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29-Dec-2023 12:33

(31st May to 9th Jun 1925)
BACKGROUND: This card was pubished to commemorate a "German Sightseeing Flight 1925" from 31st May until 9th Jun. The other inscription on the card reads "B.Z.-PREIS DER LÜFTE" - 'B.Z.-PRICE OF THE AIR'.
The B.Z Preis der lüfte was actually an endurance flight organised by the German Aviation Association (DLV) and the Aero Club of Germany. The competition covered 5,000 Km, beginning and ending at Berlin's Templehof Airport, and covered 34 cities with a prize of 195,000 Marks to the winners. There were three groups of aircraft (each with about 30 pilots):
Group A: light aircraft up to 40hp.
Group B: aircraft from 40hp to 80hp.
Group C: aircraft from 80hp to 120hp.
This particular event in 1925 was a catalyst for the revival of German aviation after the ban on Germany having a motorised airforce after the First Wolrd War.