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18-Mar-2023 02:15

(15Pf - Brown Lilac)
BACKGROUND: Postage fees were increased from 1st Oct 1919 and this postcard was issued to account for the new rate. The new rate was 15Pf and applied to both domestic and international postcards until 5th May 1920. This card features a pre-printed version of the 1920 issue, Michel 142 Germania stamp.
There are two versions of this card: P116-I with four straight edges to the card and P116-II which has at least one serrated edge.
There are at least 70 official P116 postcards with additional private printing.
Here are some duplicates from my collection.

There are at least 70 official P116 postcards with additional private printing.
1. Sender's address "M. JACOB'S NACHTFOLGER | Aachen"
2. Destination address "Gustav Teichmann | Altenburg S.A."

3. Destination address "M. HELLWIG | BERLIN N.O. 43."
4. Destination address "Herrn | Wilh. Müller | Berlin C 19"
5. Destination address "Firma | ADOLF PRIWIN | Berlin NW.87"
6. Destination address "Herrn | Hauptmann a. D. Rohde | Berlin-Südende"
7. Sender's address "Urbanek & Co. | BERLIN W15"
8. Destination address "Chemische Fabrik von Max Jasper Nachfolger | BERNAU-Berlin"
10. Sender's address "KARL PFANKUCH | BRAUNSCHWEIG"
11. Destination address "Behringwerke A.G. | Bremen"
12. Sender's address "C. Müller Jr. | Bremen"
13. Reverse side, bottom right-hand side "C. Kulmitz | Breslau" - Two versions printer's code "10.20.DG" or "1.20.10"
14. Destination address "Ostdeutsche-Bekleidungs-Werke | "VOLKSWOHL" | BRESLAU 1"
15. Sender's address "Buchdruckerei Köhler | Brunshaupten i. Meckl"
16. Sender's address "Burger | Versandhaus | Burg"
17. Sender's address "BEHRENS | CASSEL"
18. Reverse side, bottom right-hand side "Hermann Heymann", top edge "CHARLOTTENBURG"
19. Reverse side, bottom right-hand side "Dampfkessel Ueberwachungs-Verein". Chemnitz. - two versions "Direktor" or "Vereins-Ingenieur" on bottom right

20. Sender's address "Curt Otto | Döbeln".
21. Destination address "Vorstand der Staatl. Lymphanstaalt | Dresden-A."
22. Destination address "C. Stephan | Dresden-A.19"

23. Sender's address "Roediger & Richter | Elze (Hann)".

24. Destination address "Herrn Apothekenbesitzer | Falkenburg".
25. Reverse side, bottom right-hand side "Benjamin Krebs Nachfolger" - Frankfurt
26. Sender's address "Otto Laddey | Gernrode (Harz)".
27. Sender's address "Conrad Bartels | Glengen".
28. Destination address "Herrn Drechsler Nchfl | GREIZ-REUSS".
29. Sender's address "Pablo Hoffmann | Grünberg".
30. Sender's address "ALFRED BEYER & Co. | HAMBURG 1".
31. Reverse side, centre "Deutsche Bank Filiale Hamburg"
32. Sender's address "Deutsche Bank Filiale Hamburg".
33. Reverse side, left-hand side "Otto Kjölbye | Hamburg"
34. Reverse side, bottom edge "Norddeutsche Bank in Hamburg" - two versions, either two or three dotted lines
35. Destination address "Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse | Heilbronn-Stadt".

36. Destination address "Apokether E. Scheurich | Hirschenberg".

37. Sender's address "L. WEISE | Jimenau-Thüringen".
38. Destination address "A. Soetje | Itzehoe".
39. Sender's address "Auguste Hartmann | Kranichfeld b. Erfurt".
40. Reverse side, "Gesellschaft Tunnel - Leipzig"
41. Reverse side, left-hand edge "OTTO HOFMANN | LEIPZIG"
42. Destination address "Karl Krause A.-G. | Leipzig 13".
43. Sender's address "H. MEYER & Co. | Lübeck".
44. Reverse side, bottom edge "HEINRICH FRANCK SOHNE", ludwigsburg
45. Destination address "Schönberger Cabinet | Mainz a. Rh".
47. Sender's address "Bernard Stadler | Paderborn".
48. Sender's address "Fr. Otto | Rittergut Passendorf".
49. Sender's address "Ernst Gernhöfer | Pillkallen. Ostpr".
50. Sender's address "C. G. Vogel & Söhne | Pöβneck i. Th".
51. Destination address "Alexander Bremicker | Rostock i. Meckl".
52. Destination address "H. C. Kröger | Rostock i. M" - two versions with different font and text on reverse side
53. Sender's address "Hotel Amtshof | Sebnitz".
54. Sender's address "Derfinger | Stuttgart".
56. Sender's address "R. Wagner | Stuttgart"
57. Reverse side, bottom edge "Traben - Trarbach a,d Mosel"
58. Destination address "Bertsche's | Brust-Caramellen | Tuttlingen"

59. Sender's address "A. Seebold | Waldsee"
60. Reverse side "Verlag der "Walsroder Zeitung", Kreisblatt"
61. Sender's address "Hermann Bühlaus Nachfolger | WEIMAR".

62. Reverse side, bottom-right "Lohmann & Soeding" - Witten
63. Sender's address "Carl Thunig | Zittau. i.S".
64. Reverse side, image of a house beside a tree with text "Sankt Georg"
65. Reverse side, "Deutsch-Demokratische Partei"
66. Reverse side, silhouette of a castle and text "A.T.V | Ostmark"
67. Reverse side, image of a Coat of Arms and no text

This first postcard was sent from DÜSSELDORF on 22nd Mar 1920.

This second P116 postcard was sent from GOSLAR on 9th Jul 1920 and has an additional 15Pf Germania self-adhesive stamp.

This third card was posted in BAD SCHWARTAU on 6th Jun 1920 and was destined for HAMBURG. In addition to the pre-printed stamp there is a 15Pf self-adhesive stamp, part of the series issued to commemorate the new WEIMAR government,

The following card was postally used in STEINHEIM on 1st Sep 1920 and has an additional 15Pf Germania self-adhesive stamp.

The following postcard was unused.