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29-Oct-2024 05:47
There were a large number of P90 postcards that were overprinted by private companies and below is a small selection of what was produced.
The next P90I postcard has a destination address of "An die | Aachener Spiegel-Manufactur | E. Hellenthal & Cie. | Aachen". - 'To the Aachen Mirror Manufacturer E. Hellenthal & Cie. of Aachen'![image](../../notmypostcards/1910/propaganda/P90/P90-pte-f-2.jpg)
This first P90-I postcard below has a "I-D-R" watermark and has a destination address of "Herrn | C. F. Pylleman | Buchhandlung | BERLIN S. 14 | 74. Alte Jakob-Strasse 74." - 'Mr | C.F. Pylleman | bookstore | BERLIN p. 14 | 74. Alte Jakob-Strasse 74'![image](../../mypostcards/official/P90/pte/P90-pte-1-f-1s.jpg)
The next P90-I postcard has a "III-D-R" watermark and is inscribed "Verlag der | 'Deutschen Soldaten-Zeitung' | Gustav Ziemsen | Berlin SW. 29 | Bergmannstraβe 102" - 'Publisher of | 'German Soldiers Newspaper' | Gustav Ziemsen | Berlin SW. 29 | Bergmannstrasse 102'
The reversde side also has text whihc enables the sender to subscribe to the newspaper. "Der Unterzeichnete bestellt ....... Exemplare der 'Deutschen Soldaten=Zeitung'. | Die Abrechnung erfolgt auf Postscheck-Conto des Verlages monatlich | mittelst der der ersten Nummer im Monat beigefügten Zahlkarte. | Garnisonort .........., den .......... 1913 | Name ......... | Dienstgrad ......... | Truppenteil ........."
'German soldiers = newspaper'. | Billing takes place monthly on the publisher's postal check account using the payment card attached to the first number of the month. | Garrison location .........., the .......... 1913 | Name ......... | Rank ......... | Troop unit.........'
The next P90-I has the following destination address "An die | Berliner Allgemeine Zeitung | haupt=Expedition | BERLIN SW 11 | Königgräβer Straβe 41". The reverse side of the card has text that reads "Bestell=Karte | Ich münsche die Zustellungder | Berliner Allgemeinen Zeitung | entsprechend Ihrem | Vorgzugsangebot | Kostenlos von jetzt | bis 30. September | täglich frei ins haus. | Für den Monat Oktober abonniere ich | für 65 pfennig, und bitte den Betrag durch die | Botenfrau erheben zu lassen. Gleichzeitig bitte | ich, mich in Ihr Verzeichnis der kostenlos | gegen Unfall versicherten Abonnenten einzutragen."
The text is an order form to subscribe to the Berliner Zeitung newspaper at a special introductory price of 'free from now until Sep 30th, then from October, a monthly subscription of 65 pfennig'. In addition the text allows the sender to join the directory of subscribers' accident insurance plan'
Another P90-I postcard, this time with a destination address of "Herrn | Otto Fleischer im Hause | Chemische Fabrik von Max Jasper Nachfolger | BERNAU bei BERLIN | Jaspersweg 1-3", a chemicals factory in BERLIN.
Below is another P90-I card addressed to "Herrn W. Spindter | Berlin e.19 | Neue Grünstr. 30 (Spindtershof)" and the text on the reverse side reads "Hierdurch ersuche ich die nachstehenden Gegenstände am ....... | zum Reinigen oder Färben (Nicht Gewünschtes ist zu durchstreichen!) abholen zu lassen: | Berlin, den ..... 191 Name: ....... | Comm.-No....... Wohung: ..........."
'I hereby request the following items on ........ | Can be picked up for cleaning or coloring (cross out anything you don't want!): | Berlin, ..... 191 Name: ....... | Comm.-No....... Apartment: ...........'
The card below was addressed to "A. Metz & Co. | Berlin W 57 | Bülow Straβe 56".
The following P90-I postcard was addressed to "Versand-Geschäft | Carl Tamaschke | Berlin | S. O. Posamt 26"
The P90-I postcard below was dated 12.12.12 (12th Dec 1912) and bears the text "Centenar | 12. XII. 12. 12. 12. | Wertvoll für | Briefmarkensammler !" - 'Centenar | 12. XII. 12. 12. 12. | Valuable for | stamp collectors!'
The following card has a destination address of "Versandgeschaft | Carl Tamaschke | Berlin | SO, Postamt 26."
The following P90I postcard has a violet text overprint "Bankhaus N.S. Nathalion Nachfolger, Braunschweig | Inh.: Otto Löhnefinke u. Albert Balhorn. | Braunschweig, den ........... Die mit Ihrem Schreiben vom ........... | gemeldeten ........... | habe ich erhalten und nach Aufgabe verwandt. | Hochachtungsvoll."'Bank N.S. Nathalion Successor, Braunschweig | Owner: Otto Löhnefinke and Albert Balhorn. | Braunschweig, ........... Those with your letter dated ........... | reported ........... | I received it and used it accordingly. | Sincerely.
