This page was last updated
03-Nov-2024 01:28
This set of postcards likely appeared in 1939 as part of the Nazi government's demands to be freed from the restrictions of the Versailles agreement. There are at least four postcards, probably more, that highlight Germany's perceived, or otherwise, unfairness with the constraints of the treaty. [Much more research is needed on these interesting cards].
There are at least two different sets of cards: the set below with seven lines of text on the reverse-side in the upper left-hand corner, and an earlier set issued in 1934 with no such text.
ABOVE LEFT: 1939: With seven additional lines of text
ABOVE RIGHT: 1934: Without seven additional lines of text
The text reads:
"Durch seine einseitige Abrüftung ist Deutschlnds Sicherheit aufs schwerste bedroht, folange seine nachbarn nicht gleicher Weise abrüften. Das deutsche Volk fordert einmütig gleiches Recht und gleiche Sicherheit wie die anderen völker und volle Gleichberechtigung in dieser nationalen lebensfrage"
Germany's security is seriously threatened by its unilateral withdrawal, as long as its neighbors do not withdraw in the same way. The German people unanimously demand the same rights and security as the other nations and full equality in this vital national question.