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28-Jul-2024 03:25
Issued: 28th Jul 1916. Published due to the increase in the reduced local postage for Wurttemberg, and for domestic postage through the introduction of a War Tax (so-called Reichsabgabe) on 1st Aug 1916. With watermark. The image of Germania on the value stamp is with an unshaded (plain white) background.
P110 was sold at various post offices with a supplement for the Red Cross. P110 with a 2½ Pf postage stamp stuck to the center under "Postcard" on an attached edge strip, comes from a postcard machine.
In addition to the official card there were many others available with private printing, some of which can be seen below.
There were a large number of P110 postcards that were overprinted by private companies and below is a small selection of what was produced.
1. The inscription on the left-hand side of the card reads "Nach auswärts nicht nachsenden" - 'Do not forward to external destinations'.
2. The destination address on the following card is "Herrn | Dr. M. Lehmann | Berlin N.W. 21. | Dortmundersr . 12"
3. The next privately printed P110 card bears the destination address "An | Reichsbank | Nachrichtenbüro für die Kriegsanleihen | (Abteilung für Statistik) | Berlin C 19 | Adlerstraβe 51" - 'To | Reichsbank | War Bonds News Office | (Department of Statistics) | Berlin C 19 | Adlerstrasse 51'
4. The example below bears an advertisment for the Mündener Tageblatt - The Munden Daily Newspaper.
5. The privately overprinted card below was spoonsored by the "Schlesische Kohlen- und Kokswerke" in Gottedberg, "Silesian coal and coke works". This example was cancelled in GOTTESBERG on 19th Jun 1918 and was destined for PRAGUE.
6. The postally used example below was cancelled in KOTZSCHENSRODA on 23rd Dec 1916 and was sent to LEIPZIG. The card was bears the inscription "Julius Bierling Nachfolger" - 'Julius Bierling successor'.
7. Inscribed "Chemisch-Technische Fabrik | Carl Bechem | Hagen (Westf.) | Postschlieβfach 208".
8. The following card bears the destination address "Firma | Gebrüder Lasch | Köln | Zeppelinstrasse 7."
9. The following card bears the destination address "Rudolf Schindler | Stuttgart | Hessenberg-Stelge 4"
10. The example below was sponsored by Möller & Breitscheid of Köln
11. The next card was sponsored by "Herrn | Quesser & Co., G.m.b.H. | Hamburg 19"
12. The card below was sponsored by Deutsche Bank of Hamburg
13. Sponsored by S. ROEDER of Berlin S42 the following card has an order form on the reverse side