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13-May-2024 07:04



Issued 1894/1895. Domestic postcard (roller printing) final issue with watermark, without printing date.

There are two variations:

P36-I : with gaps in the 1st and 2nd dotted address lines
P36-II without gaps in the dotted address lines.

Identifying features:
i) 5 Pf pre-printed green stamp.
ii) "Deutsche Reichspost | Postkarte" in the centre
iii) "An" further left than "in"
iV) Watermark No. 2
v) No print date control data

Valid Control Data:
P36-I: There are a great many variations for the gaps in the dotted address lines.

In addition to the official P36 postcard the following cards have a private overprint.



With gaps in the 1st and 2nd dotted address lines

1. The next privately overprinted P36-I postcard is addressed to "Herren | Borchardt Gebrüder | BERLIN W. | Friedrichstr. 61 (zwischen Kronen- und Leipzigerstr.)" - 'Men | Borchardt Brothers | BERLIN W. | Friedrichstr. 61 (between Kronenstrasse and Leipzigerstrasse)'. Print control codes can be found at positions R20 and R25 on the first and second dotted address lines.

Borchardt Brothers Borchardt Brothers

2. This unused P36-I postcard is addressed to "Herrn G. H. Kunze | Kgl. Hoflieferant, Leifenfabrik.| Berlin S.W.,". Print control data on this example can found at R10, R15, R20 and R30 on the first and second dotted address lines.

Herrn G. H. Kunze Herrn G. H. Kunze
Herrn G.H. Kunze

3. The following unused P36-I postcard was printed for 'Herrn Studer & Wicke | Cigarren- und Taback-Fabrik | BREMEN'.

Herrn G. H. Kunze Herrn G. H. Kunze
Herrn G.H. Kunze

4. The following unused P36-I postcard is addressed to "Herrn Wm Klöpper | Hamburg | Rödingsmarkt Ro. 9. | Postamt XI.". Print control codes occur at R5 on the first and second dotted address lines.

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5. LEIPZIG: The next two P36-I cards have the addresses and details completed, but they were never sent. The first was destined for NÜRNBERG and the second to BERGEN. The pre-printed inscription on the reverse of the card reads "Leipzig, den ....... 189 | herr ........................ | Ihr gefl. Anschaffung vom .................... | M. ......... | habe ich Ihnen aufgabegemäfz und dankend gutgeschrieben. | Mit bester Empfehlung für fernere Aufträge zeichne ich | hochachtend"

'Leipzig, ....... 189 | Mr. ........................ | Your loved one Purchased from ..................... | M. ......... | I have credited you with thanks. | With the best recommendation for future orders, | respectfully'

image image

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6. The following example was cancelled in NORDHAUSEN and sent to HEMER on 29th Jun 1895

image image

7. This card has a '9I' watermark and the front is inscribed "Herrn W. Randebrock Wwe. | Münster i. W.". The reverse side also has various inscriptions such as "Münster i. W., ............1998.", "Senden Sie mir", "........ Ctr. .........-Kohen.". This example has print control codes at position L20 in the first and second dotted address lines as well as several other random gaps in the first dotted line.

Herrn W. Randebrock Wwe Herrn W. Randebrock Wwe



If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to the following address:


5 Pf