This page was last updated
09-Feb-2024 07:09
The Second Ebert series of postcards appeared in 1929 and are refered to as P188 in the Michel series. This series comprises a total of 10 different cards. Cards of the second Ebert series differ from the first series by (1) a border that now extends around the four edges of the card, (2) a shorter tailed 'e' of 'Postkarte', (3) a different design to the central diving line which is now the same design as the outer border. Like the first series these cards depict scenes from around Germany on the left upper pane but do not have the 'Lernt Deutschland Kennen!' title.
As well as the official cards there are several versions of P188 with additional private printing.
ABOVE LEFT: P188 / 01 - 1000 Jahre Brandenburg a.d.H
ABOVE RIGHT: P188 / 02 - 1000 Jahre Brandenburg
ABOVE LEFT: P188 / 03 - Bad Landeck in Schlesien, Georgenbad
ABOVE RIGHT: P188 / 04 - Mannheim, Neues Rathaus am Paradeplatz
ABOVE LEFT: P188 / 05 - Mannheim, Rheinbrücke mit Schloβ
ABOVE RIGHT: P188 / 06 - Mannheim, Schloβ - Die ehemalige kurpfalzische Residenz
ABOVE LEFT: P188 / 07 - Mannheim
ABOVE RIGHT: P188 / 08 - Thermal=Sol=Radiumbad - Bad Münster am Stein
ABOVE LEFT: P188 / 09 - Seedienst Ostpreuβen
ABOVE RIGHT: P188 / 10 - Ostseebad Warnemünde
These pages were compiled from several sources including, but not limited to:
1. Handbuch und Katalog Die Bildpostkarten des Deutschen Reiches. Böhmen und Mährens sowie der Freien Stadt Danzig. Michael Bockisch. ISBN: 978-3-00-034028-4
2. The 'MICHEL Ganzsachen Deutschland 2018 ISBN: 978-3-95-402225-0