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04-Feb-2024 06:23
This series of postcards probably cosists of 10 cards and appears to have been issued by one of the many political parties in Germany [MORE RESEARCH REQUIRED].
No. 1
The text on the non-picture side of the card translates as "The picture below shows how great the revenues generated by agriculture and industry are. Agriculture must therefore claim at least the same level of supervision by legislation and administration as industry."
No. 2
The text on the top of the image reads "Wachstum der deutschen Bevölkerung" - 'Growth of the German population', "Wachstum der landwirtsch Produktion" - 'growth in agricultural production' for the period of 1881 compared to 1909. The examples provided show an increase in population of 39% to almost 64 million by 1909, compared to an increase of 92% in wheat production and a 75% increase in livestock yields.
No. 3
The text below the image reads "Gesamt-Produktions-Werte von Landwirtschaft und Industrie in Deutschland 1909" - 'Total production values of agriculture and industry in Germany 1909'
No. 4
This card is inscribed "Verhältnis der zum Militär tauglichen Rekruten in der Grossstadt u. auf dem Lande." - 'Ratio of recruits fit for the military in the big city and in the country.'![image](../../mypostcards/1911/propaganda/truth/4-f-1s.jpg)
No. 5
The front of the card has the inscription "Belastung der hauptsächlichsten Genuβ u. Gebrauchsmittel durch die Finanzereform" - 'Burden of the main means of enjoyment and commodities through the financial reform'
No. 6
This card bears the inscription "Steigerung der durch schnittl. korn, -u.Brot-Preise, sowie der durch schnittl. Vieh-u.Fleisch-Preise" - 'Increase in the average grain and bread prices, as well as the average cattle & meat prices'.![image](../../mypostcards/1911/propaganda/truth/6-f-1s.jpg)
No. 7
The text on the non-picture side reads "The picture below shows how the intermediate trade surcharges on agricultural products are to blame for the rise in our most important foodstuffs."![image](../../mypostcards/1911/propaganda/truth/7-f-1s.jpg)
No. 8
The text on the non-picture side reads "The picture below shows that the democratic accusations that the "agrarians" drive bread and meat and beautify the working class population are untrue and unjust. With the higher wages in industry, there is also a connection between the country and the poverty of the people in the country.![image](../../mypostcards/1911/propaganda/truth/8-f-1s.jpg)
No. 9
The text on the non-picture side of the card reads "picture around shows that agriculture is already able to provide almost the full meat food for our people and that it will also cover the deficit in the case of further expansion and improvement of the moorland and wasteland protected by the customs borders. Thus independence from abroad is guaranteed".![image](../../mypostcards/1911/propaganda/truth/9-f-1s.jpg)
No. 10
The front of the card is inscribed "Brotkorn Erzeugung Deutschlands" - 'Corn Bread poduction in Germany'.![image](../../mypostcards/1911/propaganda/truth/10-f-1s.jpg)