This page was last updated
29-Aug-2023 07:03
BACKGROUND: This postcard was issued some time in 1934 and is a propaganda postcard bemoaning the fact that Germany, since the Versailles Treaty, is in effect "ZWEI STAATEN, DOCH EINE SPRACHE, EIN BLUT UND, EIN VOLK!" 'TWO STATES, YET ONE LANGUAGE, ONE BLOOD AND ONE PEOPLE!'
The two states being referred to are: Germany, and all Germans outside of Germany. The map shows areas of Europe that were German prior to the First World War in white diagonal hatching, and areas that were not part of Germany, but have a large German speaking population in solid red (outside of Germany).
The table on the right breaks down how many Germans were now located in other states. Germany proper has 66 million inhabitants whereas there are a further 21 million Germans isolated outside of the country. This map is a great visual tool in understanding Hitler's fanatical desire to return all Germans to the fatherland. Austria, the Sudentenland and Poland have the three largest displaced German populations and these are the first three countries (with the exception of the Rhineland) on Hitler's occupation of Europe.
The artist was ZIEGLER but the publisher is unknown. The earliest cancelled date I have seen is WURZBURG on 24th Mar 1935.
![In My Collection](../../../images/general/dividers/collection-lge.png)