This page was last updated
17-Jun-2024 03:27
BACKGROUND: P181 was issued in 1928, measures 148 x 105mm and features a 8Rpf dark green Ebert pre-printed stamp. There are four lines of text and two dotted lines in the sender's section and the vertical dividing line consisting of three lines.
There were two variations:
P181-I: with four straight edges
P181-II: with at least one serrated edge.
There are a huge number of official P181 postcards with additional private printing and below is just a selection of what can be found.
1. Destination address "H. A. Pierer | Altenburg/Thüringen"
2. Destination address "Heinrich E. Kobold | Altona-Bahrenfeld"
3. Destination address "J. P. HIMMER | AUGSBURG"
4. Destination address "KONA Vertriebgesellschaft | Bad Salzelmen"
5. Destination address "Coblitz & Koch G.m.b.H | BERLIN N 65"
5a. Destination address "L. SPÄTH | Berlin-Baumschulenweg"
6. Destination address "Direktor Dr. B. Frilig | Berlin-Hatensee"
7. Destination address "Furche Verlag | Berlin NW 7"
8. Destination address "Carl Gerbode | BERLIN W 8"
9. Destination address "HEINRICH LANE | Berlin W 9"
10. Destination address "Albert Mendel A.-G. | Berlin Schöneberg"
11. Destination address "Wilh. Müller | Berlin SW 19"
12. Destination address "Simon's Apotheke | BERLIN C 2"
13. Destination address "Rundfunk Vertrieb | BERLIN SW 68"
14. Destination address "Volksbeschwerdestelle | Berlin NW 7"
15. Destination address "Bonner Fahnenfabrik | Bonn a. Rh", Two versions.
16. Destination address "Hans Riegel | Bonn a. Rh"
17. Destination address "Deutsche | Frachtenprüfungsstelle | Braunschweig"
18. Destination address "Heinrich Brauckmüller | BREMEN"
19. Destination address "Martin Brinkmann | Bremen". Two versions, one Bremen, one Leipzig.
20. Destination address "Eduard Diederichs & Co. | Bremen". At least 10 different versions exist.
21. Destination address "H. Drechsler | Bremen"
22. Destination address "Eggers & Franke | Bremen"
23. Destination address "Louis Elstermann & Co. | BREMEN"
24. Destination address "Fr. O. Genzel | Bremen"
25. Destination address "Grosse & Lohse | Bremen". Two versions.
26. Destination address "Christ Fr. Lührssen | BREMEN"
27. Destination address "Ogo | BREMEN"
28. Destination address "Kaffee-Schilling | Bremen". Two versions.
29. Destination address "Ferdinand Schnell & Co. | BREMEN".
30. Destination address "Georg Schrader & Co. | BREMEN".
31. Destination address "Studer & Wicke | Bremen".
32. Destination address "Tabak-Werk Weser | Bremen".
33. Destination address "Carl Wilhelmi | BREMEN".
34. Destination address "Emil Köller | Bruchsal".
35. Destination address "Hans Andre | Bückeburg".
36. Sender's section image of a Christmas tree".
37. Destination address "Harry Trüller | Celle".
38. Destination address "Gewerbekammer | Chemnitz".
39. Destination address "Günther & Hauβner A,.-G. | Chemnitz 16".
40. Destination address "Otto Kellermann. | Chemnitz".
41. Destination address "HEIMALOL | Dattein I.W".
42. Destination address "Paul Seifert R.B. | Dittersbach".
43. Destination address "Die Vereinigung der Freunde | Dresden A1".
44. Destination address "E.T Gleitsmann | Dresden A 16".
45. Destination address "Heinrich Kellner | Dresden A 6".
46. Destination address "Hellmuth Dommel | Düsseldorf."
47. Destination address "Lakritzen | DÜSSELDORF." Three versions.
48. Destination address "Otto Boenicke | ELBERFELD."
49. Destination address "Möbelhaus | S. Maltenfort | Elbing"
50. Destination address "HEINRICH MESTER | ELMSHORN I. Holst"
51. Rubber stamp "Falkenburg | Waburn"
52. Destination address "FiTiWi | Finsterwalde N. L.". Two versions
53. Destination address "Gebrüder Seitz | Frankfurt a.-Süd 10"
54. Destination address "Bernhd Wiesengrund | FRANKFURT a.M"
54a Destination address "Ludwig Gutheim, Frankfurt a. Main".
