This page was last updated
19-Jun-2024 05:59

BACKGROUND: P204 was issued in 1925 to commemorate the 1,000 year anniversary of the Rhineland region. The card measures 140 x 90 mm and exists in two versions:
P204-I: with four straight edges
P204-II: with at least one serrated edge.
As well as the official card there were three official postage stamps Michel 372 to 374 and at least 50 official cards with additional private printing as can be seen below.

There were at least 50 official P204 postcards with additional private printing as follows:
1. Destination address "Heinrich E. Kobold | ALTONA". Two versions.
2. Destination address "Wolfgang Graf | Beyreuth"
3. Destination address "FRITZ FRANKE A.G. | BERLIN C19"
4. Destination address "Furche-Verlag | Berlin NW 7"
5. Destination address "Hanewacker & Lorenz | Berlin SW 48"
6. Destination address "G. W. Marwitz & Co. | BERLIN SW 48"
7. Destination address "Wilh. Müller | Berlin C19"
8. Sender's address "Dr. Ramelow | Berlin"
9. Destination address "Rhenania Verein Chem. Fabriken A.G. | BERLIN NW 7". Two versions.
10. Destination address "Deutsche Tapisserie-Fabrik | Berlin C19"
11. Destination address "Bonner Fahnenfabrik | Bonn"
12. Destination address "Adolf Menzel | Braunsweig"
13. Destination address "Eduard Diederichs & Co. | Bremen"
14. Destination address "Engelhardt & Co. | Bremen"
15. Destination address "F. Hagedorn & Söhne | BREMEN". Four versions.
16. Destination address "Mineraloel Raffinerie | Bremen". Two versions.
17. Destination address "Heinrich Müller | BREMEN". Two versions.

18. Destination address "Carl Wilhelmi | Bremen".
19. Destination address "Herrn Professor Karl Mayer | Braunsweig".
20. Destination address "Heilmittelvertrieb | BRESLAU 8".
21. Destination address "Paul Seifert | Dittersbach".

22. Destination address "Das TischerHandwerk | Dresden N6".
22a. Destination address "Deutsche Vacuum Oel Aktiengesellschaft | Dresden"

23. Destination address "Richard Zedel | Dresden A16".
24. Destination address "Ed. Stopp & Co. | Ehrenfriedersdorf".
25. Destination address "Herrn Cuno Plaut | ERFURT".
26. Destination address "Paul Julius Voβ | ERFURT".
27. Destination address "Frankfurter Armaturenfabrik | Frankfurt (Main) 3"
28. Destination address "Blumenfabrik F. X. Richter | Frankfurt am Main"
29. Destination address "Bernh. Ullmann & Co. | Fuerth (Bayern)"
30. Destination address "Julius Riess | Gardelgen"
31. Destination address "Kurt Zirkenbach | Halle a. S"
32. Destination address "Ohrtmann & Asmus | Hamburg 1"
33. Destination address "Jürgen Schömer | Hamburg 6"
34. Destination address "A. L. Bruns & Söhne | Hannover-Wülfel"
35. Destination address "Ernst Grote A.-G. | Hannover"
36. Sender's address "Deutscher Wien | Koblenz"
37. Destination address "G. E. Kuhnel | Köln-Deutz"
38. Destination address "Curt Fuchs | Leipzig"
39. Destination address "H. Sartorius Nachf | LEIPZIG"
40. Destination address "D. Bamberger | Lichtenfels"
41. Destination address "Carl Meister A.-G | LUNZENAU i. S"
42. Destination address "Walter Bodtke | Magdeburg"
43. Destination address "Erich Borrmann | MAGDEBURG"
44. Destination address "Walter Stein | Magdeburg"
45. Reverse side of card divided in two and text including "Corps Hubertia"
46. Destination address "Josef Kösel & Friedrich Pustet | München"
47. Destination address "Ch. Geigle | NAGOLD (Würrt)"

48. Destination address "Nordh. Kartonnagenfabrik | Nordhausen a. Harz"
49. Destination address "Benno von Grundherr | Nürnberg"
50. Destination address "Fritz Daubenspeck | Oberwesel"
51. Destination address "M. Niedermayr A.-G. | Rosenheim"
52. Destination address "Stadirat Dr. Zander | Spandau"
53. Destination address "Reemtsma A.-G. | Stuttgart"
54. Reverse side has a small eagle and globe image on the top left, text including "Deutsches Reich : Tausendjahrfeier des Rheinlanders"
55. Destination address "Fr. Kaiser | Waiblingen". Two versions.
56. Destination address "Firma | Ottokar Triebe | Zittau Sa"
57. Destination address "Rich. Focke | Zwickau (Sa.)"
58. Sender's address has lagre image that covers the entire sender's section. Three versions, either different image or different colour image". Text below image "Erste Deutscher Reichskreigertag | Leipzig