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03-Sep-2024 10:06



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line This series was issued from 17th Feb 1926 and was valid for use until 31st Jul 1930. This is the first of eleven sets of pre-'Lernt Deutschland Kennen!' picture postcards, and is P164 in the Michel series. The series comprises a total of 26 different cards.

These 26 cards are the only series that have a 5Pf Reich's Adler pre-printed stamp and like all the postcards in the 'Lernt Deutschland Kennen!' series, and the pre 'Lernt Deutschland Kennen!' postcards, these cards feature a pre-printed stamp on the right-hand side and an image of a scene or well known monument on the left-hand pane.

The earlier postcard series all feature a hand drawn artist's impression, whereas the later series have a photographic image.

These were the first real picture postcards to feature a value stamp that was the same as an existing self-adhesive stamp, in this case a Michel 356 stamp. The pre-printed value stamps on earlier editions had stamps that were not available as self-adhesive stamps. The P164 series were not all produced at the same time.

The first edition was somewhat experimental and was not issued.
The second edition appeared on 17th Feb 1926 and consisted of cards 01 to 17, 20 and 22.
The third addition was available from 17th Mar 1926 and consisted of cards 19 and 24 to 26
The fourth and final edition consisted of cards 12 (re-issue), 16 (re-issue) and 18.

In addition to the regular offical cards shown below there were a number of these cards with additional private printing.

These cards can also be found with a "DRUCKPROBE" (test print) marking in the destination address section.


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ABOVE LEFT: P164 / 01 - Eisenach, Wartburg
ABOVE CENTRE: P164 / 02 - Frankfurt (Main) Der Hauptbahnhof
ABOVE RIGHT: P164 / 03 - Frankfurt (Main) Mainansicht

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ABOVE LEFT: P164 / 04 - Frankfurt (Main) Das Opernhaus
ABOVE CENTRE: P164 / 05 - Frankfurt (Main) Der Palmengarten
ABOVE RIGHT: P164 / 06 - Frankfurt (Main) Der Römeraus dem 15. Jahrhundert | Wahlstätte der Deutschen Kaiser

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ABOVE LEFT: P164 / 07 - Frankfurt (Main) Die Universität mit Senckenbergianum
ABOVE CENTRE: P164 / 08 - Frankfurt (Main) Zoologischer Garten
ABOVE RIGHT: P164 / 09 - Die Frankfurter Messestadt | Blick auf die Festhalle, "Haus der Moden" u. andere Messegebäude

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ABOVE LEFT: P164 / 10 - Die Frankfurter Messestadt: "Haus der Technic"
ABOVE CENTRE: P164 / 11 - Die Frankfurter Messestadt: "Haus Werkbund"
ABOVE RIGHT: P164 / 12 - Frankfurt (Oder), Hauptstadt der mittleren Ostmark

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ABOVE LEFT: P164 / 13 - Fulda
ABOVE CENTRE: P164 / 14 - Gleiwitz, Industrie- u. Handwerksmittelpunkt Deutsch-Oberschlesiens
ABOVE RIGHT: P164 / 15 - Herz- und Nerven-Bad Kudowa (Schlesien)

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ABOVE LEFT: P164 / 16 - Radiumbad Landeck (Schles)
ABOVE CENTRE: P164 / 17 - Bad Mergentheim
ABOVE RIGHT: P164 / 18 - Mülheim (Ruhr) Die Stadthalle

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ABOVE LEFT: P164 / 19 - Bad Nauheim - Blick in dem Sprudelhof
ABOVE CENTRE: P164 / 20 - Bad Salzuflen - Kurmittelhauser
ABOVE RGHT: P164 / 21 - Soest - das 1300 Jahrige

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ABOVE LEFT: P164 / 22 - Ostseebad Travemünde - Städtischer Kursaal
ABOVE CENTRE: P164 / 23 - Wiesbaden Das Keiser-Friedrich Bad mit Römertor
ABOVE RIGHT: P164 / 24 - Wiesbaden - Der Kochbrunnen

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ABOVE LEFT: P164 / 25 - Wiesbaden - Das Kurhaus
ABOVE CENTRE: P164 / 26 - Wiesbaden - Das Staatstheater


These pages were compiled from several sources including, but not limited to:
1. Handbuch und Katalog Die Bildpostkarten des Deutschen Reiches. Böhmen und Mährens sowie der Freien Stadt Danzig. Michael Bockisch. ISBN: 978-3-00-034028-4
2. The 'MICHEL Ganzsachen Deutschland 2018 ISBN: 978-3-95-402225-0


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