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17-Jun-2024 03:04
PP106-B-1 to PP106-B-10
There are 33 different advertising cards under the category PP106-B-1 to PP106-B-33.
PP106-B-1 to 10
PP106-B-11 to 20
PP106-B-21 to 33
No central dividing line. Address reads "J.P. Bemberg Aktiengesellschaft | Wettbewerb >>Renate-Käte<< | Berlin W35 | Königin-Augusta-Str.30-32".![image](../../../images/postcards/wide.png)
Berlin N54. Deutsche Beatin-Fabrikation Ludwig Heinen. There are two versions of this card:/01: Cut single card with order form on reverse
/02: Folded card serrated at the fold, inside fold part with advertising for Beatin bei Bronchien Affektionen. Text in large blue font and image of a box and bottle on left-hand side. Most likely issued in Sep 1931 as there is a printer's code [110 000 IX 31]
![In My Collection](../../../images/general/dividers/collection-lge.png)
ABOVE: PP106-B-2/02
Berlin W50. Füsilier-Bund 73. Brown text in sender's section including "Major a. D. Junker"![image](../../mypostcards/1928/propaganda/PP106-B-1/PP106-B-3-f-1s.jpg)
![In My Collection](../../../images/general/dividers/collection-lge.png)
Five lines of text at top of sender's secion "Berliner | Ganzsachen-Sammler-Verein | Rundsendungsleiter Dr. O. Krause | Berlin-Charlottenburg 5 | Trendsienburgstraβe". "Drucksache" to left of vertical divider line. Likely printed in 1933 as card has a printer's code [2867 33] in bottom right-hand corner.There are two versions of this card:
/01: reverse side is blank.
/02: reverse side with Warning for withdrawal amount still outstanding
Destination address "Firma | Carl Kühne | Weinmessig, Mostrich und Konserven-Fabriken | BERLIN N31 | Brunnenstraβe 111". Sender's section with text "Surol | der Essig | zum Einmachen | nicht | vergessen!" - 'Surol | the vinegar | for canning | don't | forget!'. Ordercard on reverse with imprint.There are two versions depending on the printer's code.
/01: "Form 259 Sch. 15000 8 32" - (Printed Aug 1932)
/02: "Form 259 Sch. 15000 1 33" - (Printed JAn 1933)
Advertisment for Palmolive soap. Sender's section has an image of a bar of Palmolive soap and the inscription "PALMOLIVE | TOILETTEN-SEIFE | GRATIS". "Drucksache" printed to the right of the vertical dividing line.There are two versions of this card:
/01: Text offering three for the purchase of 2 pieces. No mark on reverse of card.
/02: Similar to /01 but with printer's code [P-700] in bottom left-hand side on reverse.
Berlin C2. Simon's Apotheke. Text in blue. Top left-hand side of card with arrow pointing right and text in rectangle "Beachten Sie die postalische | Eigenart dieser Katre! | Sie hat Sammlervert!"There are three versions of this card depending on text in left-hand sender's section:
01/: "Der Chirurg verwendet!" diagonally bottom left to top right.
02/: "2 Helper | des Frauenarztes" text in sender's section.
03/: "2 Stopper!" text in sender's section.
04/: "Lungen | bluungen | stehen | gewöhnlich" text in sender's section.
Text "Vereinigung | alter Landsmannschafter | Berlin III | Vors: Dr. H. Schreiber | Charlottenburg 4 | Droysenstraβe 5" text in sender's section lower half.There are five vesions of this card:
01: "Drucksache" and six dotted horizontal adddress lines
02: without "Drucksache" and with six dotted horizontal address lines
03: "Drucksache" and seven dotted horizontal adddress lines
04: without "Drucksache" and with seven dotted horizontal address lines
05: "Drucksache" and nine dotted horizontal adddress lines
Smaller size card measures 120 x 90mm. No vertical divider. Front side text reads "DRUCKSACHE" in top left-hand corner, then "An | Verlagsgesellschaft Textil-Woche | AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | BERLIN C19 | Spittelmarkt 8-10".![image](../../../images/postcards/wide.png)
Measures 150 x 105mm. Thick central vertical divide. Text in destination section reads "An | Die Textil-Woche | Berlin C19 | Spittelmarkt 8-10". Sender's section text "Betrifft | Kastenlose Lieferung | der Broschure" followed by three underlined lines of text and one last line of text "Bestellung umseitig".![image](../../../images/postcards/wide.png)
Berlin SW68, Victoria Feuer-Versicherungs-Aktien-Gesellschaft. Blue text. Revere side text "Bitte um Agentur-Bedingungen" - 'Ask for agency conditions'.![image](../../../images/postcards/wide.png)
Berlin W8. Gerbode. Order card for coffee. Without voucher number.![image](../../../images/postcards/wide.png)