This third P90-I postcard has a "III-D-R-9" watermark and was a destination address of "An die Firma | Gibon & Steinmetz | BREMEN". The reverse side has the following test "Senden Sir mir/uns unter Garantie der Rücknahme bei Nichtkonvenienz, in | heller, mittlerer, dunkler Farbe, unter Nachnahme (ohne Nachnahme- | spesen-Berechnung), Betrag folgt gleichzeitig, Ziel 3 Monate: ........ | Name und Stand: .................. | Wohnort: ......... | (Nichtgewünschtes bitten zu durchstreichen.) | Sendungen von M. 20.-- an portofrei."'Send it to me/us with a guarantee of return in case of non-convenience, in | light, medium, dark color, cash on delivery (without cash on delivery | expense calculation), amount follows at the same time, target 3 months: ........ | Name and status: ................... | Place of residence: ......... | (Ask to cross out what you don't want.) | Shipments from M. 20.-- to postage free.'
Below is another P90-I postcard with a "III-D-R-III" watermark and destination address "An die Firma | Georg Schrader & Co. | Königliche, Groβherzogliche und Fürstliche Hoflieferanten | Cigarrenfabrik und Versandhaus | BREMEN | Postfach 657." - 'To the company | Georg Schrader & Co. | Royal, Grand Ducal and Princely Purveyors to the Court | Cigar factory and mail order company | BREMEN | PO Box 657.'
The reverse side has space for the sender to place his order "Senden Sie unter den angegebenen Bezugsbedingungen in ... Farbe: .................... | Name und Stand: ........... | Wohnort und Wohnung: ........... | 12 11"
'Send under the specified conditions of reference in ... Color: .................... | Name and status: ........... | Place of residence and apartment: ........... | 12 11'
This next P90-I postcard has a "9-D-R" watermark and destination address "Heinrich Müller | Königlicher Hoflieferant | Bremer-Zigarren-Fabrik - Versandhaus | BREMEN | Postfach 440-441" - 'Heinrich Müller | Royal Purveyor to the Court | Bremer Cigar Factory - mail order company | BREMEN | PO Box 440-441'. In the senders section of the card is a list of products and the price in Marks.
The reverse side contains a table where the buyer can list the items and quantities of cigarettes and tabacco that he wants to order.
Another privately printed P90-I postcard from a well-known cigarette manufacturer "An | Bremer Cigarren-Fabrik Emil König | BREMEN. | Postfach 323."
The P90-I below was printed for a tabacco company "Bremer Cigarren-Fabrik Emil König | BREMEN. | Postfach 323."
The next example was sponsored by "Studer & Wicke | Bremen"
The next privately overprinted P90I postcard has a destination address of "Firma | Haasen & Imhof | Kaffee-Import u. Rösterei im Groβbetried | Elberfeld | Telefon 233. Aue Nr. 35." - 'Company | Haasen & Imhof | Large-scale coffee import and roasting plant | Elberfeld | Telephone 233. Aue No. 35.'![image](../../mypostcards/official/P90/pte/P90-pte-9-f-1s.jpg)
The destination address on this next card is "Frankfurter Lackfabrik | G.m.b.H | Frankfurt a.M. | Höchsterstraβe 52![image](../../mypostcards/official/P90/pte/P90-pte-19-f-1s.jpg)
The following P90-I postcard printed for an art supplier has a red private overprint with a "Herrn | Ernst Meihof | Kunsthandlung | Hamburg 24 | Mühlendamm 7." address.The reverse side has additional red text "Bitte um Zusendung eines Bildes BISMARCK (Luxusausgabe) | zum Ausnahme-Räumungspries von nur M. 8.50 und eines Bildes zu Geschenk- und Empfehlungswecken umsonst! | Frei zur Ansicht! Ziel bis 1. Juli 1912! | Name ........ | Stand ............... | Adresse .........."
'Please send a picture BISMARCK (luxury edition) | for the exceptional clearance price of only M. 8.50 and a picture for gift and recommendation purposes for free! | Free to view! Target by July 1, 1912! | Name........ | Status ............... | Address ..........'
The P90-I card below has the destination address "Firma | Nährmittelfabrik "Hansa" | Stahmer & Wilms | HAMBURG 6" - 'Company | Food factory "Hansa" | Stahmer & Wilms | HAMBURG 6'
The P90I postcard below has a destination address of "An das | Bureau der Handelskammer | Karlsruhe." - 'To the | Chamber of Commerce Bureau | Karlsruhe'. The sender's section has text "Raum für Firmenstempel | und Bemerkungen" - 'Space for company stamps | and comments'.The reverse side has text "Der Deutschen besellschaft für Kaufmanns-Erholungsheime | (Ferienheime für Handel und Industrie)" | geware ich/wir hiermit | eine Stiftung von ... M | (erhöhe ich/wir hiermit die Stiftung auf) | einen Jahresbeitrag von ... M | (erhöhe ich/mit hiermit den jahresbeitrag auf) | gemäβ 42 der Satzungen der Gesellschaft. | Ort: ............... | Name: ......... | (Um deutliche Schrift und Beifügung des Firmenstempels wird gebeten)."
