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02-Nov-2024 08:12
The Hindenburg postcards were re-issued later in 1933 with some changes from the earlier design. The text on the bottom right of the card has been changed from two lines of text to a single line of text, and the five lines of sender's text has now been reduced to three lines. In addition, the three vertical dividing lines have been changed to a single line.
There are two versions of this card: P226(I) has straight edges and P226(II) has a serrated edge.
Private versions of the official postcard were produced, some examples of which can be seen below.
There were at least 160 versions of this card with private printing, many of which are described below.
1. ROBERT QUAST, AACHEN - There were two versions of this card addressed to "Robert Quast | Aachen". The type 01 test is in regular italic text whereas the type 02 version is in bold italic text. Otherwise they are the same.
2. OTTO HOLLBORN - ALFELD (LEINE) - This version of the card is addressed to "Otto Hollborn | Alfelder Tüten- und Papierwaren - Farbik" and other than this text, there is nothing else different from the basic card.
3. HEINRICH SEELE, ARMSTADT - This version of the card is addressed to "Heinrich Seele | Arnstadt". In addition, below the sender's information, is the text "Weichen Bindladen nehme ich?" followed by a list of items for sale along with their weight and dimensions.
4. DIE OSTSEE / DAS FRISCHE HAFF - This version of the card is the same as the basic card on the front side. The reverse side has a small line map in the top left-hand corner inscribed 'DIE OSTSEE' followed by another small map below it and the inscription 'DAS FRISCHE HAFF'. There are an additional two lines of text on the upper right-hand side of the card.
5. BAYREUTH - This version of the card has two thick lines of sender's information, the second line ending "Bayreuth". Below this text is the number "423/39" and nine lines of text and a signature. The reverse of the card is completely taken up with text, the second last line of which reads "Bayreuth, Tag des Poststempels".
6. HERRN MAJOR D.R. BEYSE - This front side of this version of the card is addressed to "Herrn Major d. R. Beyse | Berlin-Lichterfelde" and the reverse of the card has 6 lines of pre-printed text the last of which reads 'Deutsche Unterschrift'.
7. HEINRICH FRANK SÖHNE - This version of the card has the following destination address "Firma | Heinrich Frank Söhne | Gesellschaft mit beschränkter haftung | Berlin W57 | Potsdamer straβe 75c"
8. BERLIN-SPANDAU - This version of the card has six lines of destination address in "Berlin-Spandau". Below the sender's text is a picture of a small wooden cabinet. The reverse side is taken up completely with text and a small table for ordering items.
9. MERKEL & PERETZ - This version of the card has only three lines of text in the destination section of the card inscribed "Merkel & Peretz | G.m.b.H | Berlin-Zehlendorf".
10. FIRMA PHÖNIX - This version of the card has five lines of destination address "Firma | Phönix | Aktiengeselischaft für Zahnbedarf | Berlin W62 | Schlieβfach 81". The left side of the reverse of the card is taken uo with text and a number of dotted horizontal lines, the last two lines ending (Name) and (Wahnort)
10(a). Destination address "Firma Phonix. Braunschweig"
11. Wilhelm Pichmann - This version of the card was addressed to "Herrn | Wilhelm Pichmann | Charlottenburg 5 | Windscheidstr 18". Below the sender's details is a black and white line drawing of a smiling man hanging out of a window carrying a briefcase. Above him is the inscription "Nachsendung für".
12. DENTAL VERSAND - This version of the card was addressed to "DENTAL-VERSAND | Poppenberg G.m.b.H | Berlin W9 | Linkstraβe 3"
13. RUDOLF ROHR - This version of the card was addressed to "Markenhaus | Rudolf Rohr | Berlin W15 | Kurfürstendamm 38-39". In addition, below the sender's section is 5 lines of text, the last line of which is inscribed "ohne meinen Namen zu nennen" in bold text. The reverse side of the card has multiple sections labelled from 1. to 10. followed by two lines of text. The first line reads "Besten Dank ! Markenhaus Rudolf Rohr".
