This page was last updated
07-Mar-2023 11:19

This section is devoted to general covers, package labels, envelopes and miscellaneous postal items used during the Weimar years.

(6th Jan 1925)
This first cover is a registered item sent to the Schweizerische Lebensversicherungs und Retenanstalt (Swiss life insurance and pension institution). The cover was cancelled in BRESLAU on 6th Jan 1925 and arrived in ZURICH the following day. The postage paid consists of five 1924 issue 10Rpf Michel 368 Anniversary of the U.P.U stamps and an additional 1924 issue Michel 356 Imperial eagle stamp for a total of 55Pf.

(31st Mar 1925)
The following cover was sent from Theodor Teichgraeber, a drugs, chemicals, specialty wholesaler and Chemical factory in BERLIN to a pharmacist Mr. Oscar Jansson in HELSINGFORS, Finland. Both stamps are per-fins, the first a 20Pf 1924 issue Michel 369 and the second a 1924 issue Michel 356 5Pf Imperial eagle stamp. Total postage paid 25Pf.

(22nd Dec 1925)
The following domestic cover was sent from HOF to the Vorstand des Halleschen Knappschafts - Vereins or The board of directors of the Halle Miners' Association, three days before Christmas 1925. A single 1924 issue Michel 357 10Pf stamp was sufficient to cover the postage. This cover has a special cancel commonly used during this period.