55. Destination address "Märkisches Electrizitätswerk | FRANKFURT a.O"
56. Destination address "ILON | Freiburg I. Br.". Three versions
57. Destination address "Besold & Co. | Fürth i. Bayern"
58. Destination address "Bayerische Spiegelglasfabriken | Fürth i. Bayern"
59. Destination address "Besold & Co. | Fürth i. Bayern". Four Versions.
60. Destination address "Th. Zimmermann | Gnadenfrei (Schlesien)"
61. Destination address "Erste Periesreuter Schmalzlerfabrik | Grafenau"
62. Destination address "Karl Herm. Altmann | Hainewalde i. Sa"
63. Destination address "Fritz Dudel | Haale (Saale)". Two versions.
64. Destination address "Hugo Heckert | Haale (Saale)"
65. Destination address "P. Bruhn | Hamburg 4". Three versions
66. Destination address "Carl Th. Christensen | Hamburg 11"
67. Destination address "J. J. Darboven | Hamburg 15"
68. Destination address "Kaffeedarboven | Hamburg 1". Three versions
69. Destination address "J. G. Dibbern | Hamburg 11"
70. Destination address "Hammonia | Hamburg 1"
71. Destination address "Alfred Mathlason | Hamburg 6"
72. Destination address "Mertens & Petersen | Hamburg 8"
73. Destination address "Oppenheimer Casing Co. | HAMBURG 15"
74. Destination address "Th. Speckbötel | Hamburg 1"
75. Destination address "L. Wagner | Hamburg 3"
76. Destination address "Ulrich Schubert | Hamburg 8"
76a. Destination address "Firma Ehlers & Co. Hannover"
77. Destination address "PAUL HARTMANN A.-G. | HEIDENHEIM A.BRZ"
78. Destination address "Gebrüder Maier | Heidenheim (Brenz)"
79. Destination address "Ackermann | Heilbronn". Two versions
79a. Destination address "J. Sigel & Sohn | Heilbronn"
80. Destination address "Abraham Dürninger & Co. | Herrnhut"
81. Destination address "Max Friedmann | Gena"
82. Destination address "Karlsruher Lebensversicherungsbank A.-G. | Karlsruhe i.B"
83. Destination address "Preuβerische Beamten Verein zu Hannover | Karlsruhe i.B"
84. Destination address "Fröhlich & Wolff | Kassel"
84a. Destination address "Bernhard Preller, KIEL"