14, PFEIFFER & SCHMIDT - This version of the card was addressed to "Pfeiffer & Schmidt | Braunschweig' and the reverse of the card has a table used for ordering items.
15. 3rd REICHSBUNDTAG, BREMEN - This version of the card was used to commemorate the 3rd Reichsbundtag and 44th German Philatelist's Day in Jun 1938. Below the sender's section is a green image of a postage stamp and four lines of text advertising the events.
16. EDWARD DIEDRICHS & Co., BREMEN - This version of the card was addressed to "An die Firma | Eduard Diederichs & Co. | Bremen" and the space below the sender's section is taken up by a table used for ordering items from the company. The reverse side of the card has another table used for the same purpose. A second almost identical card exists where the word "Bremen" in the destination address is now capitalised. Finally there is a third variant where the table on the front in the sender's section has been replaced by approx a dozen lines of text. Also all text and the table on the reverse side are now in reddish-brown colour.
17. GEORG SCHRADER & Co., BREMEN - This P226 card has the destination address "An Die Firma | Georg Schrader & Co. | Zigarrenfahrlkation und koffeeversand | BREMEN | Postfach 136" as well as a table on the reverse for customers to place orders.
18. PAUL SCHRADER & Co., BREMEN - This P226 card has the destination address 'Paul Schrader & Co., Bremen" and also has three questions on the reverse side. This card has two variants, the first in normal gothic script and the second in bold, Gothic script with an additional question on the reverse.
19. STREITHORST & Co., BREMEN - This P226 card has the destination address 'Streithorst & Co., Bremen". The reverse side has a blue image of two flowers on the left-hand side, along with additional ilines of text and dotted horizontal lines.
20. BRODEK-WACHTL, SCHONHENGSTGAU - This P226 card has no destination address, however it does have a small black image of a castle and a swasika, and '24. November 1938', just above the destination section.
21. DR. AUSBÜTTEL & Co., DORTMUND - This P226 card has a destination address of "Firma | Dr. Ausbüttel & Co., | Dortmund". There are six versions of this card each with slightly different destination address and font.
22. BASTIAN & Co., DRESDEN-A - This P226 card has a destination address of "Firma | Bastian & Co. G.m.b.H | Dresden-A". The reverse side has 4 lines of text followed by 5 horizontal dotted lines, "Name and Adresse dotted lines, one more dotted line and finally "Reg-Nr: 36/73A." crossed through with a single solid line.
23. FELIX CHUDEK, DRESDEN - This P226 card has a destination address of "Herrn | Felix Chudek | Dresden-A.16" in ornate gothic script. The sender's section consists of 9 lines of text which includes the company address and type of business.
24. JOH CURT ENGELMANN, DRESDEN - This P226 card has a Sender's address of "Joh, Curt Engelmann | Dresden-BI | Friedensplatz 1 | Fernruf 38998". Below the address is an image of a leaf.
25. JULIUS ERICHSON, DRESDEN - This P226 card has a destination address of "Julius Erichson | Dresden-A1" and multiple lines of reddish-brown text in the left-hand section, as well as on the reverse side.
26. MAX MERZ, DRESDEN - This P226 card has a destination address of "Max Herz | Dresden A.20".
27. SIEMENS, DRESDEN - This P226 card has a destination address of "Firma | Siemens-Schuckertwerke | Dresden A.1". In addition there is a black image in the left-hand sender's section and several lines of text including "Unter | jeden Knopf".
28. FRIEDRICH VOβ, DRESDEN - This P226 card has a destination address of "Herrn | Friedrich Voβ | Dresden A1".
29. RICHARD WERNER, DRESDEN - This P226 card has a destination address of "Herrn | Richard Werner | Dresden-A". The reverse side of the card has multiple lines of text along the left-hand side.
30. WALTER POSTEL, ERFURT - This card has a destination address "Walter Postel | ERFURT" and has 4 liens of text in the sender's section.
