This page was last updated
24-Feb-2025 01:59

BACKGROUND: I don't know much about the postcards commemorating this event and have been unable to find out any detailed information, however they appear to be postcards published to promote a fishing competition, which took place sometime in 1937 and appears to be related to the 700th Anniversary of Berlin celebrations.
SPECIAL HANDSTAMP: There was a special handstamp used to commemorate the festival inscribed "BERLIN-STRALAU | Stralauer fischzug 1937 | Das Folksfest | der 700-Jahr-feier | der Stadt Berlin | 15.8-5.9.37"

The inscription on the front of the postcard reads:
"Hiemit thu Euch Kund und zu wissen, dass ich auf dem stralauer Fischzugfest bei einem vorzüglichen. Engelhardt Biere Euer gedenket und einige Glass auf euer ganz spezielles wohl geleeret hab!"
This translates roughly as "I hereby let you know that I am at the stralauer fishing festival, enjoying the excellent Engelhardt beers. I will remember you, and will empty a few glasses to your health!"
There is at least one other card that was aslo printed to commemorate this event.