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13-Jan-2024 06:33

75Pf + 10Pf
BACKGROUND: Issued Jul 1922. Issued due to increase in postal rates. The upper frame has the inscription "Nimm ein Postcheckkontrol" and the lower frame is inscribed "Papierpreiszuschlag 10Pf". The stamp is a blue pre-printed 75Pf stamp inscribed "Deutsches Reich" on the lower edge and depicting a man on a horse galloping along a country road. The word "Postkarte" is on the right-hand side near the central divider. The left-hand pane has the word "Absender" and the address field consists of 4 dotted lines and a single solid line.
There are two versions of this card as follows:
P146-I: with four straight edges and
P146-II: with a serrated edge.
In addition to the regular official card described above there were at least 50 versions with private printing.





1. Bücherzettel: This card has the word "Bücherzettel" printed just below the word "Postkarte" and "Martin Rechl | Altötting" in the sender's section on the front side. There are an additional three lines of text on the reverse side. 2. Schmiedemeistre: On the front of the card "Postkarte" has been obliterated and "Drucksache" printed below. The destination address is simply "An herrn | Schmiedmeistre". The reverse side is taken up by 12 lines of bold text.
3. EMIL HORN, Augsburg: The sender's section has eight lines of text beginning "Telefon Nr. 3983". The destination address is "Firma | EMIL HORN | Scheuertuch-Weberei | Augsburg | Bismarckstraβe 13". The is a table on the reverse side for ordering items.
4. EMIL HORN, Augsburg: This second version has an identical destination address and table but now there is no sender's text.
5. EMIL HORN, Augsburg: The third version no longer has a table on the reverse side, instead it is completely take up with text.
6. Hans Sinn, Bad Bramstedt: The reverse of the card has mutiple lines of text beginning "Rundschreiben Nr 5" and ending "Hans Sinn".
7. Karl Hohmann, Ballenstedt: Sender's section fully used up by text including "Karl Hohmann | Ballenstedt i. H".
8. Fr. Treede, Belgern: Sender's section 60% used up with text starting "Fr. Treede".
9. EMIL BERGER, BERLIN W 30: Sender's section fully used up by text including "EMIL BERGER, BERLIN W 30"
10. FRIEDRICH W, SCHADE, Berlin: Reverse side with eight lines of text beginning with "Berlin, den" and ending "Hochhachtungsvoll | FRIEDRICH W, SCHADE | Berlin NW 5, Putlitzstr 12 | Fernsprecher: Moabit 1814".
11. Richard Stephan, BERLIN: Sender's address of "Richard Stephan, Berlin S 59"
12. Julius Berghoff, Beuel: Destination address of "Herrn | Julius Berghoff | Beuel".
13. C. F. BOCK, Breslau: Sender's address of "C. F. BOCK, Breslau II".
14. Heinrich Welter, Cassel: Destination address of "Apokether Heinrich Welter | Cassel".

15. P. SCHUBERT, DUISBERG: Sender's address of "P. SCHUBERT, DUISBERG".

16. Paul Schubert, Duisberg: This version has a destination address of "Paul Schubert, Duisberg".
17. Dr. J. Fromme, Egeln: Reverse side has multiple lines of text beginning "Apothekerammer der Provinz Sachsen" and ending "Dr. J. Fromme".
18. Carl Hahn, Elmshorn: Sender's address completley taken up with text including "Carl Hahn | Bankgeschäft | Elmshorn".
19. F. & C. Achenbach, Frankfurt: Destination address "F. & C. Achenbach | Verbandstoff-Fabrik | Frankfurt a. M.-W.".
20. Dr Bruno Fürst, Frankkfurt: Sender's address "Firma | Dr Bruno Fürst" followed by 4 lines of text.
21. Westharzer Papierhaus Croenitz: Reverse side left-hand section taken up with eighteen lines of text. 17th line reads "Westharzer Papierhaus Croenitz".
22. GEORG BALTHASAR, GRÖMBACH: Reverse side with six lines of text including "GEORG BALTHASAR".
23. Michael Ernst, Hamburg: Reverse side has sixteen lines of text beginning "P.T." and ending "Michael Ernst, Moorkamp 5, Hamburg 6".
24. Guionneau & Co., Hamburg: Reverse side has ten lines of text including "Guionneau & Co. Hamburg".
25. Müller & Co., Hamburg: Sender's address "Müller & Co. | Briefmarken-Grosshandlung | Hamburg 6".
26. Geschäftsstelle Des Hannoverschen Sonntagsblatt, Hannover. Reverse side with multiple lines of text including "Rechnung vetr. Anzeige Nr." and "Geschäftsstelle Des Hannoverschen Sonntagsblatt".
27. Firma A, Lehmann, Erfurt: Sender's addtess of "Firma A, Lehmann" 28. Verlag für Kunst und Kunstgewerbe, Kaiserslautern: Destination address "Verlag für Kunst und Kunstgewerbe, Kaiserslautern".

