This page was last updated
09-Dec-2024 06:36

BACKGROUND: P162 is very similar to the 1924 design P156. The difference between the two postcards is that P162 has a thicker central dividing line consisting of three thick dark green lines separated by lighter green lines. P156 only has a single thin green line. In addition P162 is larger than P156, now measuring 148 x 105mm. This change is size was mandated by the UPU World Congress in Stockholm in 1924 which introduced the new A6 size.
1. Destination address "Den Spar und Vorschuβ Verein | Barsinghausen".
2. Destination address "Wolfgang Graf | BAYREUTH".
3. Destination address "Carl Gebrode | Berlin C 19". Sender's address text "Wünschen Sie".
4. Destination address "Carl Gebrode | Berlin C 19". Sender's address text "Fehlfarben - Mischungen".
5. Destination address "Merkel & Peretz | Berlin W35".
6. Destination address "Richd. Sauerbeck | Berlin SO 33".
7. Destination address "L. SPÄTH | Berlin-Baumschulenweg".
8. Reverse side orange-brown image inscribed "LEDION | JUBILÄUM | 250000 | BERLIN".
9. Destination address "Zeitschrift für die gesamte Kälte-Industrie | BERLIN W9".
10. Destination address "Adolf Mensel | Braunschweig".
11. Destination address "Pfeiffer & Schmidt | Braunschweig".
12. Destination address "Ernst F, Böhme | Bremen".
13. Destination address "Carl Engelhardt & Co. | BREMEN".
14. Destination address "Gibon & Steinmetz | BREMEN".
15. Destination address "F. Hagedorn & Söhne | BREMEN".
16. Destination address "Mineraloel-Raffinerie | vorm August Korff | BREMEN". Two versions.
17. Destination address "Heinrich Müller | BREMEN".

18. Seller's address section image of Hallenschwimmbad, Breslau".
19. Destination address "Otto Hoffmann Verlag | Bunzlau".
19a. Destination address "Otto Kellermann | Chemnitz Sa"

19b. Destination address Herrn | E. Erich Eckgold | General-Vertreter der Fa. Franz Foveaux | Coblenz | St. Josefsplatz 14

20. Destination address "Deutsche Vaccuum Oel Aktiengesellschaft | Dresden-A".

21. Destination address "Lingner-Werke | Dresden-A 24".
22. Destination address "Paul Julius Voss | Erfurt".

23. Destination address "H. Goetz | Frankfurt a. Main". Two versions, image on reverse side lilac with some black text or lilac only

24. Destination address "H. Goetz | Frankfurt a. Main". Two versions, image and text on reverse side black or no image.
25. Destination address "Blumenfabrik F. X. Richter | Frankfurt am Main".
26. Destination address "Gebrüder Seitz | Frankfurt a. M - S10".
27. Destination address "Voltohm | Frankfurt a. M.-Süd".
27a. Destination address "Becker, Bauer & Co. | Hamburg 3"

28. Destination address "Deutsche Vaccuum Oel Aktiengesellschaft | Hamburg 1".
29. Destination address "Kaffeedarboven | Hamburg 1".
30. Destination address "Gebrüder Maier | Heidenheim (Brenz)"
31. Destination address "Abraham Dürninger & Co. | Herrnhut I. Sa"
32. Destination address "Tapentenfabrik Laupendahl | Hösel Bz. Düsseldorf"
33. Destination address "Edelweiβ-Milchwerk | Kempten im Allgäu". At least three versions.
33a. Destination address "Schulze & Hoffmann | Hannover-Döbren"

34. Destination address "Dietz & Richter-Gebrüder Lodde | Leipzig"
35. Destination address "Verlag der Deutschen Turn Zeitung | Leipzig"
35a. Destination address "Karl Reber | Leipzig S.3"

36. Destination address "Kreuzer & Böhringer | Lindenfels"
37. Destination address "Lübecker General Anzeiger | Lübeck"
38. Destination address "Heinrich Mittag | Magdeburg"

39. Destination address "SCHÖNBERGER CABINET | Mainz a. Rh"

40. Destination address "Süddeutsche Haushalts-Hilfe | München"
41. Destination address "JOS RUPRECHT | MÜNCHEN"

42. Destination address "Paul Kogel | Niendorf kries Pinneberg | Holstein"

43. Destination address "Nordh. Kartonnagenfabrik | Nordhausen a. Harz"
44. Destination address "Deutsche Vaccuum Oel Aktiengesellschaft | Nürnberg".
45. Destination address "Fritz Daubenspeck | Oberwesel am Rhein".
46. Destination address "Pagauer Filzwaarenfabrik | Pegau i. Sa".
47. Destination address "Carl Götze | Roβlau / Anhalt".
48. Sender's address "Gustav Wohlfarth | Rudolstadt".
49. Destination address "Dr Schmid & Co. | Schorndorf (Würrt)".
50. Sender's address "Fichtel & Sachs A.-G. | Schweinfurt".
51. Destination address "REEMTSMA A.-G. | STUTTGART". Two versions, one with text in capitals, the other lower case.
52. Destination address "Fr. Kaiser | Waiblingen". At least five versions all with differing text on the reverse side.

53. Destination address "Fliegenfängerfabrik Aeroxon | Waiblingen".
54. Destination address "Hugo Michel | Weimar".
55. Sender's address "Das Gute Zirndorfer Bier | Zirndorf".
56. Reverse of card with image of Munich Museum.
57. Sender's section with image of Reichsadler and Hindenburg, with text "Erster | Deutscher | Reichs | Kriegertag" Three versions.
58. Sender's section with image of Monument and text "Mitteldeutscher | Republikanischer Tag".
59. with an additional inscription running around the edges of the left-hand pane. The inscription reads "SIE WÜNSCHEN HÖCHSTLEISTUNG | KAUFEN SIE NUR TELEFUNKEN RÖHREN | ACHTENSIE AUF TELEFUNKEN STERN | KAUFEN SIE NUR TELEFUNKEN-ORIGINAL GERÄT". PP81-B-9/01 and /02 (/02 with additional image inside the border).

60. P162-II: likely only one version with destination text "Feldheim & Co. | Hannover".