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27-Feb-2025 09:58

Issued 29th Dec 1934 to raise money for the Winter Relief Fund this series of double postcards was issued to raise money for the Winter Relief Lottery in 1934/1935. There are one hundred double cards (200 images). Not all the cards have a pre-printed stamp, in fact most do not, and it was pot luck whether the buyer of the card managed to get one that was pre-paid. Although these were double cards, they were not intended to be used that way, they were supposed to be separated and used individually.
The remarks made in Amtsblatt (Official journal of the Reich Post Ministry Announcements of the German Reich Post) No. 111 of Dec 1934 translates roughly as follows:
"The National Socialist German Workers' party is part of the Winter Relief Organization 1934/35. From December 29th a street lottery will be organised. Each lot has 2 contiguous attached Postcards, of which a card with a 6Rpf franking value stamp is provided. The value stamp is only provided on 40 of the different postcards. The cards must be separated in order to be sent by post. The value stamp was designed by the artist, Emmy Glintzer in Steglitz Berlin.
The pre-printed stamp shows a hand with a bowl, from which a flame blazes up, behind it one heart surrounded by a halo. The size and color of the value stamp are the same as with the ordinary 6 Rpf Postcard. If required, additional stamps can be added to cover the cost of postage to other countries. Shipping points for collectors to send their items for distribution is not available".
CARDS 1 to 50
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1011, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
CARDS 51 to 100
51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 6061, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80
81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100
CARDS 101 to 150
101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120
121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130
131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140
141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150
CARDS 151 to 200
151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170
171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180
181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190
191, 192 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200

Bild 141 and 151
Bild 141: Das historische hambacher Schloβ bei Reustadt a. hdt. (Rhpf) - The historic HambacherBild 151: hitzacker q. Elbe - Hitzacher on Elbe

Bild 142 and 160
Bild 142: Neu-Leiningen bei Ründstadt (Rhpf.) (right photo withput indicia)Bild 160: Zugspitze (left photo, with indicia)

Bild 143 and 153
Bild 143: Leuchtenburg bei Kahla a. Saale - Leuchtenburg near Kahla in SaaleBild 153: Schloβ Ettersburg b. Weimar - Ettersburg Castle in Weimar
The two examples below show that the cards were available with and without the pre-printed stamp

1. P254 postcards with an indicia stamp were valid for use until 31st Dec 1935. They could of course be used after that date if a valid stamp was placed on the postcard. The example below was cancelled in RABENAU on 3rd Apr 1936 and so was not valid for use. The postoffice has applied a red rectangular "Nachgebühr" stamp indicating that there was an additional fee to pay, the large blue '9' indicating the fee was 9Rpf (1.5x the required fee as a penalty).


Bild 144 and 152
Bild 144: Wernigerode, Harz (upper photo, with indicia)Bild 152: Quedlinburg, Dom (lower photo, without indicia)

The following example was a local delivery in STUTTGART on 1st Feb 1935

Bild 145 and 165
Bild 145: Zeitz a. Elster, Moritzburg - Zeitz on Elster, MoritzburgBild 165: Friedrichshafen am Bodensee, Schloβ - Friedrichshafen on the Bodensee, Castle.

Bild 146 and 155
Bild 146: Altenburg (Thür.), Schloβ (upper photo, with indicia)Bild 155: Ruffhäuser Denkmal (Thür) - Ruffhäuser monument (Thüringia) (lower photo, without indicia)

Bild 147 and 167
Bild 147: Rudolstadt a. Saale (lower photo, without indicia)Bild 167: Aschaffenburg a. M. (upper photo, with indicia)

Bild 148 and 168
Bild 148: Wittenberg a. Elba, Schlosskirche - Wittenberg on the elba, Castle ChurchBild 168: Wützburg bei Weiszenburg i. B - Wützburg near Weiszenburg i. B

1. The postally used example below was cancelled after the validity for this stamp had expired. The stamp was valid for use until 31st Dec 1935, but here the cancellation date is 18th Aug 1937. The large blue '8' and the blue square around the stamp (in crayon) indicates that a fee of 8Rpf was due as a penalty upon receipt (6RPf intercity rate x1.5).

