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18-Mar-2023 03:14

(30Pf - Bright Blue)
BACKGROUND: Issued 6th May 1920. There are two versions of P120: P120-I has four straight edges, whereas P120-II has one or more serrated edges.
There were two printings of this card: The Berlin printing is noticeable as it has 71 dots on each line of the destination section of the card, whereas the Munich printing has 76 dots on each line.
The P120-I version exists with a very large number of private issues whereas there are likely only one or two private issues of P120-II.
Here are some duplicates from my collection. SPECIAL CANCEL: NONE


P120 - Berlin Version - 71 dots


P120 - Munich Version - 76 dots

There were a great number of private issues of this card, too many to show here. Below is a summary of what was available.
1. Hotel Viktorquelle, Bad Wildungun.
2. Deutsche Metallarbeiter Verband, Berlin.
3. Herrn Langbecker, Berlin-Steglitz.
4. S. Meier, Berlin O27.
5. Carl Kohrs, Bremen.

6. Herrn Wilh. Müller, Berlin C19.

7. Herrn Hauptmann a. D. Rohde, Berlin-Südende.
8. Volksbücherei, Berlin.
9. Behringwerke A.G., Bremen.
10. Herrn Franz Aug. Schombardt, Cassel (6 lines).
11. Herrn Franz Aug. Schombardt, Cassel (4 lines).
12. Firma Metall und Bronzewarenfabrik, Döbeln.
13. Wwe J.P. Kockelkorn & Vaassen.
14. Reichsverband, Düsseldorf.
15. Herrn Wilhelm Wartenburg, Erfurt.
16. Deutscher Phönix, Frankfurt.

17. Sächs. Dampfkessel-Ueberwachungs-Vereins.
18. Schlesische Kohlen- und Kokswerk, Gottesberg.
19. An die Concentra-Vertreter, Halle a.S.
20. Deutsche Bank Filiale, no code.

20a. Deutsche Bank Filiale, code G 735/ 1 3 21
21. Deutsche Bank Filiale, code G 735/ 7 6 21
22. Deutsche Bank Filiale, code G 735/ 22 8 21
23. Groddeck, Hamburg.
24. E. Tosse & Co., Hamburg.
25. Rechnung vetr. Anzeige Nr., Hamburg.

26. Herrn /friedr. Ackermann, Heilbronn a. N.
27. Herren Abraham Dürninger & Co., Herrnhut.

28. Karl Baedeker, Leipzig.
29. Herrn Heinrich Hans Hoffmann, Leipzig.
30. Otto Hofmann, Leipzig.
31. Firma Ernst Nebe, Leipzig.
32. Heinrich J. Möller, Lübeck.
33. An die Württ Glühstrumpffabrik, Ludwigsbund

34. Behringwerke A.G. Marburg. (4 different versions)
35. Herrn Ferd. Otto de La Haye, Niederlahnstein.
36. Mykologen-Kongreβ, Nürnberg.
37. Unnamed but top line on reverse reads "Nürnberg, den 14 februar 1922"
38. Herrn Friedrich Haver, Ohlau i. Schles.
39. Uckerermärkischer Kurier, Prenzlau.
40. Andreas-Hofer-Bund für Tirol, Ulm.
41. Firma Fliegenflänger-Fabrik, Stuttgart.

42. Hohmann & Soeding, G.m.b.H, Witten.
43. Das Kurhaus Berchtesgaden.
44. Paul Schmidt, Dresden.
45. Saint Georg, Hahn.
46. Multiple names: Ofternman, W. Stickel, Wilhelm Wessels.
47. Ulrich Gminder (Type II - Serrated).
48. Die Expedition des "Oberbayer. Gerbirgsbote | Holzkirchen (Obb)"

1. These first two cards are both postally unused Berlin printings of P120.

1. This first postally used card was a Berlin printing posted in KIEL on 27th Aug 1921 and was destined for a local KIEL address.

2. This next card was posted in the new centre of government, the city of WEIMAR, on 17th May 1921 and was sent to HAMBURG. In addition to the pre-printed 30Pf stamp there are two 5Pf Germania self-adhesive stamps.

3. The following card was posted in FRANKFURT on 19th Dec 1920.

4. The card below was postally used in WOLMIRSTEDT on 26th Sep 1921 and has an additional 10Pf self-adhesive stamp applied.

5. The following card was cancelled on 26th May 1921 from an unknown city, and has an additional 10Pf Germania self-adhesive stamp applied.

1. This first example was sent from NEUSALZA in SPREMBURG on 12th Apr 1921 and was destined for HAARLEM in the NETHERLANDS. Total postage paid was 80Pf.

2. This next example was also sent to HAARLEM in the NETHERLANDS, this time from BROCKAU in SAXONY-ANHALT on 15th Jul 1921. Total postage paid this time was also 80Pf.