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18-Mar-2023 02:22

(22nd/25th Jul 1921)
BACKGROUND: Issued to commemorate the 27th German Philatelists Day and the 19th Meeting of the Federation of German and Eastern German Philatelic Societies held from 22nd to 25th Jul 1921.
SPECIAL CANCEL: A special cancel was available inscribed "27. DEUTSCHER PHILATELISTENTAG UND 19.BUNDESTAG | NÜRNBERG" and it can be seen on several of the examples below.

There were five versions of this card where the only difference was the value of the pre-printed value stamp. The cards had either a 10Pf, 15Pf, 30Pf, 40Pf or no pre-printed stamp:PP51-C-1/01 and /02 30pf pre-printed stamp.
PP52-C-1/01 and /02 40pf pre-printed stamp.
PP57-C-1/01 and /02 10pf pre-printed stamp.
PP58-C-1/01 and /02 15pf pre-printed stamp.
No pre-printed stamp
In addition, each of the four cards was available with the text "27. DEUTSCHER | PHILATELISTENTAG | NÜRNBERG" in either brown (/01) or green (/02) text.

ABOVE LEFT: /01 Brown Text
ABOVE RIGHT: /02 Green Text
Many examples of postcards cancelled at the exhibition also have Cinderella stamps affixed and cancelled. There were seven different Cinderella stamps available: 3 small stamps of 5Pf (green), 10Pf (orange) and 20Pf (blue) as well as four larger stamps: red, blue, grey-black and green which did not have a numberic value.

PP51-C-1/01 and /02
(30Pf STAMP)
The first version of this card has a 30Pf pre-printed stamp and the inscription "Postkarte" followed by four lines of text inscribed "NURNBERG, 22.-25. JULI 1921 | 27. DEUTSCHER PHILATELISTEN-TAG | 19. Tagung des Bundes Deutscher u. | Osterreichischer Philatelisten-Vereine." - 'NURNBERG, 22.-25. JULY 1921 | 27th GERMAN PHILATELIST DAY | 19th meeting of the Federation of Germans and | Austrian philatelic associations'.
This particular example also features 3 Cinderella stamps that were issued at the show [More information required].

ABOVE LEFT: PP51-C-1/01 - 30Pf Pre-printed Stamp (Brown Text)
ABOVE RIGHT: PP51-C-1/02 - 30Pf Pre-printed Stamp (Green Text)

PP52-C-1/01 and /02
(40Pf STAMP)
The second version has the same inscriptions on the reverse as the first, and this example also has the same three Cinderella stamps. In addition this card was postally used and has the special cancel used at the exhibition.

ABOVE: PP52-C-2/01 - 40Pf Pre-printed Stamp

PP57-C-1/01 and /02
(10Pf STAMP)
The third card features a 10Pf pre-printed stamp, but now the inscription "Postkarte" has been replaced by "Drucksachen-Karte". The remainder of the inscription is the same as for cards 1 and 2 above. This particular example has a 4th, somewhat larger, Cinderella stamp, not present on the other cards in my collection.

ABOVE: PP57-C-1/01 - 10Pf Pre-printed Stamp

PP58-C-1/01 and /02
(15Pf STAMP)
PP58-C-1 was the only printed-to-private-order postcard to feature this 15Pf pre-printed stamp although several official postcards did have it.
The inscription on the reverse has been changed once again, this time to "Drucksache | Nur 5 Hoflichkeitsworte und Name des Absenders | und zwar nur auf der Adressseite gestattet" - 'Printed matter | Only 5 words of courtesy and the name of the sender | are allowed and only on the address page'.

ABOVE: PP58-C-1/01 - 15Pf Pre-printed Stamp

There was another version of this postcard that did not feature any pre-printed stamps. This card in addition to not having a pre-printed stamp, also lacks the "Postkarte", or "Drucksache" imprint, on the reverse.

Below is another example of this card without a pre-printed stamp. This example was postally used and was sent from the exhibition to a local address in NÜRNBERG.