29. GEBRÜDER WAHREN, Lörrach-Stettin: Reverse side with fifthteen lines of text ending with "GEBRÜDER WAHREN | Lörrach-Stettin".
30. Intern. Notgeld und Briefmarken-Versandhaus, Lübeck: Reverse side with ten lines of text ending with "Intern. Notgeld und Briefmarken-Versandhaus".
31. Hermann Pfähler, Ludwigsburg: Sender's address "Hermann Pfähler | Briefmarkenhandlung | Ludwigsburg". Two versions with slight differences in the text on the reverse side.
32. Maria Laach, Köln: Reverse side with multiple lines of text. Bottom left-hand corner "Maria Laach, Datum des Poststempels".
33. Verner Voβ: Sender's address "Markenhaus Verner Voβ | Mergentheim".
34. Adreβbuchverlag der handelskammer, München: Reverse side with multiple lines of text ending "Adreβbuchverlag der handelskammer München".
35. Gebr Hörz, Neckartenzlingen: Sender's address "Gebr Hörz, Neckartenzlingen".
36. Hans Haarmann, Nürnberg: Destination address "Hans Haarmann | Nürnberg".
37. Louis Neumann, Nürnberg: Sender's address "Louis Neumann | Nürnberg".
38. Max Schmidt, Nürnberg: The reverse of the card has 11 lines of text beginning "Schuhwarenhaus Max Schmidt | Nürnberg".
39. OLDENBURGER RUDERVEREIN E.V: The reverse of the card has multiple lines of text beginning "OLDENBURGER RUDERVEREIN E.V". There are two versions of this card, the difference being in the contents of the text.
40. G.C. Will, Oldenburg: Destination address on three lines reads "G.C. Will Wwe | Oldenburg i. O". There are three versions of this card, one with the address repeated in the sender's section, and one without. The third card uses a different font and does not have any text in the sender's section.

41. S.B. Schlesinger & Co, Pforzheim: The reverse of this card is divided into two. The left-hand pane has an image of various metal pins whereas the right-hand pane has multiple lines of text starting "Dear Sir" and ending "PFORZHEIM, GERMANY".
42. Aug Wölck, Rothemühle: This card has a sender's address "Aug Wölck" and 16 lines of text.
43. Bratfisch & Tassius, Salmünster: This card has a sender's address of "Bratfisch & Tassius, Salmünster" amongst 13 lines of text.
44. Wilhelm Sattler, Schweinfurt a. Main: The sender's section of this card has five lines of text beginning "Wilhelm Sattler".
45. W.Wossner, Schwenningen: The sender's section has four lines of text beginning "W.Wossner".
46. Dieterle & Co. STUTTGART: The reverse of this card is mostly text, the last two of which are "DIETERLE & CO | Spezialgeschäft für Voligummireifen".
47. TURBO Maschinenbau Akt.Ges, Überlingen: Destination address on five lines beginning "An | TURBO Maschinenbau Akt.Ges".
48. Vereinsbank Vieselbach: Sender's section "Vereinsbank Vieselbach | e,g.m.b.H". "Postkarte" obliterated and "Drucksache" added.
49. Frank Bergmann: The reverse of the card has a purple image of a man in a tophat and eleven lines of text.
50. Bilder und Klänge, Leipzig: Reverse of card has an image of the inside of a building and multiple lines of text including "Bilder und Klänge auf Leipzig"
51. Paul Schmidt: The sender's section has an image of a building with "Paul Schmidt" below it.
52. The sender's section is completely occupied by the image of a building "Waisenhaus Zell".
53. Unnamed private issue with image on reverse.

54. Gebr. Bier, Baumholder, MÖBELHAUS. Sender's address with 5 lines of text beginning "Gebr. Bier, Baumholder, MÖBELHAUS"