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04-Mar-2023 07:55

This series of stamps is known as the second Basket lid series or 'regular issue number in circle with rosette'. This series has new denominations and a dashed bar.

VALIDITY: 17th Nov 1923 until 31st Dec 1923
VALUE: 10 Milliarden on 20 Millionen MARK
COLOUR: violet ultramarine to dark blue (variations)
PERF: comb 14 x 14¼
SIZE: 22 x 26mm
PRINT TYPE: Typography

There are four major variations:

ABOVE LEFT: Mi 335 A P a - comb 14 x 14¼ - flat plate printing
ABOVE CENTRE LEFT: Mi 335 A P W a - dark green olive to bkack green - rotary press printing
ABOVE CENTRE RIGHT: Mi 335 A P W b - black opal green - rotary press printing
ABOVE RIGHT: Mi 335 B P - rouletted 13 - flat plate printing

See above
Determining which OPD printed a certain upper margin piece can be very difficult since the 11 OPD overprints vary only in the overprint colour glossiness. The margin overprint style can help since some of the styles only existed for certain OPD. For example: below margin overprint 'e' only exists from sheets overprinted in Frankfurt. Therefore if your margin piece has a style 'e' then it can only come from a sheet overprinted in Frankfurt.

ABOVE LEFT: Type 'a' - no overprint value in upper margin
ABOVE CENTRE LEFT: Type 'b' - three thin horizontal lines
ABOVE CENTRE RIGHT: Type 'c' - 4.5mm thick black bar
ABOVE RIGHT: Type 'e' - 6mm thick black bar

ABOVE LEFT: Type 'g' - two black horizontal bars
ABOVE RIGHT: Type 'i' - large number
OR A - upper margin only with row values
OR B – upper margin with bar of dashes and row values
OR C – upper margin with thin line and row values
Mi 335 A P a - OPD A b OR A (Breslau)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD A b OR B (Breslau)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD A b OR C (Breslau)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD B c OR A (Erfurt)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD B c OR B (Erfurt)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD B c OR C (Erfurt)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD B d OR A (Erfurt)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD B d OR B (Erfurt)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD B d OR C (Erfurt)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD C c OR A (Frankfurt)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD C c OR B (Frankfurt)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD C c OR C (Frankfurt)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD C e OR C (Frankfurt)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD D a OR A (Hamburg)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD D a OR B (Hamburg)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD D a OR C (Hamburg)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD E Ut B (Hanover)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD F c OR A (Königsberg)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD F c OR B (Königsberg)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD F c OR C (Königsberg)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD G f OR A (Leipzig)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD G f OR B (Leipzig)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD G f OR C (Leipzig)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD H g OR A (Munich)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD H g OR B (Munich)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD H g OR C (Munich)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD I c OR A (Münster)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD I c OR B (Münster)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD I c OR C (Münster)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD K i OR A (Stettin)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD K i OR B (Stettin)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD K i OR C (Stettin)
Mi 335 A P a - OPD L Ut B (Stuttgart)
Mi 335 B P - OPD A b OR A (Breslau)
Mi 335 B P - OPD A b OR B (Breslau)
Mi 335 B P - OPD H g OR A (Munich)
Mi 335 B P - OPD H g OR B (Munich)
Mi 335 B P - OPD L Ut (Stuttgart)
Mi 335 A W a - OPD A b OR (Breslau) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W a - OPD A b OR (Breslau) 0'6'0 / 0'7'0
Mi 335 A W a - OPD B c OR (Erfurt) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W a - OPD B c OR (Erfurt) 0'6'0 / 0'7'0
Mi 335 A W a - OPD B d OR (Erfurt) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W a - OPD B d OR (Erfurt) 0'6'0 / 0'7'0
Mi 335 A W a - OPD D a OR (Hamburg) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W a - OPD D a OR (Hamburg) 0'6'0 / 0'7'0
Mi 335 A W a - OPD G f OR (Leipzig) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W a - OPD G f OR (Leipzig) 0'6'0 / 0'7'0
Mi 335 A W a - OPD H g OR (Munich) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W a - OPD H g OR (Munich) 0'6'0 / 0'7'0
Mi 335 A W a - OPD K i OR (Stettin) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W a - OPD K i OR (Stettin) 0'6'0 / 0'7'0
Mi 335 A W a - OPD L Ut OR (Stuttgart) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W b - OPD A b OR (Breslau) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W b - OPD A b OR (Breslau) 0'6'0 / 0'7'0
Mi 335 A W b - OPD B c OR (Erfurt) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W b - OPD B c OR (Erfurt) 0'6'0 / 0'7'0
Mi 335 A W b - OPD D a OR (Hamburg) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W b - OPD D a OR (Hamburg) 0'6'0 / 0'7'0
Mi 335 A W b - OPD G f OR (Leipzig) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W b - OPD G f OR (Leipzig) 0'6'0 / 0'7'0
Mi 335 A W b - OPD H g OR (Munich) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W b - OPD H g OR (Munich) 0'6'0 / 0'7'0
Mi 335 A W b - OPD K i OR (Stettin) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
Mi 335 A W b - OPD K i OR (Stettin) 0'6'0 / 0'7'0
Mi 335 A W b - OPD L Ut OR (Stuttgart) 0'6'0 / 1'5'1
HAN: There are two HAN variants
Mi 335 A P a HAN: H5888.23
Mi 335 B P HAN: H5888.23
Mi 335 A P DD: double overprintMi 335 A P DDD: triple overprint
Mi 335 A W K: inverted overprint
Mi 335 A P K: inverted overprint
There is a crack on the left side of the rosette as well as other anomalies. Besides the crack (HT), the other most common flaw is fraying of the margin beneath the posthorn (PE 1). Some of the crack flaws were reworked with varying degrees of success and they are catalogued as Mi 335 A P KT, Mi 335 B P KT and Mi 335 A P ST IV but these are seldom seen.Mi 335 A P HT: crack (perf)
Mi 335 B P HT: crack (roulette)
Mi 335 A Pe 1: frayed margin (perf)
Mi 335 B Pe 1: frayed margin (roulette)

There is only one major plate flaw.
ABOVE: Mi 335 PF I - lower part of 'R' in 'Reich' closed ('Beich')

There are four major plate flaws as well as a large number of other overprint errors including holes and notches in the numbers and letters, dashes, scratches and stains.

ABOVE LEFT: Mi 335 PF III - upper part of '0' in '10' flat (Munich) (fields 41 and 42)
ABOVE CENTRE LEFT: Mi 335 PF IV - upper right part of '0' in '10' tapered (Erfurt) (field 15)
ABOVE CENTRE RIGHT: Mi 335 PF V - large hole in the top of '1' in '10' (Erfurt) (field 16)
ABOVE RIGHT: Mi 335 PF VI - large hole in bottom of '1', 'ar' of 'Milliarden' damaged (Erfurt) (field 49)

All of the stamps from here until the end of the page are from my collectionMINT / POSTALLY UNUSED

1. MICHEL Deutschland-Spezial 2022 Band 1: 1849 bis April 1945. ISBN: 978-95402-401-8.2.
3. Plattenfehler Katalog Deutsches Reich 1872-1945 inkl. Dienstmarken, 4th Edition 2003. Thomas Schantl Verlag. ISBN: 3-932769-25-2