This page was last updated
07-Apr-2024 04:33
(20th/23rd Jul 1939)
BACKGROUND: In addition to the P240 official postcard, there were at least two private postcards on sale.
SPECIAL CANCEL: A Special handstamp was used during the event.
Broschek & Co., HAMBURG
The company Broschek & Co., of HAMBURG produced a series of postcards (unfortunately unnumbered) to commemorate the 5th Conference of the Kraft Durch Freude (K.d.F), held in Hamburg from 20th to 23rd Jul 1939.The reverse side has the main title "5. Reichstagung 1939 | Hamburg | der NS. Gemeinschaft "Kraft Durch Freude" | Festzug "Schonheit und freude"" - '5th Reich Conference 1939 | Hamburg | the National Socialist Community "Strength Through Joy Organisation" | "Beauty and joy" Pageant'. 1. This first card is subtitled "Berittene Fanfarenbläser" - 'Mounted fanfare players'.
The example above features the Special handstamp that was used to promote the event.
2. The following card bears the inscription "Truppe der Letten" - 'Latvian troops'.
3. The next card in the series features flag bearers marching with large Nazi flags emblazoned with swastikas. The subtitle on this card reads "Einen der fahnengruppen" - 'One of the flag groups'
The example above features the Special handstamp that was used to promote the event.
4. Below is another very striking card in the same series by Broschek & Co., of HAMBURG.
The additional inscription on this card reads "Der erhebende Abschluβ" - 'The uplifting conclusion'
The example above also features the Special handstamp that was used to promote the event.