31. PAUL JULIUS VOSS, ERFURT - There are two versions of this card both have a destination address "Paul Julius Voss | Erfurt". They both have a different image in the sender's section.
32. PETER WEBER, ERFURT - This card has a destination address of "Firma | PETER WEBER | ERFURT". The reverse of the card has four lines of text followed by 5 horizontal dotted lines, the text "Name & Adresse".
33. LOHMANN A.G, ESSEN - There are two cards with a destination address "Firma | LOHMANN-A.G. | ESSEN". The first has three lines of text in the sender's section whilst the second has an image in the sender's section.
34. DEUTSCHEN BEAMTEN-VERSICHERUNG, FRANKFURT am MAIN - This card has a destination address of "Deutsche Beamten-Versicherung | Frankfurt am Main".
35. WILHELM EICHE, FRANKFURT am MAIN - This card has a destination address of "Herrn | Wilh. Eiche | Frankfurt a.M. 10"
36. H. KRANIZ, FRANKFURT am MAIN - This card has a destination address of "Herrn | H. Krantz | Frankfurt a.Main 1". There are also several lines of text in the sender's section.
37. H. LANGE JUN, FRANKFURT ODER - This card has a destination address of "Firma | H. LANGE JUN | Glaslange | Frankfurt-Oder". There are also several dotted line and text in the sender's section as well as on the reverse of the card.
38. WERNER SCHMIDT, FRANKFURT - This card has a destination address of "Herrn | Werner Schmidt | Frankfurt". There are also several lines of text on the reverse of the card on the left-hand side.
39. FRANKFURT WERBE-AUSSTELLUNG, FRANKFURT - This card was privately printed to commemorate the Frankfurt promotional Exhibition and the reverse side is taken up completely with an image.
40. QUELLE, FÜRTH - This card has a destination address written in Sutterlin script as well as a small image of a store at the bottom of thr sender's section. Aove he image is the text "Quelle | Fürth".
41. KINZIG WACHT, GELNHAUSEN - This card has a destination address of "Kinzig Wacht | Gelnhausen".
42. STEYR-DAIMLER-PUCH, GRAZ - This card has a destination address of "Steyr-Daimler-Puch | GRAZ".
43. FRITZ DUDEL, HAALE (SAALE) - This card has a destination address of "Fritz Dudel | Haale (Saale)".
44. F.A.HOFFMANN & Co., HAALE (SAALE) - This card has a destination address of "F.A.Hoffmann & Co., | Haale (Saale) 2".
45. BITUMALS KOLTASPHALT GESELLSCHAFT, HAMBURG - This card has a destination address of "Bitumals Koltasphalt Gesellschaft | Hamburg 36".
46. PAUL BRUHN, HAMBURG - This card has a destination address of "Paul Bruhn | Hamburg 4". There are six different versions of this postcard, the differences being in the fonts used for the address.
47. J. G. DIBBERN, HAMBURG - This card has a destination address of "J. G. Dibbern | Hamburg 11". There are two versions of this card, one with olive-green text and the pther woth dark green text.
48. HAMMONIA, HAMBURG - This card has a destination address of "Hammonia | Hamburg 1".
49. WERNER HENTSCHEL, HAMBURG - This card has a destination address of "DENTSL DEPOT | Werner Hentschell | Hamburg 1".
50. PAUL KARNSTEDT, HAMBURG - This card has a destination address of "Paul Karnstedt | Hamburg 26".
51. MERTENS & PETERSEN, HAMBURG - This card has a destination address of "Firma | Mertens & Petersen | Hamburg 8".
52. QUEISSER & Co., HAMBURG - This card has a destination address of "Queisser & Co. | k.G. | Hamburg 19". There were four variants of this card, the differences being in the font used for the address and minor differences in the address.
