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30-May-2022 01:08



Issued 1902: Now with shorter, Midlength destination address lines (104mm). Postcard P63 features a single 2Pf steel grey / blue pre-printed Germania stamp inscribed "DEUTSCHES REICH". The word "Postkarte" is printed on the upper left with "An" and "in" in a line directly below it.

There are two variations of this card:

P63-X: with type 2 watermark (only letters and Arabic numerals).
P63-Y: without watermark.

As well as the Official P63 postcard, there were a large number of privately overprinted versions as below.



1: This privately printed P63 postcard was issued by "The Board of Directors of the Arnstadt Civic Association" and was used for people interested in becoming a member of the Board to apply for membership.

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1: The next example does not have any text in the destination section however there is a lot of text on the reverse side "Verband deutscher Kriegsveteranen, Ortsgruppe Berlin | Bezirk NO. und O." - 'Association of German War Veterans, Berlin Local Group | District NO. and O.'

"Hiermit erteilen wir die traurige Pflicht, Sie von dem am 3. Dezbr. 1904 erfolgten Abletben unseres lieben Kameraden" - 'We hereby give you the sad duty of informing you of the December 3rd. Our dear comrade passed away in 1904'

"Johann Molkenthin | Friedrichsfelder Str. 39 in Kenntnis zu setzen" - 'Johann Molkenthin | Friedrichsfelder Street. 39'

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"Die Beerdigung findet Dienstag, den 6 d.M. nachmittags 2 Uhr, vom Trauerhause aus nach dein St. Markus-Kirchof in Wilhemsberg statt. Versammlung der Kameraden um 1½ Uhr, Friedrichsfelder Strasse 3, bei Jahrling, Restaurant. Um ihe Erscheinen wird gebeten. Orden u. Ehrenzeichen sind in Original anzulegen. Es wird gebeten, diese Karte zur Beerdigung mitzubringen und dem Bezirksführer abzugeben. Der Vorstand W. Pietzker Schreinerstr. 71" - 'The funeral will take place Tuesday, March 6th. 2 o'clock in the afternoon, from the funeral home to St. Mark's Church in Wilhemsberg. Meeting of the comrades at half-past one in th afternoon, Friedrichsfelder Strasse 3, near Jahrling, restaurant. You are requested to appear. Orders and decorations must be created in original form. Please bring this card with you to the funeral and give it to the district leader. The board W. Pietzker Schreinerstr. 71'

3: The next card has no destination address but does have text on the reverse side as follows: "A.G.V | Unser A.H. Alfred Sproemberg ist gestorben und wir | am Montag, den 16. März Nachm. 2 Uhr auf dem Neuen | Luisenkirchhofe in Westend beerdigt. Wir bitten Sie, | wenn es Ihnen irgend möglich ist, an der Trauerfeier teilzunehmen, | und bei den Grabesängen mitzuwirken. | Mit vereinsbrüderlichem Gruss | der A.H. Ausschuss: | i. A. Schneller."

'A.G.V | Our A.H. Alfred Sproemberg has died on the afternoon of Monday, March 16th at 2 p.m. and is buried on the New Luisenkirchhofe in Westend. We ask you, if it is at all possible, to attend the funeral service, and to take part in the funeral singing. With fraternal greetings, the A.H. Committee: i. A. Faster.'

I'm not 100% sure but the A.G.V most likely refers to the Academic Choral Society (Akademischen Gesangvereins) founded at the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin in 1867.

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4: The following card has a destination address "die Berliner Weissbierbauerei | Ed. Gebhardt, Actien-Gesellschaft | BERLIN N. 20 | Prinzen-Allee 79/80" - 'The Berlin wheat beer brewery, Ed. Gebhardt, Actien-Gesellschaft, BERLIN N. 20, Prinzen-Allee 79/80'. The reverse side of the card provides a table so that interested parties could place an order.

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5: The following P63-X card has a destination address of "Hern Hugo Wiessner | Vertreter der Firma J.F. Bösenberg, Leipzig. | BERLIN S.W.61 | Blücher-Strasse 5."

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6: The next P63-X card bears the destination address "Herrn | Carl Südel | BERLIN S.W. 48 | Wilhelmstrasse 33.". The reverse side also has a brief inscription "BERLIN, den ............ 190 | Herrn Carl Südel, Hier, Wilhelmstr. 33. | Beordern Sie gefl."

