This page was last updated
28-May-2024 06:26
BACKGROUND: There were a number of patriotic postcards issued throughout 1933 and a small selection follows:
No. 1
This first example features images of Paul von Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler in front of the Imperial and Swastika flags respectively. This type of imagery was intended to show a close link between Germany's past and her future, a way of legitimising the Nazi regime. The inscription on the front of the card reads "Nimmer wird das | Reich zerstöret, | Wenn Ihr einig seid | und treu!" - 'That will never happen, the Empire destroyed, | If you agree | and are faithful!'![image](../../notmypostcards/1933/propaganda/patriotic/1-f-1.jpg)
No. 2
This card depicts both the German Imperial flag as well as a swastika flag and the inscription "Hoch die Fahne! | Heil Hitler!" - 'Raise the flag! | Heil Hitler!'![image](../../notmypostcards/1933/propaganda/patriotic/2-f-1.jpg)
No. 3