85. Destination address "H. Jvens | KIEL". Three versions.
86. Destination address "Vereinigle Weingutsbesitzer | Koblenz". Two versions.
87. Reverse side with image of building and "Karl Peters | Köln". Three versions.
88. Destination address "Handelsgesellschaft Noris | Zahn & Co. | Köln"
89. Destination address "Dr. J. Bresler | Kreuzburg"
90. Destination address "Sören Hermansen | Krupunder"
91. Destination address "Märkisches Electrizitätswerk | LANDSBERG/Warthe"
92. Destination address "Berger & Wirth | Leipzig". Two versions
93. Destination address "F. G. Karl Boehme | LEIPZIG C 1". Two versions
94. Destination address "Dietz & Richter | Leipzig C 1". Two versions
95. Destination address "Graul & Pöhl | Leipzig C 1".
96. Destination address "Kahle & Cless | LEIPZIG C 1".
97. Destination address "Richard Krüger | LEIPZIG W 33".
98. Destination address "F. Moritz Müller | Leipzig N 21".
99. Destination address "Karl Reber | LEIPZIG S3".
100. Destination address "Vasenol Werke | Leipzig W 33".
101. Destination address "Chemische Fabrik | J. Blaes & Co. | Lindau".
102. Destination address "Heinrich Franck Söhne | Ludwigsburg".
103. Destination address "Dorner & Co. | Ludwigshafen a, Rh".
104. Destination address "Hermann Thies | Lüneburg".
105. Destination address "Willy Klauer | Magdeburg".
106. Destination address "Heinrich Mittag | Magdeburg".
107. Destination address "SCHÖNEBERGER CABINET | Mainz a. Rh.". Two versions.
108. Destination address "L. Weil & Reinhardt | Mannheim 2".
109. Destination address "Diamalt-Akt-Ges | MÜNCHEN 2BS".
110. Destination address "Josef Schaeffler | MÜNCHEN".
110a. Destination address "Phototechnisches Institut - ATLAS"
111. Destination address "Josef Weiβ | München 2 C".
112. Sender's section "Werbef für das Heim!".
113. Destination address "F. W. Wolffram | Nordhausen". Five versions
114. Destination address "GEORG BENDA A.-G. | NÜRNBERG"
115. Destination address "Karl Huschie. | Nürnberg"
116. Destination address "Alfred Haist | Oberlauchringen"
117. Destination address "Fritz Daubenspeck | Oberwesel"
117. Destination address "Wilh. Gerstung | Offenbach a. M."
118. Destination address "A. Müller & Co. | Offenburg"
119. Destination address "Conrad Jürges | ROSTOCK"
120. Destination address "Wilhelm Scheel | Rostock i. M"
121. Destination address "Kettling & Krüger | SCHALKSMÜHLE"
122. Destination address "Fichtel & Sachs A.-G | Schweinfurt a. M"
122a. Destination address "Firma | Budo-Werk Schwenningen a.N. | Chemische Fabrik | Schwenningen a.N.
123. Destination address "Dr. Hillers A.-G | Solingen-Gräfrath"
124. Destination address "Kurpfalz-Sektkellerei | Speyer a. Rhein"
125. Destination address "Carl Fr. Brauer | STETTIN"
126. Destination address "Schütt & Ahrens | STETTIN"
127. Destination address "Karl Wulff | STETTIN"
128. Destination address "Richard Brudi | STUTTGART"
129. Destination address "Robert Friedel | Stuttgart". Two versions
130. Destination address "Regeno-Vorsorge | Stuttgart"
131. Destination address "Gustav Reisser | STUTTGART". Three versions
132. Destination address "Clemens Claus | Thalheim"
133. Destination address "Gebrüder Mehler | Tirschenreuth". Three versions
134. Destination address "W. Helweg Söhne | TREYSA"
135. Destination address "Hans Ehm | Uchte"
136. Destination address "Ege & Lang | Ulm a.D"
137. Reverse side has an image and inscription "FESTUNGSBAUVERWALTUNG ULM"
138. Destination address "Heinrich Mack Nachf | Ulm a.D"
139. Destination address "Fr. Kaiser | Waiblingen". Three versions
140. Destination address "Albrecht Bender | Weiβenburg in Bayern"
140a: Destination address "Wilhelm Lösch | Weimar"
141. Destination address "Harzer Käse-Fabrik | Wernigerode am Harz"
142. Destination address "August Dappert | Wiesbaden-Biebrich"
143. Destination address "Kreussler & Co. | Wiesbaden-Biebrich"
144. Reverse side has an image of a bird and text including "Deutschlands Strom"
145. Destination address "C. A. von Essen | Willich (Rhld)"
146. Destination address "Fränkisches Volksblatt | Würzburg"
147. Destination address "Gronewald & Stommel | Wuppertal-Elberfeld"
148. Destination address "Spezialwerk Thost | Zwickau I. Sa"
149. Destination address "Karl Adam"
150. Destination address "Einwurf ein 10-Rpf-Stück"
151. Reverse side approx 14 lines of text including "Dienstauftrag"
152. Reverse side has a bluish image of a young boy
153 P181-II: "Hermann Gerds | Bremen"