 126 reconnaissance aircraft flying low over a forest where enemy resistance nests are suspected. Photo by Schaller'

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8th to 14th Jun and 15th to 21st Jun

8th to 14th Jun: Titled "Der nahaufklärer über seinem Ziel - die arbeit mit der handkammer beginnt. Aufnahme Dr. Strache" - 'The close reconnaissance aircraft over its target - work with the hand camera begins. Photo by Dr. Strache'

15th to 21st Jun: The card below-right is titled "Im feuer der deutschen flak. Schon nach wenigen Sekunden stürzt das feindliche Flugzeug brennend ab. Zeichnung R. Heβ" - 'Under German anti-aircraft fire. After just a few seconds the enemy plane crashes, burning. Drawing by R. Heβ'

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22nd to 28th Jun and Paratroopers

22nd to 28th Jun: The next card is titled "Das horchgerät ist das ohr der Luftwaffe. Aufnahme Dr. Strache" - 'The listening device is the ear of the Luftwaffe. Photo by Dr. Strache'

Paratroopers: The text below the image of paratroopers reads "Über dem ziel setzen die transportflugzeuge die fallschirmjäger ab. Dem heft Nr. 11 der Luftwaffen-Illustierten "der Adler" Jahrgang 1940 entnommen". - 'The transport aircraft drop the paratroopers over the target. Taken from issue no. 11 of the Luftwaffe magazine "Der Adler" from 1940'

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Jan to Jun 1941 and Jul to Dec 1941



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