This page was last updated
02-Apr-2023 04:33

After the defeat of France and the low countries and the armistice signed in Compiegne on 22nd Jun 1940, the Alsace region was merged with Gau Baden and placed under German administration. French stamps were still valid until 17th Aug 1940 so it is possible to find covers with mixed frankings of both French and German (Michel 1 to 16) stamps, for the three days from 15th to 17th Aug.
Official German mail did not use overprinted stamps and can only be found with German Empire stamps without any overprint.
From 1st Jan 1942 these stamps were on longer valid and only the regular stamps of the German Reich were allowed.
These stamps are sought after if they have the old French or Provisional postmarks, for example cancellations with a circular CDS inscribed "STRASSBOURG - PRINCIPAL | BAS-RHIN"

MICHEL 1 to 16
(15th Aug 1940)
On 15th Aug 1940 existing Hindenburg Head definitive stamps were overprinted 'Elsaβ' for use in the occupied Alsace region.

Mi 1: 3Rpf - dark brown ochre - More details
Mi 2: 4Rpf - blackish grey ultramarine (shades) - More details
Mi 3: 5Rpf - (yellow) emerald green (shades) - More details
Mi 4: 6Rpf - black (grey) green to black opal green - More details

Mi 5: 8Rpf - cinnabar (shades) - More details
Mi 6: 10Rpf - black reddish brown (shades) - More details
Mi 7: 12Rpf - blackish pink (red) - More details
Mi 8: 15Rpf - dark to black red lilac - More details

Mi 9: 20Rpf - bright cyan blue - More details
Mi 10: 25Rpf - medium lilac ultramarine - More details
Mi 11: 30Rpf - dark brownish olive - More details
Mi 12: 40Rpf - dark lilac purple - More details

Mi 13: 50Rpf - black green / grey black - More details
Mi 14: 60Rpf - dark carmine lilac / grey black - More details
Mi 15: 80Rpf - dark cobalt / grey black - More details
Mi 16: 100Rpf - blackish yellow-orange / grey black - More details