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12-Oct-2022 08:47
(14th/21st Aug 1936)
BACKGROUND: Commemorates German Youth whilst camped at Hochland, in the Bad Tolz region of Germany. The word Hochland trnaslates as Highland and refers to any area of high land. Hitler Youth area 19 was known as the Hochland group, and it was located around Munich, Upper Bavaria and Swabia. The first large tented camp meeting was held in August 1934 and consisted of 6,000 boys spending four weeks in the forests and moors between the towns and villages of Bavaria. The meeting moved to Königsdorf in 1936 due to conflicts with the locals and remained there until the end of the war. The camp's motto was "Discipline and Faith".
Typical activities at the camp involved sports, cross-country hiking and the obligatory Nazi indoctrination.
The front of the card reads 'Hochlander, Die groβe Schule des Gebietes Hochland' - 'Hochlander, the big school of the Hochland area'. The card was published by Vereinigte Kunstanstalten A.G Kaufbeuren, Bayern and was also used in 1937 and 1938.
SPECIAL CANCEL: There was a special long rectangular shaped slogan cancel which is related to this event and it features the Hitler Youth symbol at each end, a large circular cancel inscribed "SONDERPOSTAMT KÖNIGSDORF | BAD TOLZ" and a mountain peak and the words "Hochland Lager 1936" between the two Hitler Youth symbols. This cancel was used before and during the event from 6th Jul until 22nd Aug 1936. It was re-used again every year from 1936 until 1939.