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15: The postcard below is a donation card to raise funds for the Alexandrian Tower in Coburg. It has a destination address of "Herrn Hoflieferant M. Appel | Coburg | Markt." and also has the following text on the reverse side "Zum Bau des Alexandrinenturmes | zeiche ich hiermit einen Beitrag von ..... Mark | mit der Bitte, diesen Betrag bei mir abholen zu lassen. | (Ort u. Datum.) Unterschrift)." - 'On the construction of the Alexandrian Tower | I hereby subscribe to a contribution from ..... Mark | with the request to have this amount collected from me. | (Place and date.) Signature).'

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1: Inscribed "Crimmitschauer Dampfwäscherei und Plättanstalt | Uhlmann & Zehn | Crimmitschau | ob. Mühlgasse (am Kirchplatz)." - 'Crimmitschau steam laundry and flattening facility | Uhlmann & Ten | Crimmitschau | above Mühlgasse (at the church square).'

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1: "Herrn Otto Naumann | Holz- und Kohlen-Geschäft | DRESDEN-A. | Ostbahnstrasse 7." was the destination address for the following postcard.

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2: The following card is addressed to "den Verein Creditreform | Dresden 21 | Marienstraβe 26." - 'The Creditreform association | Dresden 21 | Marienstrasse 26.'

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3: Below is a privatelty printed card from a book distributor "die Buchdruckerei der Dr. Hüntzschen Stiftung | Dresden-A. | Breite Straβe 9.".

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4: The privately printed card below was printed for "die städtische Arbeits=Anstalt | Dresden=Neustadt | Königsbrücker Straβe 117.".

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1: The following card has detailed script on the reverse side that reads "Frankfurter Künstlergesellschaft - Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein | Altstädtisches fest im Römer und Rathaus | historischer festzug (Krönungszug) | Einladung zur probe | auf ...... den ...... 1905, | pünktlich .... Uhr .... mittags | im Vereinslokal "Zum Taunus", Groβe Bockenheimerstr. 8/10, I. | GRuppe ......."

'Frankfurt Artists' Society - Architects and Engineers Association. Old town festival in the Roman and town hall. Historical pageant (coronation procession), Invitation to rehearsal on ...... the ...... 1905, at .... o'clock .... noon, in the clubhouse “Zum Taunus”, Groβe Bockenheimerstr. 8/10, I. | Group .......'

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2. The privately printed card below is addressed to "Herrn Philipp Lotz | Frankfurt a.M. | Körnerstrasse 12".

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1: This next card is addressed to "Herrn Julius Pickenhahn | Glauchau | Leipzigerstrasse 23."

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1: This next card is addressed to "Herrn Heinrich Bornemann | Gütersloh."

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1: The next P63-X postcard has a destination adddress of "Herrn | Gustav Lerch - Ernst Bahlke | Generalvert. der Sanitas-Fussboden-Fabrik Ludwigslust. | Hamburg | Colonnaden 66/68." - 'Mr Gustav Lerch - Ernst Bahlke. General Manager of the Sanitas flooring factory in Ludwigslust. Hamburg, Colonnades 66/68'

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2: The P63-X card below has an elaborate destination address "Den | Dertrauens= und Werbeausschuβ | des Uhlenhorster Bürgerverein von 1898 | c.h. des herrn D.h. von der hende | Hamburg 21 | Schenkendorffstraβe 23." - 'The Trust and Advertising Committee of the Uhlenhorst Citizens' Association from 1898 | c.h. of the Lord i.e. from the hende, Hamburg 21, Schenkendorffstrasse 23.'

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1: The following card is addressed to "die Sammelstelle | des St, Vincentius-Vereins | z. h. Frau Buchhändler Reuter | HIER | Karlstrasse No. 96."

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1: The following card was used in KARLSRUHE.

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1: The card below has a pre-printed address of "Herrn Prof. Dr. G. Witkowski | Leipzig | Lessingstr. 9." The card was to be returned to the Professor if the recipient was interested in attending a dinner for members of the General Assembly of Bibliophiles along with confirmation that they wanted to attend the dinner as well as the theatre.