52(a). Destination address "Firma QUEISSER & Co. K.-G. HAMBURG 19"
53. C. E. SCHWARTZ & Co., HAMBURG - This card has a destination address of "C. E. Schwartz & Co. | Hamburg 15".
54. WILHELM SPEER, HAMBURG - There were two variations in this card but both have a destination address of "Wilhelm speer | Hamburg 2". Both cards feature an image of a wrist watch and text in the sender's section. The difference between the cards is the line of text below the "HAMBURG 11".
55. C. J. WENGENROTH, HAMBURG - This card has a destination address of "C. J. Wengenroth | Hamburg 39".
56. AMT FÜR VOLKSWOHLFAHRT, HANNOVER - This card has a destination address of "Amt Für volkswohlfahrt | Hannover".
57. JULIUS BEHREND, HANNOVER - This card has a destination address of "JULIUS BEHREND | HANNOVER-O".
58. FRANZ SAMMLER & SÖHNE, HANNOVER - This card has a destination address of "Franz Sammler & Söhne, Hannover-M". There are two versions of this card, one with "Hannover-M" and the other "Hannover-O".
59. PAUL HARTMANN A.-G, HEIDENHEIM (BRENZ) - This card has a destination address of "An die Firma | PAUL HARTMANN A.-G, HEIDENHEIM (Brenz)". There were two versions of this card, the difference being in the details below the text "HEIDENHEIM (Brenz)"
60. ARKERMANN, HEILBRONN - This card has a destination address of "Arkermann | Heilbronn".
61. C. H. KNORR A.S., HEILBRONN am NECKAR- This card has a destination address of "c. h. knorr a.s., Heilbronn am Neckar".
62. FRANZ HEIMANN, HILDESHEIM - This card has a destination address of "Firma | Franz Heimann, Hildesheim 2".
63. E. SCHEURICH, HIRSCHBERG i.SCHL - There are three versions of this card, all with a destination address of "E. Scheurich | Hirschberg i.Schl". The first two cards have the name and address in the destination section of the card and they are the same except that one of them has an additional '8' to the left of "Hirschberg i.Schl". The third card has the address in the sender's section rather than the destination section.
63a. KARLSRUHER LEBENSVERSICHERUNG A:G, KARLSRUHE - There are three versions of this card, all with a similar destination address of "Karlsruher Lebensversicherung A:G, Karlsruhe". The first two cards have identical address in the destination section only one card has "An die" before the address and the other does not. The third card has the address of 'Lebensversicherung' whereas the other two have 'Lebensversicherungbank'.
64. BERNHARD PRELLER, KIEL - There are four versions of this card, all with a similar destination address of "Bernhard Preller, KIEL". The first three cards are very similar except that one has a "printer's code "III.35" in the bottom left-hand corner, another has a code of "K", and the third has no code. The fourth card has an image of a stag below the sender's section.
65. JACOB COMES, KLOTTEN-MOSEL - This card has a destination address of "Firma | Jacob Comes, Klotten-Mosel".
66. OTTO CAESER, KÖLN - This card has a destination address of "Fa. | Herm. Otto Caesar, Köln".
67. KÖLNER-GEWÜRZ-IMPORT, KÖLN - This card has a destination address of "Kölner-Gewürz-Import | Köln 10".
68. G. E, KUHNEL, KÖLN - This card has a destination address of "G. E. Kuhnel | Köln 1".
69. CARL PETERS, KÖLN - There are two versions of this card that are identical except that one is dark grey and the other is grey-green.
70. FARBWERKE FRANZ RASQUIN, KÖLN - This card has a destination address of "FARBWERKE FRANZ RASQUIN | KÖLN-MULHEIM ".
71. S. REINHARDT, KÖNIGSEE - This card has a destination address of "S. Reinhardt | Königsee".
72. PARKHOTEL BENDER, KÖNIGSTEIN - This card has a sender's address of "Parkhotel Bender, Königstein". There are two versions of this card, the difference being in the format of the address in the sender's section above the image of the hotel.
1. MICHEL GANZSACHEN DEUTSCHLAND 2021/2022. 23 Auflage ISBN 978-95402-374-5