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04-Nov-2024 07:00
The fourth Hindenburg series of Get to Know Germany also appeared in mid 1934 and is refered to as P233 in the Michel series. This series is distinquished by the addition of a printer's number in the lower right-hand corner. The number is in the following format XX-XX-X-XX. The first two numbers on the left refer to the year the card was printed (e.g. 34 for 1934), the second two numbers are the series number (e.g. 31), the third number is the plate number (usually '1') and the final two characters are the view number (e.g. B1, B2 etc). All 36 different cards have the 'Lernt Deutschland Kennen!' heading.
As well as the official card there were a number of official cards with additional private printing.
Quick links: 34-49-1 (B1 to B9), 34-50-1 (B1 to B9), , 34-51-1 (B1 to B9), 34-52-1 (B1 to B9)
'Get to Know Germany' Hindenburg Series 4 - 'Lernt Deutschland Kennen!'
CODE 34-49-1
(B1 to B9)
This series was published in July 1934 and consists of nine cards with nine different scenes.
ABOVE LEFT: 34-49-1-B1 - Ratibor, | die Stadt an zwei Grenzen
ABOVE CENTRE: 34-49-1-B2 - Besucht die Groβstadt Wuppertal | im Bergischen Land | Schwebebahn
ABOVE RIGHT: 34-49-1-B3 - Neuzauche | günstiger Eingangspunkt in den Spreewald, | beliebte ländliche Sommerfrische
ABOVE LEFT: 34-49-1-B4 - Bergstadt Gernrode (Harz) | 1000 Jährige Sommerfrische
ABOVE CENTRE: 34-49-1-B5 - Ostseebad Misdroy | Stinas Utkiek
ABOVE RIGHT: 34-49-1-B6 - Stadt Bad Aibling, Oberbayern | Alpenmoorbad (Private Version)
ABOVE LEFT: 34-49-1-B7 - Straupitz im Spreewald | Kahnfahrten, Laub- und Nadelwald, | herrliche Spazierwege, wendischer | Kirchgang, schöner Badestrand
ABOVE CENTRET: 34-49-1-B8 - Duisberg-Hamborn | die groβe Handels- und Stahlstadt
ABOVE RIGHT: 34-49-1-B9 - Bad Eilsen im Wesergebirge | Schlamm- und Schwefelbad (gegen Rheuma, | Ischias, Gicht und Frauenleiden) (Private version)
CODE 34-50-1
(B1 to B9)
This series was published in July 1934 and consists of nine cards with nine different scenes.
ABOVE LEFT: 34-50-1-B1 - Besucht Neuhaus am Rennweg (Thür. Wald). | 835 m ü. NN | Höhenluftkurort und Wintersportplatz (Private version)
ABOVE CENTRE: 34-50-1-B2 - Byhleguhre im Spreewald | Sommeraufenthalt, Angel-, Segel-, Rudersport | Kahnfahrten
ABOVE RIGHT: 34-50-1-B3 - Friedrichshafen am Bodensee
ABOVE LEFT: 34-50-1-B4 - Andernach am Rhein | Ruine des Kurfürstenschlosses (Private Version)
ABOVE CENTRE: 34-50-1-B5 - Schwefelbad Langensalza
ABOVE RIGHT: 34-50-1-B6 - Benutzt zum Besuch des Spreewaldes die Spreewaldbahn | Lübben-Altzauche-Neuzauche-Straupitz- | Byleguhre-Burg-Schwielochsee-Goyatz
ABOVE LEFT: 34-50-1-B7 - Besucht Poβneck i. Thür | mit dem schönen 400 jährigen Rathaus
ABOVE CENTRE: 34-50-1-B8 - Berg das Herz des Spreewaldes | wendischer Kirchgang, Kahnrundfahrten, | Heimatspiele (Private version)
ABOVE RIGHT: 34-50-1-B9 - Bad Homberg | Heilbad für Magen und Darm (Private version)
CODE 34-51-1
(B1 to B9)
This series was published in July 1934 and consists of nine cards with five different scenes. Cards B2 and B3 have the same image; cards B5 and B6 have the same image, and cards B7 and B8 have the same image.
ABOVE LEFT: 34-51-1-B1 - Braunsberg (Ostpr) - Rathaus | 650-Jahrfeier am 23. und 24 Juni 1934
ABOVE CENTRE: 34-51-1-B2 - Karlsruhe | das ehem, Residenzschloβ (jetzt Bad. Landesmuseum)
ABOVE RIGHT: 34-51-1-B3 - Karlsruhe | das ehem, Residenzschloβ (jetzt Bad. Landesmuseum)
ABOVE LEFT: 34-51-1-B4 - Rastatt | Das Schloβ des Turkenbezwingers | Markgraf Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden
ABOVE CENTRE: 34-51-1-B5 - Favorite bei Rastatt | Das Lustschloβ der Markgräfin | Augusta Sibylie von Baden
ABOVE RIGHT: 34-51-1-B6 - Favorite bei Rastatt | Das Lustschloβ der Markgräfin | Augusta Sibylie von Baden
ABOVE LEFT: 34-51-1-B7 - Badenweiler | das südlichste Thermalbad Deutschlands
ABOVE CENTRE: 34-51-1-B8 - Badenweiler | das südlichste Thermalbad Deutschlands
ABOVE RIGHT: 34-51-1-B9 - Rastatt | Das Schloβ des Türkenbezwingers | Markgraf Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden
CODE 34-52-1
(B1 to B9)
This series was published in July 1934 and consists of nine cards with five different scenes. Cards B1 and B2 have the same image; cards B3 and B4 have the same image; cards B6 and B7 have the same image, and cards B8 and B9 have the same image.
ABOVE LEFT: 34-52-1-B1 - Mannheim | Das Groβte Barokschloβ
ABOVE CENTRE: 34-52-1-B2 - Mannheim | Das Groβte Barokschloβ
ABOVE RIGHT: 34-52-1-B3 - Schwetzingen | Der weltberühmte Schloβgarten
ABOVE LEFT: 34-52-1-B4 - Schwetzingen | Der weltberühmte Schloβgarten
ABOVE CENTRE: 34-52-1-B5 - Tabarz | Klimatischer Kurort Thüringens
ABOVE RIGHT: 34-52-1-B6 - Bruchsal | Eine Perle unter den Schlössern | aus dem 18. Jahrhundert
ABOVE LEFT: 34-52-1-B7 - Bruchsal | Eine Perle unter den Schlössern | aus dem 18. Jahrhundert
ABOVE CENTRE: 34-52-1-B8 - Alt-Heidelberg
ABOVE RIGHT: 34-52-1-B9 - Alt-Heidelberg
These pages were compiled from several sources including, but not limited to:
1. Handbuch und Katalog Die Bildpostkarten des Deutschen Reiches. Böhmen und Mährens sowie der Freien Stadt Danzig. Michael Bockisch. ISBN: 978-3-00-034028-4
2. The 'MICHEL Ganzsachen Deutschland 2018 ISBN: 978-3-95-402225-0