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2: There is no destination address on the following P63-X card but there are several sections of text on the reverse side. "wird hiermit ersucht, an einem der nächsten tage ..... | bei der Rats=Depositenkaffe | Neues Rathaus, Erdgeschloβ, | zmmer Nr. 152 | M Sicherheit für ............ | Leipzig, den ...... 190 ..... | Der Rat der Stadt Leipzig | Tierbau-Amt | J.U.: .... | Diese karte ist mitzubringen." - 'We hereby request that on one of the next days ..... at the Rats=Depositenkaffe, New town hall, ground floor, Room No. 152, M Security for ............ | Leipzig, ...... 190 ..... | The City Council of Leipzig | Animal Construction Office | J.U.: .... | Please bring this card with you.'

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1: This card is a registration card for membership to "The office. | of the House and Landowners Association | Münster 1. | W. Ludgeriplatz No. 3."

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2: The header on the reverse side of this card reads "Deutscher Ostmarken-Verein | Ortsgruppe Münster"

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1: The card below was issued by the Police Office of the Seaside City of Rostock. It appears that the recipient of the card was responsible for causing some type of property damage and the text loosely translates as "Subject: property .......... The amount of the security deposit for the damage to the pavement can be paid at the Police Department Building, room No. 8, from 9 a.m - 1 p.m. and 3-5 p.m. be received by you."

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2: Another privately printed card without the destination address but text on the reverse side "Polizei-Amt | der See-Stadt Rostock. | Akzt. | Datum des Poststempels. | Betrifft: Grundstück ............. Str. - Weg Nr. | Der Bau - Rohbauabnahme - Gebrauchsabnahme-Schein | Kann gegen Entrichtung der Gebühr von ..... Mk. sowie einer | Sicherheitsleistung von ..... Mk. vom ........ | ab in Polizeiamtgebäude, Zimmer Nr. 8, von 9 - 1 Uhr vorm. | und 3 - 5 Uhr nachm. von Ihnen in Empfang genommen werden. | Im Auftrage: | Polizei-Registrator."

'Police Office | the lakeside city of Rostock. | Accent. | Postmark date. | Subject: Property ............. Str. - Path No. | The construction - shell acceptance - usage acceptance certificate | Can be purchased upon payment of the fee of ..... Mk. and a | Security deposit of ..... Mk. from ........ | from the police station building, room no. 8, from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. | and 3 - 5 p.m. be received by you. | On behalf of: | Police Registrar.'

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21: The following P63-X card has a destination address of "Herrn Otto Liefeldt | W. Schöneberg | 45, Eisenacherstr. 45."

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1: The privately printed P63X card below is inscribed on the reverse "Straβburger Pastoral=Gesellschaft | Einladung | zur Sitzung uf Montag, den ....... | 190.. nachmittags um 4 Uhr, in der Kirchenstube von | ......... | Tagesordnung: | Tertbesprechung. ..... | Verschiedene Fragen und Mittelungen: | .......... | ......... | ........ | Des Sekretär: ........."

'Strasbourg Pastoral=Society | Invitation | for the meeting on Monday, ....... | 190.. in the afternoon at 4 o'clock, in the church hall of | ......... | Agenda: | Third meeting. ..... | Various questions and comments: | .......... | ......... | ........ | The Secretary: .........'

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1: The P63X postcard below has a destination address of "die Verwaltung der Gemeinsamen Ortskrankenkasse, Weimar" - 'the administration of the joint local health insurance fund, Weimar'. The reverse side also has text and allocation for the sender to complete the details before posting the card back "....., den ...... 19..... | An die Verwaltung der Gemeinsamen Ortskankenkasse zu Weimar. | Das Mitglied der vorgenannten Kasse .......... | KrKsch/=Nr......., leidet an .......... | der unterzeichnete kassenarzt beantragt d.... Benannte ... zum zwecke | d .......... in eine heilanstalt zu | uberweisen. | Kassenarzt."

'....., the ...... 19..... | To the administration of the joint local health insurance fund in Weimar. | The member of the aforementioned fund .......... | KrKsch/=No......., suffers from .......... | The signed statutory health insurance doctor applies for the.... Named ... for the purpose of | d .......... to a sanatorium | transfer. | Statutory health insurance doctor.'

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1: The next example has a destination address of "Kohlen-Verkauf-Gesellschaft | m.b.H. | Wiesbaden | Bahnhofstrasse 2." The reverse side has a list of items that the customer could order.

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