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01-Jun-2022 07:14
Published 28th Dec 1899. Format 140 x 90mm. Special postcard issued to celebrate the turn of the century. The value stamp is a pre-printed Germania 5Pf stamp inscribed "REICHSPOST", with decorations (laurel branches around the value stamp). The design on the lefthand side depicts the year "1900", in front of a sun emerging from the clouds.
This card exists with two variations of the word 'Wohnung". Type I and II.
ABOVE LEFT: Wohnung Type I: two ears on the upper circle of the 'g'
ABOVE RIGHT: Wohnung Type II: one thicker ear on the upper circle of the 'g'
Each WOHNUNG type also has two major varieties of the design:
Type 'A' the sun has a smooth, rounded disc.
Type 'B' has a 'dent' above the second '0' of '1900'. Note a weak Type 'B' can look like a Type 'A'.
There are also five sub-types:
a) the final '0' of '1900' has two lines at the top.
b) like 'a' but only one ray, touching half the shadow line.
c) The first two rays at the top end at half the shadow line of the second zero.
d) the shadow line of the '1' is closed at the bottom right.
e) the shadow line of the '1' is open at the bottom right.
In addition to the regular official card described above there were several versions with private printing.
Quick Links:
P43-I-Bbd , P43-I-Bbe , P43-II-Aad , P43-II-Aae , P43-II-Abd , P43-II-Ace , P43-II-Bbd , P43-II-Bbe
The Wohnungs Type I only exists as a P43-I-Bbd and P43-I-Bbe, that is with a dent in the second '0' of '1900' and either an open or a closed shadow line of the '1' of '1900' as per the two examples below.![image](../../notmypostcards/official/P43/P43-Bbd-f-1.jpg)
ABOVE LEFT: 1) Type 'P43-I-Bbd' (Closed shadow line on '1' of '1900')
ABOVE RIGHT: 2) Type 'P43-I-Bbe' (Open shadow line on '1' of '1900')
The cards with Wohnungs Type II exist in one of six different variations.![image](../../notmypostcards/official/P43/P43-Aad-f-1.jpg)
ABOVE LEFT: 1) Type 'P43-II-Aad'
ABOVE RIGHT: 2) Type 'P43-II-Aae'
ABOVE LEFT: 3) Type 'P43-II-Abd'
ABOVE RIGHT: 4) Type 'P43-II-Ace'
ABOVE LEFT: 5) Type 'P43-II-Bbd'
ABOVE RIGHT: 6) Type 'P43-II-Bbe'
1. This private version of a P43 postcard was sponsored by 'Georg Schrader of BREMEN' a cigar and tabacco manufacturer.
I: Wohnungs type 'I' (two horns on the 'g')B: Dent in the edge of the sun above the second '0' of '1900'
b: Only 1 ray of the sun touches the shadow line.
d: The shadow line of the '1' in '1900' is fully closed
ABOVE: P43-I-Bbd
I: Wohnungs type 'I' (two horns on the 'g')B: Dent in the edge of the sun above the second '0' of '1900'
b: Only 1 ray of the sun touches the shadow line.
e: The shadow line of the '1' in '1900' is open at the bottom right
ABOVE: P43-I-Bbe
II: Wohnungs type 'II' (one horn on the 'g')A: Smooth rounded edges of the sun
a: 2 rays of the sun touches the shadow line of the final '0' of '1900'.
d: The shadow line of the '1' in '1900' is closed at the bottom
II: Wohnungs type 'II' (one horn on the 'g')A: Smooth rounded edges of the sun
a: 2 rays of the sun touches the shadow line of the final '0' of '1900'.
e: The shadow line of the '1' in '1900' is open at the bottom
(1) P43-II-Aae
(2) P43-II-Aae
(3) P43-II-Aae
(4) P43-II-Aae
(5) P43-II-Aae
(6) P43-II-Aae
(7) P43-II-Aae
II: Wohnungs type 'II' (one horn on the 'g')A: Smooth rounded edges of the sun
b: 1 ray of the sun touches the shadow line of the final '0' of '1900'
d: The shadow line of the '1' in '1900' is closed at the bottom
(1) P43-II-Abd
(2) P43-II-Abd
II: Wohnungs type 'II' (one horn on the 'g')A: Smooth rounded edges of the sun
c: the first two rays end at the half shadow line of the second zero of '1900'.
e: The shadow line of the '1' in '1900' is open at the bottom
II: Wohnungs type 'II' (one horn on the 'g')B: Dent in the rim of the sun above the second '0' of '1900'
b: Only one ray end at the half shadow line of the second zero of '1900'.
d: The shadow line of the '1' in '1900' is closed at the bottom
(1) P43-II-Bbd
(2) P43-II-Bbd
(3) P43-II-Bbd
(4) P43-II-Bbd
II: Wohnungs type 'II' (one horn on the 'g')B: Dent in the rim of the sun above the second '0' of '1900'
b: Only one ray end at the half shadow line of the second zero of '1900'.
e: The shadow line of the '1' in '1900' is open at the bottom