This page was last updated
13-Jan-2024 06:45

1.50 MARK + 0.60 MARK
BACKGROUND: Issued Oct 1922. Issued to account for the latest increase in postal rates. The upper border has the inscription "Nimm ein Postcheckkontrol" and the lower border has a revised inscription, this time "Preis: Freigebuhr + Papierzuschlag". Apart from the revised text on the lower border, this postcard is the same design as P146. The other major difference being an increase in the value of the pre-printed stamp. The value has now increased to 1.50 Mark.
There are three versions of this card as follows:
P148-a-I: is ultramarine in colour and has straight edges to the card.
P148-a-II: is the same as P148-a-I above but now with a serrated edge.
P148-b: is Prussian blue in colour and has straight edges to the card.
In addition to the regular official card described above there were several versions with private printing.

ABOVE: P148-a-I - ultramarine with straight edges

ABOVE LEFT: P148-a-II - ultramarine with serrated edges
ABOVE RIGHT: P148-b - prussian blue with straight edges

1. A. Klagemann: sender's section 4 lines of text starting "A. Klagemann". Reverse side completely taken up with text.2. Paul Philipp: sender's section "Paul Philipp" and three lines of text running vertically along the left-hand edge. Reverse side completely taken up with text beginning "Ermittelungen".
3. THE RUSSIAN CLUB: Reverse side of card completley taken up with text beginning "THE RUSSIAN CLUB". There are two versions of this card, the difference being in the contents of the text on the reverse side of the card.
4. Ludwig Bader: Sender's section consists of three lines of text "Ludwig Bader | Feuerbach (Württ) | Pragstr 91".
5. Markenhaus Werner Voβ: Five lines of text in sender's section "Markenhaus Werner Voβ | Margentheim".

6. SALO REH: sender's section features an image of a horse and a horse shoe above 5 lines of text beginning "SALO REH" of Nürnberg.
7. Julius Winkelmann, Oberhausen: Reverse of card taken up entirely with text, second last line reads "Julius Winklemann, Oberhausen (Rheinland)".
8. Wolfstein: Sender's section taken up with 9 lines of text beginning "Gerichtsschreiberei | des Amtsgerichts Wolfstein".