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26-Feb-2025 06:16

(15th/17th Jun 1935)
This postcard was published to commemorate the 1935 German Craftsman's' Day held from 15th to 17th Jun 1935 in Frankfurt AM. The image depicts an older craftsman teaching his students how to work metal. The reverse of this particular example has a 6Rpf self-adhesive stamp which features a FRANKFURT (M) CDS dated 16.6.1935. In addition, there is a special cancel inscribed "Römerberg=Festspiele | in der Goethestadt | Frankfurt am Main | 15.Juni-1.Sept.1935" - 'Römerberg = Festival | in the city of Goethe | Frankfurt am Main | June 15-September 1, 1935'.
Johanne Wolfgand Goethe (1782-1832) was a renowned German poet and naturist who was born in Frankfurt am Main.