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13-May-2024 05:50

Issued 1894. From P32 onwards a new roller printing process was introduced that did not allow for the inclusion of print date data. Therefore from P32 onwards all cards are without printing data. P32, As with earlier cards, has a thick line under the 3rd dotted address line and occurs with or without gaps in the 1st, 1st and 2nd or 4th dotted lines. This card is also without a watermark. There are two varieties of P32:
P32-I : with gaps in either 1st, 1st & 2nd, or 4th, the dotted lines
P32-II : without gaps in the dotted lines.
Starting with P32, the text 'Wohnung' for the subsequent cards differs slightly from the previous cards. This new style is referred to Type 'I' and is recognizable by the form of the 'W' where the left arc curves slightly to the right. The 'g' also has two tails on the right-hand side of the 'g' on the top circle.
Note: P42 is identical except that the solid line beneath the 3rd dotted address line is thinner.
P32-I Valid Control Data:
Gap in 5th left position on the 4 row.
Gap in 5th left position and the right 5th position in the 1st line or left 5, right 5, 5 + 10, 15, 15 + 20 in the 1st and 2nd line.
Also with many irregular gaps that don't appear to have any meaning.
In addition to the Official card there are a number of privately overprinted cards as can be seen below.

2. The following P32-I card bears the destination address "PANZER | Actiengesellschaft für Geldschrank-, Tresorbau-, und Eisen- Industrie. | BERLIN N. 20. | Bad-Strasse 59." - "PANZER" "Public limited company for safes, safe construction, and iron industry", in Berlin.

3. The following privately printed P32-I postcard has the destination address "Herren Carl Koch & Co. | Frankfurt a. M. | Senckenbergstrasse 5."

4. The privately printed P32-I postcard below has the destination address "Bremer Cigarren-Fabrik Emil König | BREMEN | Postfach 323."

5. This P32-I card is inscribed "Die Kaffee des Opernhauses | Hier", The Operahouse Cafe in Hier. The reverse side of the card has an additional inscription "Ich bestelle hierdurch zu der am 24. April 1895 im Opern= | hause stattfinden Vorstellung zum Besten des Thor=Pensionsfonds | der Bereinigten Stadttheater hier. | Plätze: ........." | Unterschrift: ......... | Wohnung: ....... | NB. Bestellungen und der Verkauf der Karten findet schon von heute | ab an der kasse des Opernhaus statt. | Gewohnliche Breife." - 'I hereby order that on April 24, 1895 at the Opera, a presentation for the Thor pension fund will take place at the home of the city theater. Seats: ......... Signature: ......... Apartment: ....... NB. Orders and tickets are on sale from today onwards at the box office of the opera house. | Ordinary paper.'

6. This P32-I has an address "den Land -und Forstwirtschafl | Hauptverein | Hildesheim | Linkstr. 3." - The Land and Forestry Main Association, in Hildesheim.