'The German Society for Merchant Rest Homes | (Holiday homes for trade and industry)" | I/we hereby grant a foundation of ... M | (I/we hereby increase the foundation) for an annual contribution of ... M | (I/we hereby increase the annual contribution ).'
The P90-I postcard below was sponsored by "Herrn | Kommerzienrat G. Krauβ | Lichtenfels"![image](../../notmypostcards/1910/propaganda/P90/P90-pte-f-8.jpg)
Another P90I card, this one with destination address "Herren | Heinrich Frank Söhne | Ludwigsburg | Württemberg.". The reverse side has also has text "bestätige den Empfang Ihrer Schaufenster- | Dekoration für 'Aecht Franck'. Sie kommt ab | heute zur Ausstellung und wird ca. Wochen im | Schaufenster bleiben" - 'Confirm receipt of your showcase-decoration for 'Aecht Franck'. She arrives for the exhibition today and will be in shop windows for weeks'.More information about the Aecht Franck Exhibition in Linz is available here as well as the Heinrich Frank Söhne coffee company.
This following P90-I postcard has a "III-D-R-III" watermark and destination address "An die | Lüneburger Wachsbleiche | J. Börstling | Actien-Gesellschaft | Lüneburg" - 'To the Lüneburg wax and bleach stock company of J. Böstling, Lüneburg'The reverse side has a longer inscription "An die | Lüneburger Wachsbleiche, J. Börstling, Actien-Gesellschaft, Lüneburg | Zufolge Ihres Schreibens vom ...... ersuche um be- | musterte Anstellung in | Gummi-Traganth | in der Preisage von Mark ..... pro 100 Kg. | Jahresbedarf ca. ..... Kg. | Interesse für Gummi-Traganth ist nicht mehr vorhanden./tritt erst wieder (Nicht Zutreffendes bitte zu streichen.) .... ein. | (Zeit) | (Unterschrift) | (Ort) ............. "
This translation requires improvement but says 'To the Lüneburg wax bleach company J. Börstling of Lüneburg. According to your letter dated ...... I am requesting a sample of Gum tragacanth priced at Mark ..... per 100 kg. The Annual requirement is approx. ..... kg. There is no longer any interest in rubber tragacanth./repeat order rubber tragacanth (Please delete what does not apply.) (time) | (Signature) | (place) .............'
Note Gum tragacanth is used as a stabilizer, emulsifier, and thickener in food products making it a good thickening agent (in particular for jellies and pourable dressings).
Hermann Spannuth of MAGDEBURG was the sponsor of the following P90-I card inscribed "Hermann Spannuth | Magdeburg | Heydeckstrasse 5 | Am Kaiser Friedrich Museum"![image](../../notmypostcards/1910/propaganda/P90/P90-pte-f-9.jpg)
The next card was sponsored by "Firma | W. & F. Trümmler | Mülheim-Rhein."![image](../../notmypostcards/1910/propaganda/P90/P90-pte-f-10.jpg)
"An | die Firma L. Gschwind | Verlags-Anstalt | Pössneck i,Thür" was the sponsor of the next card.![image](../../notmypostcards/1910/propaganda/P90/P90-pte-f-11.jpg)
With a sender's address of "An | Herrn Metz & Co. | Lieferanten des Bundes der Landwirte, Etablissement | fur Landwirtschaft, Forstwirtschaft und Gartenbau | in Steglitz bei Berlin | Schloss-Strasse 8-10." - 'To | Mr. Metz & Co. | Suppliers of the Federation of Farmers, Establishment | for Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture | in Steglitz near Berlin | Schloss-Strasse 8-10.' this card was an order form for the company's products.![image](../../notmypostcards/1910/propaganda/P90/P90-pte-f-12.jpg)
The P90-I postcard below has an inscription "Jungdeutschland | Bundestagung 1914 | Stuttgart, 21.-24. Mai" - 'Young Germany | Federal Conference 1914 | Stuttgart, 21-24 May'![image](../../notmypostcards/1910/propaganda/P90/P90-pte-f-13.jpg)
The P90-I postcard below has an inscription "Kaiser's | Bruft=Carmellen | mit den "3 Tannen" | Waiblingen=Stuttgart'![image](../../mypostcards/official/P90/pte/P90-pte-18-f-1s.jpg)
The destination address on this next card is "An die | Wyla-Werke G.m.b.H. | Weil (Baden)". In addition there is a printer's code in the lower left corner "No. 34. 2000. X. 12. Gt. S."![image](../../mypostcards/official/P90/pte/P90-pte-14-f-1s.jpg)
The following P90-I has the destination address "An die Fabrik pharmac. Präparate | J. Büttner-Wobst | Zittau i. Sa. | Rossplatz 6." - 'To the factory pharmaceutical preparations | J. Büttner-Wobst | Zittau i. Sa. | Rossplatz 6.'![image](../../notmypostcards/1910/propaganda/P90/P90-pte-f-14.jpg)