2. Another postally used example below was cancelled in FRANKFURT (MAIN) on 8th Dec 1935 (three weeks before the stamp expired). The destination address was DUISBURG. The commonly used slogan stamp reads "Kauft | WOHLFAHRTSBRIEFMARKEN | für die | WINTERHILFE!" - 'Buy WELFARE STAMPS for the WINTER HELP!'

Bild 149 and 139
Bild 149: Berlin, Brandenburger Tor (upper photo, with indicia)Bild 139: Lindau i. Bodensee, der alte Leuchtturm (lower photo, without indica)

The image below shows that the bild 149 card also existed without the pre-printed stamp

Bild 150 and 140
Bild 150: Goslar, Kaiserplatz - Kaisrplatz in GoslarBild 140: Der Rhein bei Spener - The Rhine near Spener

Bild 151 and 141
Bild 151: hitzacker q. Elbe - Hitzacher on ElbeBild 141: Das historische hambacher Schloβ bei Reustadt a. hdt. (Rhpf) - The historic Hambacher

Bild 152 and 144
Bild 152: Quedlinburg, Dom (lower photo, without indicia)Bild 144: Wernigerode, Harz (upper photo, with indicia)

Bild 153 and 143
Bild 153: Schloβ Ettersburg b. Weimar - Ettersburg Castle in WeimarBild 143: Leuchtenburg bei Kahla a. Saale - Leuchtenburg near Kahla in Saale
The two examples below show that the cards were available with and without the pre-printed stamp

Bild 154 and 157
Bild 154: Nürnberg, 5. Reichsparteitag, SA and SS Vorbeimarsch am Adolf Hitler PlatzBild 157: Wachsenburg b. Arnstadt (Thür)

Bild 155 and 146
Bild 155: Ruffhäuser Denkmal (Thür) - Ruffhäuser monument (Thüringia)Bild 146: Altenburg (Thür.), Schloβ

1. The following postally used P254/155 postcard was cancelled in MÜNCHEN on 20th Apr 1937 (Hitler's birthday) and was sent to BRAUNSWEIG. The special handstamp visible on this example was one of the commemorative cancels used only on Hitler's birthday, 20th Apr.

Bild 156 and 162
Bild 156: Weimar, Schloβ - Weimar CastleBild 162: Wasserburg am Bodensee - Wasserburg on Bodensee

Bild 157 and 154
Bild 157: Wachsenburg b. Arnstadt (Thür)Bild 154: Nürnberg, 5. Reichsparteitag, SA and SS Vorbeimarsch am Adolf Hitler Platz - Nuremberg, 5th Reich Party Rally, SA and SS march past Adolf Hitler Platz

Bild 158 and 166
Bild 158: Halberstadt (lower photo, without indicia)Bild 166: Burg Hohenstein bei Hersbruck (Mfr.) (upper photo, with indicia)

Bild 159 and 161
Bild 159: Hameln a. Weser (left photo, with indicia)Bild 161: München, Fischbrunnen am Marienplatz (right photo, without indicia)

The following P254/159 postcard was posted in BIELEFELD on 2nd Jul 1935 and destined for an address in BERLIN-STEGLITZ.

Below is another postally used P254/159 postcard, cancelled in HAMELN on 29th Dec 1935.

Bild 160 and 142
Bild 160: Zugspitze (left photo, with indicia)Bild 142: Neu-Leiningen bei Ründstadt (Rhpf.) (right photo, without indicia)

1. The postally used P254/160 postcard below was cancelled in BERLIN on 4th Apr 1937. The special handstamp featured is inscribed "BERLIN W5 | B.S.V. Berlin-Wilmersdorf | 1. Postwertzeichen Ausstellung" - ' BERLIN W5 | B.S.V. Berlin-Wilmersdorf | 1st Postage stamp exhibition'

2. Another example of a used bild 160 card, this one cancelled in MARIENBERG on 7th Mar 1935 and delivered to an address in CHEMNITZ