This page was last updated
13-Oct-2024 05:35
Issued in 1906, this postcard is based on official postcard P63 and has a brown 3Pf and a grey 2Pf pre-printed Gemania stamp (the 2Pf stamp is invalidated by the use of 4 horizontal bars). In addition this card has the word "Postkarte" obliterated and the word "Drucksache" has been added.
There are two versions of this card as follows:
ABOVE LEFT: PZD2X: based on P63-X
ABOVE RIGHT: PZD2Y: based on P63-Y.
There were a lot of PZD2 postcards with private printings.
The city coffee has a payment order in your favour. We request that the fee be paid as soon as possible; payment can only be made against your personal receipt. City Coffee is located in the town hall, room 34 (entrance: Katschhof) and is open on weekday mornings from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30p.m.; on the 17th of every month if that day falls on a sun. or a holiday falls on the previous working day, the Stadtkaffe is closed. This notification serves as identification.The same as above only cancelled a week later, indicating that the recipient hadn't yet paid his bill, and the City coffee house wanted their money.
Cancelled in Aachen on 10th Nov 1906
The following postally unused card has a destination address of "den Vorstand des Bürgervereins | Arnstadt." - 'the board of the citizens' association | Arnstadt.' The reverse side of the card has the texts "Ich wünsche Mitglied des Bürger-vereins zu werden. | Anstadt | wahlfähiger Bürger Arnstadts." - 'I wish to become a member of the citizens' association. | Anstadt | eligible citizen of Arnstadt.'BERLIN
This PZD2(X) was sponsored by the "CERCLE MOLIÈRE" - 'The Moliere Circle'. This is an open invitation from the Moliere Circle, a group of people passionate about the French language, to attend their weekly French conversation night (every Tuesday) from 9 to 11pm at the Vesuvio Restaurant on Potsdamerstrasse.BREMEN
The recipient of this card was advised that "We respectfully inform you that we have received instructions for the payment of your claim from the city and we sincerely request that you pay the amount during the payment hours from 9-12 am at City Hall, Room no. 11".DRESDEN
This PZD2(X) advertises speciality training "English colonies, Salvador, Nicaragua and their provisional arrangements in a large selection at the cheapest prices" [REQUIRES MORE RESEARCH](1) PZD2-Y: This card is the same as the PZD2-X card above only this one is a PZD2-Y.