This page was last updated
07-Mar-2023 12:58

The study of the various postmarks and cancellations used in 1925 is a difficult one due to the limited information available. Fortunately we have the BOCHMANN catalogue to assist in identifying most of them. Whilst the catalogue covers the vast majority of special cancellations, and is a required source for this area of study, the information provided is limited and does not put the various postmarks and cancellations into context. The Bochmann catalogue forms the basis of this page but I have provided additional information where possible. My apologies now for any errors and the inevitable ommisions.

REFERENCE: BOCHMANN: Heft Nr 25, Page 850, Nr 495.
This roller cancel was applied in HOF in Dec 1925 and is inscribed "NIMM EIN POSTCHECK-KONTO" - 'GET A POSTCHECK ACCOUNT'. According to the Bochmann catalogue this slogan appears in several formats: Type A, Type B, three Type K and a roller (as below). The various slogans were used in Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Altenborg, Chemnitz, Görlitz, Halle (see below), Leipzig, Neustrelitz and Potsdam. More research required.