This page was last updated
22-May-2024 02:20
BACKGROUND: The following postcard was likely produced some time during the First World War. The exact date is unknown so I have placed it here based on the earliest cancelled date I have in my collection. There is more than one version of this card but they share the same imageThe text on the front of the card reads "In unseren Kindern liegt Deutschlands Zukunst | Tragt alle bei | zu | Deutschlands Spende | für Säuglings= und Kleinkinderschuβ"
'Germany's future lies in our children Everyone contribute | to | Germany's donation | for infants and toddlers'
This card has a title "Deutschlands Spende | für Säuglings= und Kleinkinderschuβ"'Germany's donation | for infant and toddler shots' on two lines of text.
The card was published by Graphische Kunstantalten F. Bruckmann A.G. of Munich.
This particular example was posted in an unknown town but was addressed to KONSTANZ on 2nd May 1918.
This second type was also published by Graphische Kunstantalten F. Bruckmann A.G. of Munich and now the text has an extra line which reads "Landesausschuβ Bayern"'Bavaria State Committee'
The third version has an additional two lines of text on the front side along the bottom edge that reads "Geschäftsstelle: Pruβischer Landesausschluβ von Deutschlands Spende für Säuglings= und Kleinkinder Schluss Berlin W.8. Taubenstraβe 16-18"'Office: Prussian State Committee for Germany's Donation for Infants and Toddlers, Berlin W.8. Taubenstrasse 16-18'