This page was last updated
17-Jun-2024 04:18
5 Rpf
BACKGROUND: P180 was issued in 1928, measures 148 x 105 mm and features a 5 Rpf olive-green Hindenburg pre-printed stamp. There are four lines of text and two dotted lines in the sender's section and the vertical dividing line consisting of three lines.
In addition to the regular official cards shown there were a large number of these cards with additional private printing, some of which can be seen below.
These cards are listed alphabetically by city.
1. Destination address "Tit | CIE GLE | AEROPOSTALE | BERLIN NW 7" - Two versions
2. Destination address "Akadamischer Verein Hütte | BERLIN NW 87"
3. Destination address "Herrenkleider Fabrikation | Berlin SW 19"
4. Destination address "Albert Mendel A.-G. | Berlin-Schöneberg"
5. Destination address "Heinrich Hatlak | Prag 1"
6. Sender's section "PALMOLIVE | Toiletten-Seife" - at least four versions
7. Destination address "Ferdinand Strange | Berlin SO 16"
8. Destination address "TELEFUNKEN | BERLIN SW 11"
8a. Destination address "An das | städt. Verkehrsamt | BONN"
9. Destination address "Herm. Ehlers & Co. | Bremen"
10. Destination address "Firma | Pook & Hartmann | Bremen"
11. Destination address "An das | Komitee zur Veranstaltung von | Lehrer-Symphonie-Konzerfen | Charlottenburg" - two versions
12. Destination address "An die | Chemnitzer Volksbühne | e.V. | Chemnitz"
13. Destination address "Firma | Heinrich Kellner | Dresden N6"
14. Destination address "STOLLWERK MUSTERSCHAU | Dresden"
15. Destination address "Parfümerie | Hermann Schöbel | DRESDEN 16"
16. Destination address "Heinrich Sonnenberg | Düsseldorf"
17. Destination address "Verein für das Deutschtum | im Ausland | Halle a.S"
18. Destination address "STOLLWERK MUSTERSCHAU | Hamburg"
19. Destination address "Herrn | Herbert Ledermann | HAMBURG 39"
20. Destination address "Technisches Büro Hamburg | Hamburg 1"
21. Sender's address "W. Schievink | Hamm"
22. Destination address "G. W. Storch Nachf. | KASSEL"
23. Destination address "Verein für das Deutschtum | im Ausland | Kassel"
24. Destination address "Walter Surkau | Köln-Ehrenfeld"
25. Sender's address "Sektion Krefeld"
26. Sender's address "HERMANN E. SIEGER | LORCH-WÜRTT"
27. Reverse side "HERMANN E. SIEGER LORCH"
28. Sender's address "HERMANN E. SIEGER | LORCH"
29. Destination address "An den Verein | zur Bekampfung | München 2 C"
30. Destination address "G. Wörner | München 25"
31. Destination address "An Firma | Elite-Diamantwerke | Siegmar"
32. Destination address "Firma | Martin Brinkmann | Bremen | Speyer a. Rhein"
33. Reverse side "19" in a wreath and text beginning "Dem Geburtstagskind!", Galle
34. P180-II Sender's address "HERMANN E. SIEGER | LORCH"