This page was last updated
12-Oct-2022 08:40
(1st/2nd Nov 1941)
BACKGROUND: This Strength through Joy (K.d.F) sponsored postcard was issued to commemorate the 1st Postal Exhibition from District IX in BERLIN-KARLSHORST.
The title reads "1. Briefmarken -Werbe- Ausstellung der KdF-Orts-und.Betriebs-Sammlergruppen des Kreises IX" - '1st stamp advertising exhibition of the KdF local and company collector groups of district IX'. The map is of part of the city of Berlin and the locations of the local and district collectors groups can be found using the legend to the left of the self-adhesive 3Rpf stamp. The location of the exhibition was the German House in Berlin-Karlshorst.
SPECIAL HANDSTAMP: The example below features the special handstamp that was used at the exhibition and is inscribed "BERLIN-KARLSHORST | 1. BRIEFMARKEN-WERBESCHAU KREIS IX | 1.11. u 2.11.1941". The handstamp design features a Swastika in a gear wheel with four hatched flags in the shape of a segment of a circle and the Karlshorst city coat of arms
![In My Collection](../../../images/general/dividers/collection-lge.png)